The finest in trend trading

The previous version (which was based on the guppy ma’s) is 5KB
The latest version (based on tymen’s last revision) is 3KB
Mine does include a popup alert, but no email alert.

Attached is my version in a text file, just change the extension to .mq4 and you can review, edit and compile in the mt4 MetaEditor. Remember, there is still more that tymen1 has to teach so this will likely change (again :D).

BTW, I can not offer much support as I am new to coding for mt4 myself.

This is the latest (40.4 KB)

Hmmm there really shouldn’t be that much difference in the file sizes if I’m not mistaken wasn’t the only change the periods used by the multiple moving averages ? if the other one is 2k bigger it may well contain something more than just the MMACD code I guess it could just be the email alert code though

but the generic code for the email alert is actually only about 5 lines :eek: so i think there is more than that there. Either way i posted a text file a post or so back with my decompiled latest version, feel free to have a look and use.

And they are all .ex4 files. :rolleyes:
Guys, I agree with o990l6mh, why are you so hung up on this Indies???
Make them yourself, it’s easy enough, BB is just standard with different color. Nicely included in MetaTrader.
Oh well, You can lead the Camel to the water you can’t make him drink.

I have auto scan on every file I dload.

The files in question brought nothing to the attention of MacAfee.

Short of being a sneaky ashpole, I don’t think there was anything truly malicious.



I noticed that too what do you think it means ?

Wow how out of hand can this feud get! I really do not care about the Tro gripe with this board, nor do I want to be involved. At one time it was interesting to follow it, but now it is just annoying. I will agree he has taken it to a new level with the embedded code, although he apparently did it for his own gratification since it did not appear on the screen.

I have in the interest of full disclosure opened the full code for my Tymen indicators and uploaded along with a new template. You will find both the mq and ex files. There were two reasons I only posted the ex file before, first these are indicators I use for a different system and all their usage is not needed for Tymen’s system, although the systems are similar. That is also why the file sizes are larger, as the indicator is larger in its functions. So they were easy to modify and rename for Tymen’s work here. Second is I have found in learning threads it is much more prudent for everyone to use the same indicator without making modifications until the learning portion is over. What you tend to get is more questions about what one persons indicator does or why is one persons indicator reading something different and then the learning gets unproductive. It is always better to learn and teach when everyone is in the same page, using the same tools, and posting the same charts. Hence the ex files since they are not easy to change.
So here are all the files to use or not. I have named them for Tymen so they are easily grouped and can be found faster in your indicator folder. The internal code has my original names in them.

Learning note here… someone mentioned that you needed the ex file file for mt4, that is not exactly true. mt4 will use either ex or mq file, it is true the compiler will compile the mq file to ex but both work fine.
Someone also had posted a decompiled file and was chastised by Tro for it. While I don’t really care for decompiled files, I will caution you about their usage, normally the decompiler does not get everything in the file, it in general gets the basic functions and then makes a guess about the custom functions. So they sometimes do not indicate what they should, also they are typically taken from some general ea or system and may not work since it needs the rest of the system to function. So in general be careful with these.
Someone also mentioned that ex files are posted because the coder wants to sell something. While sometimes that may be correct it is not always the case. Mostly it is because you don’t want people to mess with it inside. It does take awhile to do some of these fancy codes and then some one comes along plays with it and then comes back to you to fix it after it is broken. It is not always easy to go back and find broken code.

Tymen I apologize for the rant here, keep up the work .

I will go back to the sidelines now and the other board much less turmoil over there.
All have a good weekend

In notepad that is what compiled code looks like.
Open any executable file in notepad it will look simalar to that jumble of letters numbers and symbols.
The point wasn’t to work with that code in notepad or attempt to decompile it, the point was to find and view any plain text embedded in the file that was also viewable.
The reason I did that was because I am always suspicious of files that came from an anonymous source such as this one did.
Opening executable files in notepad can often reveal a little about them.
Also remember virus scanners will not detect custom malicious code that an individual programmer created until that file has been examined by the antivirus people and a defination file created as an update to the virus scanner to “teach” the virus scanner how to recognise it as malicious.
Virus scanners only recognise what they have been told to recognise by the antivirus people so it would have been highly unlikley a virus scanner would find anything wrong with this file even it was malicious, one way to find out for sure would be to submit it to one of the antivirus companies for examination.

Duly noted.
And solid point.

I did notice my microwave acting up after I downloaded it…:p:D

You burnt the popcorn again, didn’t you :smiley:

hello all, I would not take part in this discussion of codes, I know nothing:confused:
I Joinder a graph that shows you one method I use.
ema 3 and sma34 and CCI 34 that crosses the ema3 ITC sma34 and 34 is below 0 I shorts the next candle, and the reverse for long.
as shown in the graph MMACD is slightly late, but it can prevent false signals
Tymen think that this difference, thank you:)

graph aud (23.7 KB)

where is tymen, my brain is getting hungry :slight_smile:

Right here and I am reading this material with great concern. :eek:
The posters are obviously very genuine in what they say about the code viruses.

There are things that I know that only the [B]Honorary FX Members [/B]and long time members on this forum know - I cannot reveal anymore about this just now - sorry.

I will wait for the reply to my message from the [B]Administration [/B]before I can say more.

Please keep posting - I will be back Monday to answer all remaining questions and introduce new material.

In the meantime, please read [B]Clints [/B]thread…

Please note that both [B]Clint [/B]and [B]o990l6mh (Honorary FX Member)[/B] are both very experienced, highly repected and highly regarded members of this forum.
They and me are in regular PM contact. :slight_smile:

I dropped in there a little drops of tar alos. was kind boring … I feel bad about it and really sorry…

I just spent 4 or 5 days going through this thread (us oldtimers take longer than you youngsters) and want to add my thanks to Tymen and to all who have contributed so much to the education of others. I’ll now be trying to keep up as new information and new constructive criticisms (hopefully the only kind) are posted.

Hmm, Im just a wee bit worried about about he indicators I downloaded

The important part here is that you can follow along Tymen’s method without them.

Hello to all I went from page 1 to 80 and I tell you Tymen if all were as giving them the world would be a better place…besides that tho…I am truly looking forward to picking up more jewels…Each 1 Teach 1…Peace…

I am as Newbie as they come…still in the hospital Newbie…