The finest in trend trading

Rules are Orthodox DNA, 2% risk (dynamic lot size), using Dukascopy tick data (99% modelling accuracy), and an EA of my own.

Hey fartist - this is not what I meant.

I meant finding a possible opportunity (usually a tag of the BB) and looking at the 1H chart for a CBL entry using normal 2CBL rules.

If the 1H doesnā€™t give you a proper entry, you can always just take the entry off of the 4H, although it makes less pips.

This is a little risky as you have to anticipate the potential move on the 4H chart, which will take a lot of practice - but with enough practice you will be surprised at the predictive power of 4H charts!


Pls create a pdf for your EA`s with detailed explanation

Tymen we are eagerly waiting for macro method

with regards

Okay thanks, would love to see what you see!

Thank you DodgeV83,

I found the file Now it is working, I setted up EURJPY with the indicator, 1H TF, but it is very slow in the formation of the candle even leaving F12 key all the time clicked.

Any reason, help?

Thanks to everybody and it is good to be part of this thread and know people like all of you.

Would be great to have a face to face meeting, but I am afraid that this would be imposible. But if some of you come to Spain, please let me know and Iā€™ll be glad to show you my city Madrid.


P.D. I am getting online, I still come from the past as said another member :). PAG 309

DodgedV83, forget my last post. I found the issue. I just had to put instead of each tic, just the open prices model. I sorry for disturb the thread.


MerchantPrince is Banned. I did not see his post but I canā€™t believe he posted anything that could or should get him banned.
Tymen can you have a look into that?
we need somebody with a little cloud on this. Thanks

I think it may be the selling bollinger DNA T shirts post that did it :frowning:

Which has been removed now.

ninety9, I saw the post, and I was surprised also. He was tryining to sell BB DNA method T-Shirt or something like that.

Edited: I have found some scripts called FLH_Simulator_Buy_Open and others like this. So, know it seems that I can simulate the trades, but I need to practice in order to allocate the stop loses and limit ordersā€¦

Again, sorry but I can not send yet PMā€¦

An the last, today I got my first significant trade with more than 40pips, that is something new for me, and everything thanks to Tymen and all of you. I will post the chart if my childs let me do somethingā€¦

Yes, that qualifies as world class trading. Very good :slight_smile:

Well, I feel like I owe it to Tymen and everyone else for everything done so far!

I wanted say thanks to all, because for the last 2 - 1/2 weeks I have been reading this thread, and catching upā€¦I have a huge folder outlining all of everyones main points, and Dodgeā€™s EAā€™s and MPā€™s Pdf files.

I just wanted to say thanks again, and now I can finally be a part of this amazing thread.

(It was really unfortunate I couldnā€™t ask a question while I was reading, say a section in March for example)

Itā€™s funny, I thought that this thread would be done by now and be dead :stuck_out_tongue:
But itā€™s not!

Awesome thread. This is the stuff I was looking for. Thanks a bunch for sharing.



I have a question, it may have been answered before. That may be the only problem with this thread is that it is hard to find previous posts. Anyway, my question is, what do you do if your extreme candle is a Doji as below? It appears it would have been a quick TP1 and depending on when you moved your SL it could have taken you for a huge ride. We need rule 1 and 2 as we are in a bubble, but that would not give us an entry. Do we just chalk this one up to the PA not playing by the rules and wait for the next one?:confused:

After such a huge move downward, following a BB walk, I was very very reluctant to enter a long trade at that point. That trade would be in the ā€œNo Trade Zoneā€ if you follow those rules.

If not, it could be a valid entry, and yes you wouldā€™ve had a nice ride to TP2 :slight_smile:

Thanks for getting back so quick. I guess just wait. I was 2 for 3 today. I was -6 overall though since all 4 were in the no trade zone (still demo luckily). Three of the other went to TP1 very quickly for gains (estimates) of +30, +20, while the 3rd when right to SL for a total of -60. I guess that is why so many people dont trade those, all it takes is one to turn on you and your huge gains are nullified. The squeezes seem to be incredibly profitable and low risk on the other hand.

Do you do any programming or know someone that does for marketscope for FXCMā€™s software? I cant stand MT4 (I know kill me now)

Sorry to be blunt, but this isnā€™t going to happen.

Iā€™m simply sharing the EA I personally use. There is no documentation provided (outside of the videos and posts Iā€™ve already made) and the EA is unsupported. I also put up a big red warning not to trade live with the EA.

I completely underestimated the amount of posts/PMs/emails I would get with people having trouble with the EA, I simply donā€™t have the time to support this. I hope you understand.

P.S. Iā€™ll probably end up posting a scaled-down version of the EA, with no options outside of setting your risk. That should solve the majority of the questions.

I donā€™t see anything special :slight_smile: Let me demonstrateā€¦

Here is a 4H chart that I am currently looking atā€¦

This looks like it will retrace to the mid-BB to me, since it has already been in an extended sausage uptrend and is now losing momentum. The BB confirm that this may be ready for a quick retrace.

Here is the 1H chartā€¦

Voila! Itā€™s in a squeeze - if I see a valid entry off of the top-BB, I wonā€™t hesitate in shorting it!

Iā€™ll try to give another example later.

OK, I am back and have had a good rest. :slight_smile:

I have been doing an immense amount of research for myself in converting LPā€™s into CD format because I want to offload a lot of gear that I own.
I find this work interesting, something to do in this lonely town where I live and I now need to decide on some equipment purchases, though I am not sure what yet.

Now it time to go back to work and start posting the MACRO method.

It is late here now so I will leave it for tomorrow but I promise to post a heap of stuff and see if I can outline the method all in one hit. :slight_smile:

When finished [B]DodgeV83 [/B]is welcome to construct an EA for it and everyone can then compare its performance with the DNA method.

I am very sad to hear that Merchantprince was banned. :eek:

I think the decision was premature and a little harsh.

I will speak up for him and make an appeal to see if he can be reinstated. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I am also very touched by those Bollinger DNA t shirts and other items.

I had no idea that I was going to be that famous!! :smiley: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: :cool: