The finest in trend trading

tymen1 nothing personal too you!! I have big respect for your work here on forum. “Forex is rulette” that my personal opinion after resarch and trying many systems. There is no system for rulette and for forex too If I`m wrong I will be glad!! movment from 00 to 25 is red and from 25 to 00 is black you can take any numbers any sl any tp and you want create system that will beat this forex of course you look at it In difrent way (waves) BB etc… best regards

Roulette does have a system.

Bet the house;)

Interesting theory. Doesn’t seem to have to do with this thread however. Why not start your own thread?

Ahhhh so it was u Aarnog, I found them yesterday, thnx mate.
I have fiddled with the MMACD.LUA to make it a line instead of a histogram just as tymen1 said too and will try to code in new stuff as tymen1 goes along (this is a new and strange code for me so no promises), you have to put your own horizontal zero line.

LUA files for FXCM marketscope 2.0 (1.48 KB)
mmacdl.lua - line instead of histogram.
gmma.lua - must be installed in indicators/custom folder for MMACDl to work.

To Tymen,
Outstanting thread, I’ve already learned so much ie. the proper use of GMMA (has already saved me from a bad 1-2-3 demo trade :slight_smile: ) keep it up please.

But I am a bit concerned about you finishing this, what with your thrillseeking lifestyle ( playing chicken with cars, windsurfing with sharks ect.) Please be careful out there :slight_smile: .
Thnz m8

Nicely done! I’m just trying to figure out how to code a zero line into there. It’s not going so well, though.

I don’t exactly get your point. The copyright seems to be right there and somebody took a decompiler to it.
Only thing I did was a (Google) search for “DMRange mq4” and this 2 came up (there are probably more out there).
Try it for yourself, (goggle is your friend). :slight_smile:
It’s up to anybody themselves to use/modify them or not.

Sorry I didn’t make myself clear, just drag a horrizontal line onto the oscillator and set the param of the line to 0.0000 and it should stay there unless accidentelly grabbed be the user and moved. :wink:

That’s… a lot easier than I was expecting. Thanks!

Hello there Tymen1,

Thank you for having the patience to acknowledge my question, as it has been absolutely itching me for days! :stuck_out_tongue:

I believe that the thread has undergone some restructuring of some sort, so I will link to the relevant posts now, via permalinks.

In this post, you have applied the new MMACD indicators, and we see that it crosses the origin at a much earlier point than the old one. However, the diagram states that the trade entries occur [B][I][U]on[/U][/I][/B] the candles at which the MMACD crosses the origin, and not [B][I][U]after[/U][/I][/B] they closed, as I previously thought it should be.

In this post, the diagram seems to acquiesce well with my common understanding of interpreting the indicator, as you clearly show that the entry candle is [B][I][U]after[/U][/I][/B] the one during which the MMACD crossed the origin. Is the this the truly correct way to enter the trade?

Finally, I have one last question regarding the aforementioned chart.
Would the entry points on this chart be:
For the OLD MMACD - At the yellow candle after the doji candle?
For the NEW MMACD - At the doji candle?

If so, then why does it state that we are at a 5 pip advantage in this trade? If we are going short, then since the NEW MMACD dictates that we should enter the trade on the doji candle, then aren’t we at a [U][I]pip disadvantage[/I][/U], since we could have entered the trade at the higher yellow candle after the doji according to the OLD MMACD?

Sorry if it’s a bit confusing, but inquiring minds who are being enlightened by your excellent teaching methods, are dieing to know! :stuck_out_tongue:


i started reading your post but i noticed none of your charts displayed…

Hi ,I am new on this forum… but not in forex trading…I don’t wanna upset you TYMEN but I have some questions

  1. where is the wiggly wobbly trendline!!! that you mentioned earlyier
  2. why did you stated that the Guppy MA’s were more reliable and advanced or give better signals than maybe ony 2 MA’s combined from the 12 used in Guppy’s method. Because now you’re saying that a rather simple MACD formed by 2 MA’s is better and faster and more reliable.
    3.the Guppy method was present in Scott Schubert’s material (Advanced Trading Method ) or something like that… I don’t remember exactly the title and he used to call it in his material “The organic breath of the Market”.
    And also the method using MA’s and Bollinger Bands it’s present in that material as his method of live trading (Schubert Accuracy method).
    Also he used to talk about trendlines within trendlines , waves within waves…
    I read your thread all of the 75 pages and I had the feeling of Deja vu and I remebered about Schubert’s method …though you didn’t stated you have inspired from him …or who knows…maybe you are him :))

Ok, I’m trying to post a chart that is easier to see. When I’m looking at it - it looks fine until I post it here.
This is not a live trade. Just practicing looking for entries.
I think I got in one candle too late. The MMACD did not really cross where you could see it until the doj candle. Then entry on the open of the next candle at 121.07 (121.10 with spread)
Was my entry one candle late?
Thanks and good trading

I looked at the chart and yes you have entered at the right time, the close of the 23:00 candle is 121.07 so your entry should have been at 23:20. Now where is your exit? :slight_smile:

Hopefully it will keep walking up the BB:D
I will exit when the BB start to turn in or the first candle that closes inside the BB
I’m posting the same chart again but with a white background. Easier to see

It seemed like the MT4 Template (posted by ‘brickman’) containing the new & faster MMacd and Bollinger Bands had gone missing.

Anybody kind enough to repost the Template. Thanks.:wink:

Here is template (9.06 KB)

were there any specific settings for the BB? I might have missed them because i dont remember seeing the settings discussed.

standard setting 20/2

Tymen1, I would like to ask you the one big question that for some strange reason no one has thought it pertinant to ask you.
Have you been trading this system you are teaching live ? If you have, for how long and what is your average daily pip P/L ?