The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

wowo i wonder if euro and cable gonna manage 200 pips today
i hope so.

I wish I had more experience with the NY session, would love to catch this on the retracement or maybe even reversal.

Also, thanks to the latest reviews.

Am I correct to assume 1.2300 if thats broken on fiber, that would mean market structure is broken and I should start looking for dips to buy?

wow! so there is that bull move I’ve been waiting for whole week… I guess price was waiting for me to get away from the screens for a little while to make their move hahaha
congrats to those lucky hunters today…
didn’t manage to get a piece of the action today… maybe now in NYO;)

by the way… does anyone know what could have triggered this move?

Draghi says ecb will do whatever needed to preserve the euro
draghi says the euro is irreversible
draghi says yield disrupting policy transmission are in ecb remit
draghi says sharing sovereignty on eu level to come
draghi says last eu summit was moment of recognition

that makes sense!:wink: hahaha
here’s the problem: I get my news release dates and times off of forex factory… and I only pay attention to the “high impact news”… looks like I should follow ICTs advice and also focus on the “medium impact news” as well;)
thanks for the hint anyways;)

edit: I just noticed that it IS listed as high impact… don’t know what went wrong there/here…

i dont really know …just buy if you think its gonna go up and sell if you think its gonna go down…
i dont think the fate has yet been decided…it could go to 2300 and still rally…depends on what price action looks like when it gets there…or it could fall most of way back down before close of new york today.

Shot right up almost 200 pips gotta love the daily three bar fractal pattern :slight_smile:

On my feed if it gets above 1.2324 it will have broken a daily flow up and yes buy the dips but only with 1% or half the usual risk as your still countertrend and battling against the bigger trend till we see higher highs and higher lows forming up.

The good news is (as far as I’m concerned) that if this week finishes up above the 3 week low on the cable we will have finally completed another Long Term Low on the WEEKLY and we can buy the weekly dips until the next LTH.


whose up for another rally…or who is buying rope…
dont do it …live to fight another day…phew…my head is in pieces…i dont even trust my own mother today.

lets face it …the people running the fiber and cable today are real experts…they said …lets take it past average daily range …then slow it down a bit…lure a few more in …then rally up again…
once it gets to about 160 pips lets slow it down …make it look like its gonna turn on a few timeframes …the rallly some more…
then no matter what news comes out …just rally some more…this way we should anhiallate all of em.

and if there is still someone in the money at the end of the day…make it turn a bit and then rally some more…
prepare to go to 500 pips movement if necessary lads…right lets get a move on…

ps and buy some shares in a rope company lads…were gonna do blinding business today.

I haven’t posted one of my trades in a while so I thought I would share my biggest single day trade yet…

Cable long…( Obviously…:wink: )
Entry: .5479
Exit: .5700
+221 pips !!..:53:

And a special congratulations goes out to Michael for having your What every…thread stickied I know how
bad you wanted that to happen…:35:

Somthing tells me with todays price action tomrrow is going to be dead so I am done for the week…good
luck everybody and have a safe weekend…:slight_smile:

Secondary objectives 1.5680, 1.5700 & 1.5720 fulfilled.

Zoom Zoom baby! :57:

Stalk, setup a hide, pick your “Mark”… Squeeze trigger and take 'em down.

WTG NT :wink:

Haha. Fooled by randomness.

I hope you were joking sir.

Those are not reasons for the spike.

This is the real reason (although, so far just words), he will start again to buy Spanish and Italian bonds.

Of course this measure does not save the Euro :slight_smile:

Stoped exactly to the pip at round number and previous Resistance :slight_smile: i love price action

News always gets me. And I was sitting this week out. Had a sell limit order in all set up that I didn’t delete.

This Vladul guy is the biggest back stabber i’ve ever seen, I wish I could post the whole chat from the chat room lobby. At least he said he is leaving after the release of the trading plan series, man it can’t come soon enough now. Really got under my skin. What’s the point of all this negativity and bad mouthing! really man! i wouldn’t even trust him with a pencil lol

Yeah unbeknownst to most this guy actually had the gall to point the finger at clark to calling the CFTC, Clark was the spear in the rally to assemble all the lost videos and material.

Hence my previous comment, in the newbie thread about ICT coming back to a room full of inner circle traders, instead of squares such as said person since I know pipzilla will just edit my thing again

Yes some ppl just dont deserve ICT’s work

What’s going on boys??

not worth derailing the thread bro, just looking forward to the market review tonight :slight_smile: :slight_smile: