The finest in trend trading

Thanks IronHeart…You’ve saved a lot of us a lot of work.

One of these days, I hope to be a contributor, too.

I’m waiting eagerly for that section as well.

Thanks a lot for the indicators
forum needs real dedicated person like you
good job


I’m waiting eagerly for that section as well.[/quote]
Can we get Marissa Miller to take over as guest lecturer for that part of the course? :cool:

Not sure if I missed something in this thread. I am sure I haven’t cus I been through it from Post 1. However who or what are Rachel, Denise, Robert and Daniel?

LOL Rachel and Denise are naked BB bubbles

The girls are curvaceous, smooth and sexy Bollinger Bands, otherwise called “Bubbles”.

The guys are rugged non-smooth Bollinger Bands, otherwise called “Sausages”.

Look some pages back for illustrations.

More like double D’s (DD). :slight_smile:

OK, we must go on by looking at some parabolic sar exits.

This method will be useful for the BB sausages, Robert and Daniel. :smiley:

Examine this chart >>>

It is a close up of the parabolic sar (dots) coming to intersect with the price action.
The exits are projected forwards from the dots.

The final dot shows the projected exit line crossing a yellow candle.
You would exit when the price action hits the blue line.

The parabolic sar acts as a great trailing stop. :wink:
The sar follows the price action and should the price action reverse, then it will hit the sar and that becomes the exit point.

1 Like

I see that Photobucket has started to use a new inferior image setting.
I may have to return to Image Shack to get proper images. :frowning: :frowning:

The entire set from my very first post have been downgraded in this manner!!
Talk about very poor quality service!! :mad:

I still have some more images to go on Photobucket.
After that I will seriously re-consider Image Shack.
I do not want to waste my time with low quality output. :mad:

This next chart shows a BB sausage with the parabolic sar as an exit method >>>

The dots are visible on the chart.
An exit line is projected forward of every dot and when it intersects the price action as in X2, X3 and X4, the trade is closed.

X1 is where the parabolic sar crosses the mid BB.
This exit method is no longer relevant.

How do we get back into the trade after X1? :confused:

If and when the price action goes back to the exit point (or a few pips below the exit point in this short trade), then we re-enter.
The next exit occurs then, in the same way.

Sorry about the new need to click the charts - it is no better than thumbnails!! :frowning:
You do, however, get to click between 2 minimised windows.

On this chart you can see the dots of the parabolic sar >>>

On this same chart I load the parabolic sar in a different format - the line format, which is easier to see, but you need to interpret it to make proper sense of it >>>


[U][B]Exits on clean BB bubbles[/B][/U]

The clean BB bubbles have [U]2 good methods [/U]of exit…

  1. [U]the stochastic.[/U]

  2. [U]Simple exit[/U] -
    Exit when the opposite BB starts to contract. The candle should be entirely [U]free from touching the BB.[/U]
    Sometimes the [U]free from touching the BB[/U] candle appears just before the opposite BB contracts.
    In this case we exit on that free candle.

So the candle that is [U]free from touching the BB[/U] appears …

  1. simultaneously with the opposite BB contraction.

  2. OR just before.

[B][U]Exits on BB sausages.[/U][/B]

The BB sausages have [U]2 good methods[/U] of exit…

  1. [U]the parabolic sar.[/U]

  2. [U]Simple exit [/U]-
    Wait for the candles [U]bodies [/U]to pass thro the BB on a BB walk.
    Exit on the first candle [U]after that[/U], that is [U]completely free of touching the BB.[/U]Re - enter when the price action returns to the exit point (same as parabolic sar).

[U]This 2nd method in each case[/U] is an excellent method because it gives good exits and is so simple (no indicators needed).

[B]These methods will become clear as we go on!![/B]

We will now look at the clean BB is greater detail >>>

Here is Rachel.
Isn’t she lovely.
Very sexy!! :smiley:
Look at those hips!! :smiley:
She is a model.
Model for forex. :stuck_out_tongue:

The BB are in pink and the price action, going long, is shown by the blue arrow.
Note carefully where the arrow goes.
Note carefully the point P - the destination of the arrow, which is the price action!!

Knowing that the price action has a very high probability of approaching (even touching) P is great power!!
Knowledge is power!!

Note, of course, that the black line is the point at which the opposite BB starts to contract.
Before this point, both the BB expanded.

It is at this point of contraction that the price action starts to go “inland” - away from the BB.

The 1st candle that is free from touching the BB is your exit candle.
This candle may occur at the exact point of contraction or just before.

Now let us look at Denise, the cousin of Rachel >>>

Denise is equally beautiful and sexy!! :smiley:
She is a model too!!
Forex model. :stuck_out_tongue:

Denise shows exactly the same price action characteristics as Rachel, except that the trade is going short instead of long.

Again, the point P is of considerable importance!!

Again, there is a change in the price action when the opposite BB starts to contract.

The exit method is also the same.

photobucket test

sorry, I will replace it with the question … later

Check this tymen!

Seems like BP is the perp, not Photobucket.
SweetPip has shown a way that we don’t need any of them anyway, as per my post.

it possiable that babypips has started to use a new images setting presentation :confused:

sorry, I am kind slow …
I cant see the importance of the point P
second its difficult to recognize the point where opposite BB starts to contract (the girls are very smoothie like someone mention)

tymen, please dont switch photobucket to image shock
my computer is very sensitive cant display the images from that website