The finest in trend trading

Have you got a file for that nifty clock? I like it:)

I am like a couple of the others here in that computers are more magic than tool. But, could an audible alert be programmed for when the MMACD crosses the “zero” line? For those on the go an email or mobile alert might also be needed.

MMACD indicator has nothing to do with stop-loss. You may read the forum from beginning. Tymen explained everything in details. This indicator shows when trend starts and when trend ends. MMACD indicacor is trend indicator.

This is a wonderful trade, [B]BlackSwan[/B]. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I am sorry RenaLa. :o

I am not familiar with the operations of MT4.
There is an expert in that field however - he is [B]DodgeV83[/B] :slight_smile:

Maybe you could send him a private message. :wink:

Absolutely brilliant and masterful work [B]BlackSwan[/B]!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

The trader [B]DodgeV83 [/B]did the same for me in my candlesticks thread.

You are both very clever, and I thank you for this work - many readers on this thread will benefit greatly from it, I am sure!! :slight_smile:

Gee!! :eek: :eek:

EvenBrix is banned but he did post the only MT4 code I see here for now. :slight_smile:

I trust the Admin’s wisdom though. :wink:
They know a lot more about what is going on than I do.

When you think about it, this forum goes on the internet worldwide.
Even terrorists could be watching and posting.

That is why I always say to posters…

[B]NEVER post live pips.
ALWAYS post demo pips.[/B]

Did he make video?? can anyone give me a link please?


Mah bad cap!

I enjoy having bright readers like you on this thread, [B]BlackSwan[/B]. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Thank you for being so helpful. :slight_smile:

Yes, we certainly are going to add the signal line.

The code gets quite a bit more complex when I do.
Who will be able to code it into MT4 without EvanBrix (banned).

I guess I will have to PM [B]DodgeV83[/B].

[U]Do not change[/U] the MMACD indicator from its original blue colour!! :eek:

There will be more colours when I add the signal line in histogram form!! :wink: :wink:

if you want i can attach the MT4 version. there was nothing wrong with it and my antivirus didnt detect anything

Welcome back here, [B]Merchantprince[/B]!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Hopefully this material is better for you than the candlesticks thread. :slight_smile:

Can anyone confirm for me what the 12, 26, 9 settings in the stock MACD indicator ought be changed to in order to duplicate the MMACD? It seems I have to set all three variables in there to install the indicator

You will not need the 9 (signal) for now.

The others…

long…(30 + 34 + 40 + 45 + 50 + 60)/6 = [B]43.33333[/B]
Use this instead of 26.

Short…(3 + 5 + 8 + 10 + 12 + 15)/6 = [B]8.833333[/B]
Use this instead of 12.

You will then have to convert the equation to a percentage for comparison purposes.

I’ve asked for DodgeV83’s video. Difficult to understand? :confused:

Oh, ok Ыщгтвы mysteriously :slight_smile:

This is a [U]valid entry[/U] since we expect the blue lines to crossover and expand first, then the red ones follow.

If you entered a trade with the lines clustered and they [U]remained clustered[/U], then it would probably be better to exit the trade and do so at the best possible price you can get. :slight_smile:

My apologies.

Yeah I got confused too. Too many cross references, between the two threads. Sorry for the trip up:)

Although reading back through it, the text would lead one to believe you were looking for the Black Swan video.

There really wasn’t a definitive question specifying the one Dodge made.

[B]This is absolutely correct so far!! [/B] :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

The PCI stop loss that you use must be a good distance away from the price action just in case you hit the price action at the wrong time and accidently close the trade.

There is an alternative for you, [B]NForex[/B] :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

That is to trade with [U]no PCI stop loss at all[/U] and just trust in the robustness of your computer hoping it will not fail.
If it does, you could simply [U]make use of the phone[/U] to close your trade.

[B]The standard stop loss is built in because a trade that is entered must be exited at a loss if the MMACD line crosses back too early.[/B]

You are absolutely correct in what you say!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

NO!! :frowning: :frowning:

Do not mix systems. :eek: :eek:

Decide which one you want to use.

I believe this method produces a lot more trades.
(but I could be wrong).