The Forex Portfolio - How to Gain Consistent Profits by Staying in the Market 24/7

LOL… It was some random Mexican Singer. I was inspired by Lady Gaga’s song called “Alejandro”…:slight_smile: I was just bored with my Avatar…lol

There should be a rule on BP that if one is going to have an Avatar that suggests the gender of it’s owner, that men use male avatars and women use female avatars. I know I’m from New York, and I am very liberal in my views of society, but I get confused easily. Also, I passed the 500 posts thing without even noticing, and it occurs to me that the reason I don’t have an avatar is because I can’t figure out how to load one. I would be OK with BP changing my fx men member title to “Dimwit” until I can figure this out.

I think babypips should get rid of its current titles awarded to members based on postings.

But it’s a forum membership thing. :wink: I know, some equate/confuse it with one’s trading ability…:confused:

Well, apparently there isn’t… I saw some folks uses a cat pictures and such to their avatar. So, you don’t really know the gender of some of this folks if that is what the avatar is for.
Curious (yah, I know my favorite word), what is the intent or purpose of having avatar anyway?..

I hope J Lo is ok… just so I won’t confuse Hogarste…:slight_smile:

I agree. The titles are misleading, they should be based on number of likes received, length of time as a member and the number of [U]unique[/U] postings or something more scientific than the current rule.

In a text-based environment such as a forum, avatars gives a visual identity that other people can relate to and we naturally allow “it” more of our emotional investment and therefore feel more inclined to interact with “it” and give “it” more of ourselves and our time.

They also serve as a deception. Advertising companies have found that people don’t pay attention to purely text based commercials, so a picture can give a commercial an “edge” to attract interest. You know those tv commercials with the hot girls beckoning you to call them? Do you really think that’s what the girl you’d be talking to really looks like? If she didn’t do you think anyone would call? It doesn’t matter as long as you think they do, and you naturally would after watching those commercials :wink:

There used to be a “reputation” ranking…but people found a way to abuse it so the admins removed it. FF still uses a voucher system which seems to have stood the test of time…hmmmm…

I like your answer SweetPip…
Oh…I forgot to include my number…

[B]1-888-888-6769[/B], Call me maybe…:wink:

Hi, this is my fist post on this forum or any other forex forum. I’m new to this maybe 9 month. I was trading with harmonic pattern and have positive result. Then babypips send me this email to test my trading personality and in the result as a first option was this thread. It took me 3 days to read it all and fell in love with the MG99M. I start on a demo yesterday to try it. Thanks to all the people that have post something and specially to MG for starting this thread. I hope on Monday start posting some result. :slight_smile:

That’s pretty cool, I didn’t know they did that.

Its the second time the number 5 appear on the daily trading toolbox :slight_smile:

Because he’s Ben Affleck. What is there to like?

He got lucky with Good Will Hunting, but that is really because of Matt Damon. He rode that dude’s coattails all through Hollywood. He’s a horrible actor. And he let Bruce Willis die in Armaggedon. That will never be forgotten. Ever.

Am I reading this right? You took a test and Babypips suggested you read this thread?


Finally finished reading all pages of this great thread and to summarize what I’ve learned and will implement in my newbie trading:

  1. determine bias using weekly TF, daily TF with MA 10 and 4h TF with MA 60,

  2. on weekend crunch number to make my own currency strength rating to get 2-3 strongest bullish and bearish currencies to get up to 6 currency pairs then wait for good entry to open up to 2 trades (maybe 4) since I’m still a newbie. For now thought of trading 5+ pair is not what I feel comfortable,

  3. I know demo trading should be started but I rather risk $100 per trade with real money cause my learning grows so much faster when I’m losing or making money plus reading babypips forum & school saved me at least a year of demo trading on my own (and not figuring what I’ve learned here in last 3 weeks when I’ve made my 1st currency trade).

  4. focus on price action and chart patterns & S/R & Fibonacci retracement lines but still rely on few technical indicators such as RSI, Stochastic, MACD and ADX/D+/D- for double confirmation to open a trade or wait for additional bar to close to confirm entry. I don’t feel comfortable go long when Stochastic is at 85 (or go short at 5) even if price if going in bias way.

  5. I will place SL on every trade at around 100-200 pips since I at least know that max loss for me can be $100-$200 per trade which I’m comfortable with. If my trade gets over 100 pips in profit I will probably move SL to BE or 20 pips in profit.

This are key things I’ve learned in this thread and I thank you all for your contribution and sharing your great knowledge and what works for you and what doesn’t.

I’m also not gonna even try that 3 Duck system for trading cause some feedback from the ones that used is negative and I’m sure in this over 5 years that this system is known that algorithms have changed to wipe out traders using this system.
Anybody has anything valuable to add that he/she learned in this thread or this forum or something they use in their trading and not mentioned at babypips?[/B]

Big thanks to everybody sharing your knowledge - I’ve learned a lot just reading this thread.

If any other newbie/friend would ask me now how to start trading currencies I’d tell him/her - read this thread and go through babypips school and you’ll be ahead of 80% of other traders. :wink:

MG - in your trading history to date, if you can remember, what has been the your biggest floating loss in pips on a single trade (not collectively) before you decided to let it reverse or close?


A little over 300 pips with EURJPY.

Did you close?

Guys, that’s got to be some of the laziest trading I’ve ever done. I really put no effort into this strategy, even my bias was simplified to an up or down approach, and my entries were sooooo bad!

But given I am seven hundred pips ahead with my gains outweighing my loses, I am definitely not complaining with the results.

Since I am testing this in demo, I will leave the trades over the wkd to see the results come Monday morning but I am thinking maybe I can do something with this :wink:

N.B. I was in the red since I took my basket of trades earlier in the week (first post on this thread), so you need to be able to deal with longer term trading aspect of this approach. Scalpers take note :slight_smile: