The finest in trend trading

I’m not worried about the validity of the indicator, I would just prefer to know if anything being uploaded contains harmful material so my computer doesn’t crash with trades open.

Sorry all to be taking away from the continuity of the thread which I realize has been a problem lately but no matter how good Tymens method is (which I am thoroughly convinced it will be), It won’t do me much good if I have no computer to trade it on.

Which is why I hinted that you can trade without said indicators. That’s what I would do.

Duly noted, that is what I shall do. I suppose we aren’t supposed to be using this system yet anyways. Thanks

I’m not convinced the modified macd is really up to the job anyway, for catching the highs and lows I believe a 30/70 RSI indicator, periods 3 and 13 is more accurate with less false signals. Even on 15 minute charts

I will answer this folly but it will be last on my list because we have more important matters right now.

show me the money :wink:

When the MMACD crosses on the candle, then you can enter at the close of that very same candle.

Is the this the truly correct way to enter the trade?

This is how the entry works - look at the 2 magnified charts below…

1st chart >>>

The first chart shows some down candles with the MMACD above the zero line.
The MMACD is about to cross the line but, of course, you would not enter yet.

2nd chart >>>

In the 2nd chart the MMACD has crossed the zeroline.
At the exact point of the close, the MMACD is already on its way down, as you can see.
The pink line denoting the exact crossing point is in the middle of the two candles as you can see.
So now is the time to enter at the close - with the MMACD already on its way down.
You cannot get an entry at the exact crossing point unless you enter while that last candle is still under development.
Entering candles still under development is a dangerous thing - the price could backfire on you!! :eek:

Finally, I have one last question regarding the aforementioned chart.
Would the entry points on this chart be:
For the OLD MMACD - At the yellow candle after the doji candle?
For the NEW MMACD - At the doji candle?

Lets apply the understanding of the above 2 charts to your questions…

For the OLD MMACD - NO.
When the doji candle is complete, the MMACD has just passed thro the zeroline. Therefore, we enter at the close of the doji candle.

For the NEW MMACD - NO.
Here the MMACD crosses the zeroline at the exact point of the close of the larger red candle.
Therefore, we would enter at the close of the red candle.

If so, then why does it state that we are at a 5 pip advantage in this trade?

The close of the red candle (new MMACD) is 5 pips higher than the close of the doji candle (old MMACD).
Since we are trading short, this gives us a 5 pip advantage. :slight_smile:

If this is still confusing, go to some 1 minute charts and load the MMACDnew on them.
Look for crossings of the zeroline.
(1 minute charts are rapid developers and you should be able to detect a potential zeroline on them fairly quickly.)
Watch carefully what happens when the MMACD crosses the zeroline - it will be an excellent learning experience!!

That is still to come - patience is a necessary quality to succeed at forex!! :stuck_out_tongue:

  1. why did you stated that the Guppy MA’s were more reliable and advanced or give better signals than maybe ony 2 MA’s combined from the 12 used in Guppy’s method. Because now you’re saying that a rather simple MACD formed by 2 MA’s is better and faster and more reliable.


Have you read the thread properly? :frowning:

I am not suggesting 2 MA’s at all.
The MMACD is derived from the Guppy and is synchronised with it.
[U]We only enter[/U] with the MMACD.
[U]We exit[/U] with the BB.
We are, therefore, using several different types of indicators.

The Guppy is still used to weed out trade areas where the red averages are clustered and remain so.
When we see the Guppy with well separated red averages, we have confidence to stay in a trade after the MMACD crossover.

3.the Guppy method was present in Scott Schubert’s material …

though you didn’t stated you have inspired from him

The GMMA is Daryl Guppy’s work, not Schubert’s work.

…or who knows…maybe you are him

Who is Scott Schubert?? :confused:

And what was your question to this point 3 anyway?


White or light coloured backgrounds are definitely superior!! :slight_smile:

Looking at the white chart, the MMACD crossing shows that you could have entered at the close of the green candle [U]before [/U]the doji.

Fortunately for you …

the close of green candle before the doji = the doji = open of the green candle [U]after [/U]the doji.

Everything I post, I trade live.
Hence I know the details well.

However, at this point, I have not even finished posting a method of trend trading, but rather showing how it can be done.

I no longer trade some of the methods to be given here since I have found better methods.
Which is which?

I am not going to tell you - that would simply pre-empt this work.

I will have more to say about how successful each method is when this work is finished. :smiley:

Because this forum is open to everyone on the planet (identity theives, hackers, terrorists, criminals etc), I have a firm policy of never posting my successes, if any.
Sorry if that is not satisfactory, but that’s my firm policy and no one here is going to change that.

But I will confirm to you that everything that I post here works!! :slight_smile:

All the charts are loaded onto Image Shack and I have never deleted them.

I have no poblem opening my threads and seeing the charts.

The problem is with your computer set up - I am not an expert in this area so I have no idea.

Maybe it has something to do with your ISP.
or an antivirus software.
or…well…anything is possible.

Maybe you could call in a computer expert at some cost to fix the matter for you!! :slight_smile:

That is not possible.

Adobe Acrobat is very slow and I had a lot of trouble even making the simple final PDF.
In the end, I abandoned Adobe used the OPEN OFFICE program recommended by DodgeV38.

You would be much better off just reading the final candlestick PDF.
It has all you need - and that is coming from me, the inventor of it.

It is here in the attachments.


There are many gems to collect on a journey with Tymen, some maybe as valuable as the pot of gold at the end of the trip

Not the most tactful of remarks about [B]o990l6mh[/B], [B]SDC[/B]!! :frowning: :frowning:

[B]o990l6mh [/B]is an [B]Honorary FX Member[/B] who has been thro the forum wars like the rest of us veterans.

I have watched him starting from scratch to become an astute trader.
He has a particular skill in being able to to ferret out the trolls - his observations in this regard have been used by the Administration to rid us of these people.

He is a medical man of the highest integrity.
He is also a personal friend to me and I would trust him with my life.

His very high intelligence has made him a great asset on this forum since he can see well past all the silly little things that go on here and clearly sees the general perspective.
That makes his posts a refreshing change from all the hum drum.

You would do well to learn from him - he knows what he is talking about!! :slight_smile:

I believe that the Administation techies have now constructed a program that allows the moderators to simply enter the name of a troll and all that persons posts are deleted from the entire Babypips database. :smiley:

Second is I have found in learning threads it is much more prudent for everyone to use the same indicator without making modifications until the learning portion is over.

I agree with that entirely!! :slight_smile:
No confusion!!

Learning note here… someone mentioned that you needed the ex file file for mt4, that is not exactly true.

Gee, I am glad that I don’t use MT4. :smiley:
Seems to be no end of problems with it. :stuck_out_tongue:

This forum is full of posts by traders using MT4 who ask about how to do this or that…

Welcome to an oldtimers thread Xelnar!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

That’s me - an oldtimer too!! :smiley:

We also have [B]PTB [/B]as an oldtimer to join us here!!

Show me your trading skill and perseverance. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

hello tymen,
can you please explain what to do if price action crossed the zero level and then crossed it again in opposide direction (fake crossover) or
when the price action took a long parallel move by the zero level and then cross the zero level again against us

I have already covered this.

See page …
35 #348
37 #370
39 #383 #385
page 40, #391

Absolutely correct!!

There are many top traders on this forum and their wisdom becomes ours if we pay heed to what they say. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I have personally learnt much from many different members on this forum…and I am still learning from them!! :wink: