The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

I can’t believe what has happened. I’m extremely shocked right now. I got ICT’s last tweet and was like “I think he was writing to someone else and not everyone”. I hope he will communicate with us in some shape or form. He might not though not to jeopardize our thread. As it stands, I guess this crazy train ride has come to a full stop. I have learned a lot and I believe with all the material we have so far we can still be profitable. I don’t have all of ICT’s videos, only the 25 days of ForExmas ones along with the basic ones. I have nothing from Livestream. I’m glad I discovered this when I did.

I’m truly sad that this has happened. I wish all the best to ICT and hope God will let you continue what you are doing. Maybe the investigation will be only temporary.

His knowledge will live on… Thank you for everything Michael if you are reading this! I hope I have learned enough to earn a spot as a member of the ICT Millionaire Traders Guild.

Probably a good idea

I’ve created a Skype Group: Smart Money Traders.
Currently looking up how people can join.

My Skype is: Clark.Lai.FX, add me for now, and I can invite you.

maybe something other than skype. Its very buggy when you get a large group formed. Super laggy. Could do an IRC room through mibbit??

You should probably do it to be on the safe side… The other group is named after ICT but was not set up by him… No telling… it might be blocked because it under the same title. Skype has a 300 group user limit so all the members here would not fit in one group… I am all for side discussions. Skype links only work in Internet Explore browser address bar… Microsoft thing since they own skype now.

Good point BillyD, Skype doesn’t even tell you when the others are online. We need something more efficient.

Might be a good move Billy, yeah we all know skype can lag sometimes… Another option to stay in touch is always a good idea!

Wow I even just went to look at a calendar since it is the end of the month to make sure it was not april fools day. It still a month away :(… I dont see what the cftc has to do with this unless all trading videos disappear on youtube. I know the USA tried to sensor the internet but it was voted down and never made it to law. Well hope can can get the videos out. I would not post them anywhere just in case would hate anyone else getting in trouble. But passing along files on a email is legal and if the cftc is looking at my emails without a warrant then thats a bigger legal issue all together. Now if someone could setup an email and send it to those that request it. That would be alot alot of work but there would be nothing the cftc npr anyone else could do when people asked for it.

I think ‘march to millionaires’ might have put ICT in trouble. He had the other thread for over 2 years without any issue, this new thread lasted only a week :frowning:

Looks like Skype may not be able to handle so many people, currently setting up an IRC. Stay tuned.

Feels like a part of me has been torn off. So sad.

Have a look at the first page of the old thread. :frowning:

looks like his computer or accounts could have been hacked, the speed of the takedowns, that all the video accounts, twitter were deleted by the user, lead me to think that…

This is a very sad day. I’m sure that many of us feel as though we’ve lost a mentor, but more importantly a friend. A friend that has given us so much. Much more than we can ever repay. A friend that we’ve all become so familiar with due the candid nature in which he communicates with us all. A friend that we have never met. but feel so emotionally attached to. Michael may be gone for the immediate future, but I’m sure he is itching to get back us all. Good luck to you Michael.

On another note, the content may be gone, but we can get around that. The genorosity of people in this forum is amazing. Kudos to you all. I have around 60 pages of screen shots and scratchings (Word Document) if anyone wants it. Havent downloaded any videos as I thought they’d always be there. So I would appreciate any assistance in tracking those down if possible.

Such a strange feeling.

Yunny, I dont think so.

He has posted a beautiful song on his original thread. I also saw him on live-stream but I dont think he communicated with everybody.

It has been such a sad day :frowning:

Billy i think an IRC room on mibbit is a great idea.

Just a goodbye video… I wish he could have said CFTC, or something… man I just feel so bleh about this whole ordeal. I cant imagine this being the last word from our friend…

I know that there is a lot of emotions going on right now…this is a very sad day one that I hoped would never come…:17:…this is a time where we all have to stick tougher it is what Michael would have wanted…we all need to exchange information so we can set up a group to stay together this is a great knowledgeable group and we could all learn from one another.

Michael if your reading this I just want to thank you for what you have given me… I don’t know if you realize how much of a positive impact you have had in my life…I pray that everything is ok and I pray that this is not the last we hear from you…:frowning:

very sad day, but life is going on. We should stick together and find way forward. First of all, we need to restore all materials Micheal shared with us. Personally, I haven’t seen all videos and was in process of step by step cover of materials. It is second time, when I’m finding someone to follow as mentor and something is happening. Hope we find solution and continue our jorney. whish to all to be optimistic about future.

So someone explain to me what precisely happened because I’m still behind on the uptake, I didn’t check my phone till now and reading across it was like something terrible happened whether it be an accident or something else?