The finest in trend trading

What we must take home now is the above knowledge plus the following [U]pre-requisites for the naked trading method…[/U]

  1. That trends are made up of subtrends.

  2. Trendlines can denote efficient or inefficient trends.

  3. Entries and exits on trendlines.

  4. An understanding of the Bollinger bands.

  5. The squeezes, the bubbles and sausages.

  6. The exit methods employed on these BB patterns.

  7. Any other material you have learnt on the way.

Please read the following hyperlinks again and know their content.
[U]They are pre-requisites.[/U]

Art of Trading - Chris Tate

[B]The naked trading method will most definitely have a PDF at the end of it. :slight_smile: :)[/B]

This is a successful method that applies and complies with all the 3 aspects of trading.

I am somewhat reluctant to show this naked trading method because of its success rating.
My favourite method!!
Maybe I should not be showing you this. :smiley:

In any case, I hope we have now gotten rid of the trolls and the hangers-on and that only genuine traders are now on this thread.

Finally a little piece of advice.
When you learn this naked trading method, keep it to yourself.
Do not tell others.
The less people that know it, the better really.

[B]Now my last post in this series. [/B] :slight_smile:

I am in the process of moving home.

Therefore, I can answer questions but I will not start the naked trading method until I am re-settled.
It will take approx 1 month, but then I will come back.
I will also need the break from this forum. :smiley:

So feel free to continue posting here (and I will answer all matters) and wait for the continuation of this thread with the ultimate material for which it was originally set up.


Oh, no! A MONTH?! I will continue to suck as a trader for a whole 'nother MONTH?!


You have grievously wounded me, sir. :frowning:

Oh, well, I will be waiting patiently for you to unveil this method. Hell, I’m even considering flying down to Australia to move your furniture if it will help move things along quicker…

Great stuff Mr. T.

I’m glad I only started reading this thread about a week ago, otherwise I might be close to killing myself if I had been following it since its inception! :smiley:
I will re-read the crucial aspects to keep me occupied.

Roll on May.

I am truely sorry about the delay.
Hopefully, it will not be that long.

But with my age getting on, and the incessant heat, I have come to realise that I cannot continue trading under these conditions.

Believe me, I feel that you especially will like what is to come. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
I think it will suit you perfectly.
You will be amazed at its simplicity…and its power!!

It is definitely worth the wait!! :cool: :cool:

Well I guess that settles that about the PDF. I agree with Merchantprince, we should all fly to Australia and help Tymen move… If for nothing more than a thank you for all the great info he has given us in this thread and his others. :smiley:

Hey, I don’t have the time to go to Oz but I can contribute some Air Miles for those that would go.:stuck_out_tongue:

Hope your move goes smoothly Tymen. Take it easy and be safe in the process.

Well it did. That’s good right?! I’ve been following this thread closely and now kinda feel like I’ve been washing Mr. Miyagi’s cars and painting his house for the last few weeks. But if the naked method is as simple and powerful as you say then it sounds like getting the ‘holy grail’ out of my system is a good thing. Best of luck with the move and I look forward to the next topic…

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Dude, don’t even kid! I only work a crappy part-time sales job in the evenings – which I can happily pitch over the side to further my forex education. Forex is what I do every day when I wake up in the morning and will do anything to better myself.

Tymen, I get the amount of activity you are under and the desire to take it easy with the heat at your age.

So, if anyone is kind enough to contribute air miles, please check my contact information and links in the upper right-hand corner of this post. Seriously. Contact me by any of the chat programs listed there and I will happily provide my details.

I would be flying out of Lehigh Valley International Airport in Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA to wherever the good Mr Wortel is now moving. I will gladly stay in a travel hostel (I’ve done this just recently on a trip to Florida) while I’m there and would happily spend a week helping my friend from Down Under get all his things moved into his new house!

The best part? I’m not even kidding about this offer! :smiley:

I find it greatly amusing how much you defended the system the whole thread and then completely denounced it…but now I’m hooked, I was ready to sign off that this method was the holy grail of trading and now I have to wait a whole month to find out the new method…so if anyone’s going to Australia to speed up the move, count me in.

Thanks Again for all the work Tyman


Are you going to pull one of the “Old Days”??? :stuck_out_tongue:

finest-trading-system-ever-offered :smiley:

Hi Tymen,

i`m following this thread for almost 3 weeks so far and i must say that i am impressed with your work.

i myself i was trading almost the same thing as you mentioned so far as being “trading with indicators” - and i found that a long time ago from a user who calls himself Nina or Catalonia.

i`ll wait for the ultimate solution: trade naked !!

thanks again for the good work

escuse my english :slight_smile:

Haha, tymen, i didnt expect that to come :smiley:

When i read about that offer to come around and help you moving your furniture i was actually thinking: “[I]Wow, thats maybe something i can do to show my sincere thanks.[/I]”

But, well…

[B]Germany - Australia - and back.[/B]

Thats too far away. And i cant afford it.

Im still young and maybe unexperienced in many ways, but what i am definitely certain of is that one can do many, many good things to others if he can reach them.

What i want to say is:
At the moment its not within my possibilities to help you with your moving.
Also my knowledge and experience isnt big enough to have great, deep forex-discussions with you. But hey, thats okay!

[U]But:[/U] Everybody has his special subjects, knowledge and experience.
So if theres an opportunity where i can reach out to you and give a helping hand feel free to ask and count on me :smiley:

Ever wanted to learn more about gymnastics, martial arts or breakdance? :smiley:
[I]Feel free to ask.[/I]
Need help with graphic design?
[I]I’m your man![/I]
Translate some of your work into german?
[I]I’ll gladly give a hand.[/I]

Haha, bottom line:
I’m very happy that there is someone who gives so many helping hands to others on such a clever and professional level.

[B]You ROCK mr. Wortel![/B] :cool:

a month … can’t wait to get naked

he’s teasing us …

btw thank you very much for all the lessons

I wish you a very smooth and speedy move Tymen. A most valuable lesson for all traders PATIENCE. I look forward to your continuation ( getting naked with Tymen :slight_smile: ) In the mean time I hope that everyone keeps posting on this thread

Time to move to Tassie m8, nice and cool there compared to the wild west and relaxed lifestyle too. :slight_smile:
Can hardly wait for the next chapter.
God speed.

Tymen Hello, firstly good luck for the move.:slight_smile:
I am frustrated with the idea of waiting 30 days to know the joy! of “naked trader” … Hey girl, have calmed down …:rolleyes:
If I could I would help you to move, unfortunately, not only I am far, but I am also disabled.
I’m not crying for myself, and I hope that the general system (naked) you prepared for us, I will return to Australia, just for the pleasure of shaking your hand and say thank you in the face with a glass of nectar that we produce here on the island of Oleron.:stuck_out_tongue:
A lot of courage for you, that courage is equal to our impatience to see what you reveal to us.
Best regards.:slight_smile:

… why doesn’t Tymen just buy an air conditioner?

Thanks Tymen. As hinted at, you are obviously taking us on a voyage here where any sense of relying on indicators will be erradicated in favour of trading in the buff! I think we can probably park any further questions regarding the indicators now.

Moving house - been there and done it 4 times in 8 years. Stressful time, I wish you well with it and look forward to the next phase of your master strat!