The finest in trend trading

Yeah, this is getting into some number-crunching and I really want to get it right. Can anyone confirm for me what the 12, 26, 9 settings in the stock MACD indicator ought be changed to in order to duplicate the MMACD? It seems I have to set all three variables in there to install the indicator.

I am able to put the indicator into the right folder but it does not show up among the indicators when I open up MetaTrader. Iā€™ve never had this problem before. When I try to open the folder I get a window that says ā€œPaint cannot read this fileā€. Donā€™t know where paint came fromā€¦maybe I changed some setting when I was trying to learn how to post charts. I watched the youtube video so I know Iā€™m doing it right.

Anyone have any ideas about what Iā€™m doing wrong?


I am unsure as to the safety of this download as the poster (EvanBrix) has been banned. I suggest you treat with caution

I dloaded it, and it works fine.

Donā€™t know why paint would open.

I did the usual and unzipped it to the experts/indicators place, and re-opened, and there it was.

Thank you master Tang, maybe I am over cautious

worked perfect for me

How do I change the settings to open it with something other than ā€œpaintā€? I donā€™t recall using paint to open things in the past. I know ā€œjust enoughā€ about computers to be dangerous.

have you extracted the files ?

aahhhā€¦Iā€™m not sure. See, I told you I was dangerous.

LOL me to, If you canā€™t do that send me an email and I will send as attachments

Thank You very much! It works gooood. I guess I need to learn the difference between an attachment and a zipped file. I thought that I unzipped it but that was when I got the ā€œpaintā€ window notification.

you are welcome. I have trouble also so donā€™t worry LOL

Hi Guys,

i have an [B]understanding-problem[/B] with the [B]stop-loss[/B].

So if i get this right we connect our stop-loss to the blue MMACD-line.
If it crosses the 0 level while we are in a trade we get a signal to stop that trade.

[U]In Theory it should look like this:[/U]

  • MMACD-Line crosses the 0 level [I]and signals look good[/I] so we open a trade.
  • We wait and the trade gets some +pips.
  • MMACD-Line crosses the 0 level again so we close our trade and take profit/loss.

Am I right so far?

But now when i enter a trade, is there actually a way to connect your stop-loss to the blue MMACD-Line?

I mean normally i would have to enter something like:

Stop at 1.36150 (for EURUSD for example)

But i cant know if the blue MMACD-Line will cross the 0 level at 1.36150, right?
If it doesnt i should have stayed in the trade.
So i must somehow connect my stop-loss to the MMACD-Line, right?

Otherwise i would have to watch the MMACD-Line the whole day to make sure i stop my trade when it crosses.

Sorry if the answer to this question is obvious and i cant see it.
Im still new to this, trying to learn as much as i can.
Thanks for the help. :smiley:


The only stops we use are PCI stops which are to guard against the unforseen. All other entries and exits are trader controlled. At the moment Tymen has not finished so trading this method is not advised as the information is not complete. how often you check your chart would depend on the TF that you are trading.
Happy to help if I can
best regards

Tymen I have a quick question. Say you are looking at a chart and the mmacd crosses up but the gmmas are all bunched up for a no trade situation but then a couple of candles later the gmmaā€™s fan out nicely. Would this be considered a valid entry? or would we simply wait for the next one?

Thanks, John

I donā€™t have a good example so I will post your chart.

in this example the mmacd crossed up but at that moment the red gmmas were bunched up very tight but then around 8 candles or so later the gmmas fanned out so I am thinking this would be a legitimate trade but only after the gmmas fanned out otherwise they would act as notrade filter?

I would love to hear your opinion for this.
thanks, John

mayby with ichimoku it would be better system :wink:

Howā€™s this look?

The nifty clock just below the currency info that tells how much time before the current bar/candle ends.

It would appear that the indicators are correct :slight_smile: no comment with regard to your colour scheme

Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the platform?