The finest in trend trading

Well done, [B]ReaperKK [/B]!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Yes, this system is meant to be very clean and tidy - free from all indicator clutter.

My Bullcharts stock trading program has the CBL built in as an indicator.
Just point your mouse to a candle, and the CBL is drawn in the correct direction for you instantly.

However, since right now we are using 4 hour charts, that means you have 4 hours to draw a CBL.

I think that is long enough for you do be able to do it correctly and check that it is indeed correct!! :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

That is a good idea for practise.
You can go a lot faster in a 5 minute timeframe.

Thanks dear friend. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Keep track of what is going on here and I think you will see more interesting ideas come up!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

According to your chart >>>

The CBL is drawn correctly and you hit the stop loss.

Bummer!! :mad:

But now look at this :stuck_out_tongue: >>>

Here I have drawn the 2nd CBL that would result from your trading.

It gives the same entry line but now look at the profit!!
TP1 is clear but I cannot place TP2 on your chart because of lack of SR lines.

Further, DO NOT use pivot point lines - they are calculated lines according to a formula.
Therefore, effectively they are an indicator.
SR lines are direct observations from the price action and are not mathematical manipulations such as pivot lines.

I can see that this is a good method to determine when a retracement is over and we can enter to go with the trendā€¦affording relatively small stop losses. Especially on the 30 min time frame.


With all due respect I [U]cannot recommend [/U]this stuff at all and I give my reasonsā€¦

  1. SDC, the author, does not have the endorsement of the Honorary FX Members or the experienced trading veterans of this forum.
    Indeed SDC has been rebuked several times by experienced traders on the troll thread by my friend, [B]Clint[/B].

  2. SDC has clearly stated that forex is gambling and he has maliciously attacked me for believing otherwise. :frowning:
    Now he posts a thread on trend trading!! :o
    That kind of inconsistency and hypocrisy has been obvious to all the experienced traders on this forum, including me.

  3. There are several glaring errors in his threadā€¦

In one instance he states that trend lines allow us to predict future price action.
This is completely false.

[B]Trading is about probabilities, never about prediction.[/B]

In a trend we use the rule - the trend is your friend.
But note that price action can do [U]anything, anytime!![/U]

Thus in a trend, the [U]highest probability[/U] is that the price action will [U]continue [/U]in that direction, but for how long we do not know.
But there are [U]other direction [/U]probabilities as well and we could be [U]wrong [/U]in our choice of trading direction.

[B]There are 3 directions price action can goā€¦up, down, sideways - each has a certain probability at any time.
The 3 probabilities add to 100%.

We trade in the highest probability direction but recognise that we could be wrong.[/B]

A person who trades by [U]predicting [/U]forex price action will eventually lose their money in forex trading.
[B]The successful forex trader looks at [U]probabilities [/U]and works only with that.[/B]

Further he also draws his trend lines from only 2 points.
I have made it clear here that an efficient trend line contacts as many points as possible.
A minimum of 3 is required - and those are very inefficient trends.
2 contact points is invalid.

The seeming support/resistance comes from the fact that it is a cherry picked chart and done so in hindsight.

[B]Amazing things always happen with hindsight - we are always totally correct!!
Try doing these things with live trading and your interpretations will be very different!![/B]

Especially on [U]any [/U]timeframe!! :slight_smile: :wink:


The CBL is for entry [U]only[/U]. :slight_smile:

We may spot a retracement on the way.
But in other cases, a retracement may not occur at all.

In either case, the CBL gives good protection against some, but not all, drawdowns.

Forget this!! :frowning: :frowning:

It is a complete violation of the trading method and will make you plenty of profit - for [U]others [/U]but not for yourself!! :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

[B]Confusion here!![/B] ( :confused: :confused:)

As outlined in my trading steps above, we start drawing the CBL when the price action [U]comes near [/U]one of our designated SR lines.

The reason for this is that we can expect a [U]very high probability[/U] of price bounce from that SR line.

So, for example, if the price action was [U]going long[/U] and approaching an SR line, then we draw the CBL which will give us an [U]entry for short.[/U]

If the price action does bounce as expected, then it will start going short.
As it goes short it will eventually hit our CBL entry point and we enter the trade [U]going short.[/U]

I hope this is made clear now. :slight_smile:


Forget about the spread!! :frowning:

Just enter the trade.

The spread will quickly be paid as the trade goes into profit. :slight_smile:

good to see you back tymen thanks for the explanation on my charts, funny as I see very well the loss and not the winner trade :smiley:



OK, I think I have covered just about the worst of the errors here.

Finally, no drawing of trendlines - they are irrelevant at this point.

We only draw SR lines and nothing else.

Keep practising those CBL with the new visual approach I have shown.

I must go again now. :wink:
Goodbye and good trading till I return!! :wink: :cool: :cool:

[B]Probabilities[/B] is the right keyword.
Excludes the elusive ā€œHolly Grailā€.
Thanks :slight_smile:

Thanks for this explanation Tymen.

Now it is starting to look like a plan.

Sense I started using s/r lines I donā€™t even think of entering a trade until I see how PA reacts to s/r (aka PPA/PPZ).

I am looking forward to Session 2.:cool:


The very first reply to my thread about trendline trading was from:

FX-Men Honorary Member

who said and I quote:

This is a beautiful learning curve for trendline/ support/ resistance fans. You took a lot of pain, time and great effort in making these charts. I thank you so much and I will look forward to see more of your interesting posts moving forward.ā€

If that is not an endorsement from an FX Honorary member I donā€™t know what is.

If rebukes counted for anything you wouldnt even be posting on this forum. I bet there isnt any other single poster who has run crying to the admins as often as you do asking for posts to be removed and accusing people of being trolls because they rebuke things you say.

Forex IS gambling, that doesnt mean it isnt winnable, as I said in that other thread, there are many forms of gambling other than casino style roulette. Not all forms of gambling are based on pure chance.

In many forms of gambling there are ways to use knowledge and experience to make a better prediction of a future outcome, you can gamble on the uncertain outcomes of many interactions, Forex is just one of them.

When you make a trade you are staking money on an uncertain outcome, with the intention of making money if the outcome is in your favour, and the knowledge you will lose money if the outcome is not.

That in itself is gambling defined.

You yourself said in this very post Iā€™m quoting from that trading is about probabilities, what do you think staking money on probabilities is ?

I said it helps us predict future price action, what do you think forex trading is about if its not trying to predict future price action?
When you open a sell position, just by that very act of opening the position, you are making a prediction that the price will fall.
Tymen Iā€™m sure there are things in your teaching threads that many will find useful, but only if they can filter out all the nonsense you talk.
You seem to think using big fonts and bright colours makes a bunch of pointless waffle into a steak dinner. It doesnt.

[B]Trading is about probabilities, never about prediction.[/B]

In a trend we use the rule - the trend is your friend.
But note that price action can do [U]anything, anytime!![/U]

Thus in a trend, the [U]highest probability[/U] is that the price action will [U]continue [/U]in that direction, but for how long we do not know.
But there are [U]other direction [/U]probabilities as well and we could be [U]wrong [/U]in our choice of trading direction.

[B]There are 3 directions price action can goā€¦up, down, sideways - each has a certain probability at any time.
The 3 probabilities add to 100%.

We trade in the highest probability direction but recognise that we could be wrong.[/B]

A person who trades by [U]predicting [/U]forex price action will eventually lose their money in forex trading.
[B]The successful forex trader looks at [U]probabilities [/U]and works only with that.[/B]

Cherry picked charts ? That was my current charts from that same week I posted the thread covering every single minute that occured from the first post to the last one at market close that Friday and showed my current trendlines I had been using to trade my live account over the previous 7 days.
You have a nerve accusing me of cherry picking charts just look through the bunch of balony you posted on this thread, cherry picked chart after cherry picked chart many of them from years ago.
I read the beginnings of this thread where you talk about trendlines and how they should be used and how they should be drawn, you did not even mention anything about there defining attributes of support and resistance. We both know why, it is because you didnt know, and it is no strange co-incidence that just a few days after I posted my thread you start talking about support and resistance Iā€™m just waiting to see how much balony you talk about that now.
As for your point about my trendlines being invalid I believe my charts and my trading speak for themselves.
I doubled my first live trading account in the first month and quadrupled it within 6 weeks, I have never blown an account not even a demo one.
You have stated on this thread your way of trading can make 20 pips a month, big deal.
I do 20 pips day in, day out in the first couple of hours.
Every day.
On Friday alone I made 150 pips by lunchtime thats getting close to your whole years worth in one morning and you say my way of trading is invalid ? What kind of a joker are you anyway.

If it werenā€™t for people like Tymen this forum would be of no use at all to serious traders. There are so many clowns that admins must help in cleaning out the worst.

Strange that you none the less read his thread since you think itā€™s a waste of time. Makes no sense.

Thatā€™s a serious God complex youā€™ve got. You think that Tymen has learned about S/R from your thread? :rofl:
Thatā€™s also why Iā€™m rather certain you lack the psychology to succeed in trading, you simply donā€™t display the humility good traders have. Bragging and insulting others speak volumes. Skilled traders donā€™t do that.

More bragging pimply teenage style. Good luck with your trading. Go spew your venom elsewhere.

Iā€™d just like to say thanks to Tymen for all the knowledge you have provided thus far and for your developing thread - itā€™s good to be part of the team. You can count on me for any future programming needs.

As for the small disagreement that seems to be taking place just above - guys, let us please stay on topic here and not make personal remarks.

Otherwise, it is easy for things to get out of hand and this can become very counter-productive.


The chart is a current daily of Cable. In drawing the S/R lines which of the 2 would be most relevant before moving to the 4H?