The finest in trend trading

This thread has hit 100 pages very quickly. I have been following JoCT I & II and this one looks the fastest. Great going and interesting learning. Thanks Tymen.


By the way Tymen, I went to the Sydney Forex site to watch the videos you suggested and all the video links were broken. Maybe they will have then back up soon.

I think the site is just a bit glitchy. I had the same problem today and figured it was just my internet so i refreshed the page 3 or 4 times and they would work. I repeated the same technique for 3 or 4 videos and they all eventually played.

I had no trouble at all with the videos…thought they were quite good.

Thanks, that worked.

If you think Tymen is kidding, check out his computer — 301 Moved Permanently

Hai muthu
how r u How is ur trading going (went live pls pm )
Welcome you to this thread
Your contribution in joct is excellent
i like the same in this thread also
It will be very helpful to the newbies
cont… your postsssssssssss

thank you


Immanuel. You’re Welcome. I am around lurking at the moment. I will do whatever I can to be of help in future. For now held up with work and other commitments.


good to see you around muthu

[B]OK, I am back - sane and together!! [/B] :smiley: :smiley:

In a few weeks time I am going off the internet entirely because I am moving house.

I am sick of the consistent hot weather here.
Today was another scorcher and the land is slowly being microwaved!! :eek:

So I am going to more southerly latitudes to get away from the heat and also get some peace and quiet from all the city life around here.

I do not expect to be off the air for too long.
Then I will be up and running again - with more time to think.

In that way I am a bit like a music composer - needing peace and quet.

But now, in the meantime I will simply continue the thread. :slight_smile:

Trading with the higher timeframe trend should eliminate most of the whipsaws.

The ones that remain will just have to be counted as losses!! :wink:

Hooray! More of Tymen, Weekend Edition! :slight_smile:

True, true.

No one should be trading this system so far!! :eek:

It is not yet complete!! :eek:

You do need to get your computer problems fixed, RenaLa!! :eek: :wink:

When you start trading in earnest you cannot afford to have a half baked computer!!

Pay the money and get an expert in to fix your computer and internet problems!! :cool:

Did you watch the video I recommended? :confused:
This will help you greatly.

The trend timeframe gives you the direction to trade.
The MMACD crossing is seen and acted on in the timing chart first, then confirmed when it later crosses on the home chart.

The timing chart will [U]always [/U]cross earlier giving more pips.
But the confirmation of this crossing needs to be given on the home chart when the MMACD crosses there also.

Good to see you back here, [B]muthusai2000[/B] (Hon FX Member).

Yes this thread has grown very fast indeed. :smiley:

And there is an enormous amount to come yet!! :slight_smile: :smiley:



This promises to be a very interesting topic.

I think there will probably much discussion and debate here.

If you feel that you can add more useful information here or a better BB exit method of your own, please post it in. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

We enter a trend trade on the MMACD crossover.
This crossover is derived from the Guppy Multiple Moving Average.

We enter at the timing chart MMACD crossover and confirm that entry on the home chart later.

To get maximum efficiency we enter on a timing chart and then we exit on the Bollinger bands.
Therefore, the BB are important.

We need to exit at the best possible price.
This means we will be constantly looking at price action walking the BB.
It is on this BB walk that we will see the best exits.

For my part, we will look at the following exit methods and compare them to get the best possible exit.

[U][B]Indicator Exits.[/B][/U]

Starc Bands.
Parabolic Sar.

[B][U]Non Indicator Exits.[/U][/B]

The straight trend line.
The parabolic trend line.
The wiggly wobbly trend line - [B]introduced for the 1st time!![/B]
The 2 candle exit.
Candlestick pattern exits.

I will look at several timeframes with as many examples as convenient.
We will compare as many methods as convenient.

Hey Tymen,

Thanks again for the thread, the style of teaching is truly unique, and your methods adds a lot of value to the concept.

I am a bit confused about something. How does seeing the MMACD cross on the shorter TF give us early entry if we can’t enter until we see the cross on the home TF? I understand why we need the confirmation because a cross on the Timing chart doesn’t necessarily mean it will cross on your home chart. I just don’t see how the timing chart is beneficial in this instance?


hello tymen,
I glad you are back and thank you thank you thank you, I enjoy your thread, it is giving me pips! :slight_smile:

happy moving, be back soon :slight_smile: