The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

Good point mate. Catch you on the chat one night maybe. Cheers Tycoon.

Hey Tycoon,

I missed this market review mention, do you have any details.

I am recording it in a few minutes then posting it to Youtube and links will be here and Twitter.


Great, thank you


[B]GLGT[/B] :57:

Good mid week vid, had alot of info in there for me.

Thanks ICT!

hi ict,

you mentioned in your video (around 20.35 min. mark) that you will close the segment with aussie. what was it that you want to cover on the aussie? i’m very interested because i trade the aussie besides fiber and cable. thank you.

damn I sure chose a hell of a day to NOT being focused and hang over - yesterday…
can’t help but silently wish to be part of that bus ride;)
anyways… after some nice hours of sleep I’m happy to report that, in hindsight, I see what went wrong and see all the signals that should have drawn me into this trade…
I’ll call it a week I guess and hopefully I can start into the new week refreshed and with the focus the market deserves…

Congratulations to everyone shoveling pips yesterday;)
Have a great weekend y’all!

Oh since this has been my first week live…
I did 1 trade, which unfortunately I closed way too early (analysis for the week was spot on… but expected that big move on tuesday or wednesday (triggered by uncle bens or geithners speeches… so my timing was off… and mostly my timing for lack of focus in Thursday;)))
nevertheless +1.2%, I guess its a Start;)

cheers and happy hunting

Just wanted to say Bad Ass Video! :57:

Well I searched for the STINGER video and found it was removed, 301 Moved Permanently


Has anybody noticed the HUGE divergence between the cable and the fibre lately?

Furthermore, the cable has made a LTL now whereas the fiber hasn’t…

Does this then mean that the fiber is still in a bearish environment and the cable isn’t? It doesn’t make any sense at all, except if it’s due to the euro crisis… Anyone?

It will be reviewed in the weekend segment… I noticed in the review I wasn’t as clear as I intended to be regarding the Aussi… fret not… it will appear in the Sunday edition.


Did anyone notice SMT divergence between cable and fiber in H1 TF ??

Hi Wally
Check out - how Pros Use Indicators. 20:32 seconds in :slight_smile: you should find it ther. This video is still up I checked earlier.

Hello gs8888,

Can you or someone else please explain what this means?
How do you determine what pair is being bought or sold when you see this pattern.

I see it as the Cable is being bought, is this assumption correct?

Thanks for the help.

The pair which makes higher lows = "being bought"
The pair which makes lower highs = “being sold”

Damn gdp knocked me out at 30+ pips got back in for a monster 90 pips I think I netted 235 pips this week
Hell yeah! Though I expect most of you netted 300-400+

Sorry for the disconnect from the chat room folks. It wouldn’t let me back in after tossing me out :slight_smile:

Cable provided nice little LO buy today… any nibblers take a bite of it?


(Forex) trading is most intelligent, when it is conducted in a most business like manner.

Benjamin Graham \ Sunny PiP

are you going back in the chatroom? I need some help with entries. Yesterday I had a pending buy order at 1.5545, but the Judas never occurred. It seems like an an Asian Range entry occurs for the larger moves. Is the a certain market structure that would tip us off to an Asian range entry rather than a Judas entry?

It’s friday, after a large range day, sitting on my hands today waiting for a buy set up next week