The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

Are ICT’s livestreams being recorded like they were on Babypips Inner Circle Trader - live streaming video powered by Livestream or does the new program not have that option?

I had it at 1.5680 but I wiggled it out because of how fiber was doing, maybe took like 2 or3 pips

Made 1% of my account balance on it did wanna get greedy after yesterday and it being Friday plus there wasn’t a lot of movement up til I went to bed around 5 EST I didn’t think we d see a big move so I played it safe.

I have a question about the latest market review. There are people that don’t like you?

… Yes apparently so. I block their rude or otherwise pointless comments. If it’s framed with respect regardless if its contrary I would allow them to post. It ranges from my music choices, firearm associations and the length of my intros… Either case I turn a blind eye as its my personality and likes… Most like to Troll for the sport in it I suppose.

It’s easy to change the channel if it doesn’t suit your tastes.


Michael, you should post a list of those trolls.

Some of us enjoy tormenting trolls.

Lol I always thought man this is some awesome intro music lol. I especially like the renegade by daughtry. But you’re prolly right most of it is just some people like to be ****heads.

It’s really sad it’s almost like your saying hey guys catch these $100 bills and they still aren’t respectful.

I eat my hat for asking a ridiculous question that has been answered a gajillion times, but I never really used kill times. I’ve been right on with some analysis lately but missed entry into trades, and am realizing I need to start using kill times for all of the sessions. They are kind of easy to see, but if these are listed some place could someone please point me. Very kind thanks.

I can help you with that.

Here is a table of ICT Kill Zones which is current until late September —

And here is a post explaining how those times were determined —

:smiley: I am sure you would have fun with that… but I really don’t want to encourage more of the same. Besides, the names aren’t identical to those used on the forums.

I have always been willing to be questioned or judged, I just ask for those doing that to frame it respectfully… to each his/her own.


Hi Michael,

NIce review . Thanks. Would like to share that I saw the SMT divergence ( thanks to you ) on the GU and EU , took a long and exited with a nice 110 pips.

A thought . Whilest EU ran up yesterday , the GU was being suppressed at important R level. Should we take that as a signal for the coming week ( bearish). A pointer would be nice.

I would request you to do a review on the aussie and kiwi please.

thanks a lot once again

I will be reviewing the Aussie and Kiwi as promised in the recent review… and since I work unscripted I in error stated I would review the Aussie in that video but meant in the weekend review… as something of a bookend topic. I mentioned the Aussie last week for a purpose and you will see it tomorrow in video.

As for the Cable… you know I will have lots to say concerning that pair as always. :57:

Starting in September I will be unpacking my 50 caliber again and resuming the much requested daily ICT Pro Traders Club series. It will be a bit more evolved than you are used to seeing however.

The Guild reviews will serve as our weekly reviews and COT and Macro Market perspective will be served using this video on the Sunday every week [unless a personal holiday or National]. :wink:

The Daily Inner Circle Trader Pro Traders Club:

Some of the daily insights introduced this time around…

  1. Interest Rate Yields & Impact
  2. Dollar Analysis
  3. Stock Indices & CRB Impact
  4. Key S&R Levels of Fiber & Cable
  5. Every Friday a New ICT Pro Tip Of The Week - get your notebooks filled with paper folks. :54:

Have a pleasant weekend… enjoy the Olympics and Go USA! :42: :57:

Can’t wait - It’s great what you do here Michael and is always appreciated!! (By the majority anyway)

Really been looking forward to this!

Go Team GB!

Will the Olympics have any effect on the Cable?

Do big events like this effect currencies?

And GO USA! :smiley:

One of your strongest concepts came into play yesterday for me mike. I was watching the SP500 futures the ES, I was expecting another bull, which I had anticipated the night before then watched your review and it had a nice reassurance of my bias. I didn’t catch the full deal because I walked into work late however, I did catch a 34 cent run on Citibank which was lagging, then when the ES had a significant pull back I however with your fib concept it did not feel like a full retracement nor a two-step day but rather a continuation. So I went to my favourite one MET which highly correlates to the ES and grabbed about 30-40cents. I could of grabbed another 30 upon it but, I do not stay that long because I play London so I’m tired and it had struck my 261 extension from a previous swing and I thought it may not bull even further but it did.

All in all it was the best day I ever had with the least trades in a company where everyone takes minimum 50 trades a day, that’s not including in and out but had I caught the full deal I would of been riding a full buck run and that would have shattered my previous daily record with 1 trade.

I am very thankful because this saves me more struggling hours of learning another person’s strategies which may turn up to be a waste of time. Also being I was massively fed up because I was told by all the managers and even all the other full time traders, by the way I love how they just cry like babies in the office when they don’t anticipate price they “react” to it and it happens almost everyday you hear them slam the table scream and whine about a sudden turn in the futures which takes them out and I am smiling with a nice smirk on my face taking their money by being PATIENT and ANTICIPATING PRICE. I know its terrible of me to say but I have no remorse over ending the day where everyone even the guys who have been trading longer than me are in the red (some of them are even embarassed by it) and I’m just sitting on their money secretly saying wow, who’d anticipate the most likely move was a stop run after it struggled or was “trending” based on the higher time frame and not a 5 or even a 1 minute chart with a billion moving averages and indi’s on it.

I guess my only weakness now would be what if the day was ranging but I hope I will remember to catch or someone will record that webinar because that will just make me complete for the other half of trading.

P.S I had about 80-100 trades to net that kind of profits when I started and that was the best day I had because I got about 1c per trade. But this was just easy as hell, I wait for price to come to my anticipated resistance or support and it hits my order and goes ZOOOM!

P.P.S I beat out an actuary, a lot of CFA’s, and a lot of people who are schooled in finance, economics, etc.

and now the mentor will show how it’s all tied together. can’t wait!

Wow bro, now that is seriously awesome! Congrats! :smiley:

Hi Tansen,

Way to go!
Through his teachings, Michael always stress the importance of using his concepts on Higher Time Frames to Anticpate and Patiently wait for the price action to unfold.
Simple yet difficult to put it in practice (at least for me). I’m encouraged by your post and I’m going to discipline myself and use this basic but powerful teaching from Michael in my trading.

Thanks for sharing Tansen!

This was my weeks trading… some of you may be able to relate, some of you may be able to laugh

I watch the ICT Weekly Review on Sunday, getting all excited for the weeks trading. I start thinking about the ICT grail concepts, correlation, SMT divergence, stochastic divergence and I start to get my focus together. I feel like I’m a highly trained SAS (or Delta Force if you are American) forex soldier with all the tools I need to nail down that one mighty trade.
I open the charts and start flicking through the time frames (ever since I have started following ICT I have cut down the number of pairs I watch from 40 to 2, the cable and fiber) and there it is. The big bad ICT grail on the 4hr chart on the cable. Bang, SMT divergence at a support level, OTE on the fib, type 2 stochastic divergence and all the other bells and whistles. This is it. This is the week I can nail one of these huge pippers.
Monday morning comes around (I’m in Europe so LO is at a friendly 10am) and the market starts doing its thing. It hits a morning low, I bang a buy order in, net 45 pips in a few hours, move the s/l to BE waiting for the rally to the NY open and watch it run back to my sl… Live and learn.
I let Tuesday go buy as I can see the market in the accumulation phase. Great work ICT you managed to nail home these concepts and I’m really starting to pick up on them!!!
Wednesday… trading psychology kicks in (ever heard of having a trading plan and sticking to it? mine must have blown away around lunch time) and I start to doubt. ¨Maybe it’s in distribution, maybe it’s going down, maybe the banks are playing with me¨ the trading consciences in my head start arguing. ¨Maybe this time the grail won’t work. It’s all probabilities right?¨
I talk myself out of trading for the rest of the week on Wednesday afternoon and decide to go party instead (it’s summer in Spain).
I put a buy order on my demo account with no stops (I find it easier to keep track of price movement looking at profit or loss) and walk out the door and off on the town for a great night out.
Thursday around noon I bring myself to look at the charts bleary eyed for the first time in the day. No way I’m doing any trading in the state I’m in but I check my demo account profit at… 130 pips aaaaaaaaaah. Bugger. As it was a demo I let it run… 215 pips aaaaaaaaah double bugger.:56: And it all happened so picture perfectly on Thursday…
Friday… ICT’s market review comes early…
¨well folks this is the trade we’ve been stalking all week…¨ I turn it off, crack a beer and leave it till later

Patience is a virtue as is sticking to your trading plan…

A big thank you to ICT and his continuing effort to help all of us become better traders!

I’m trying to use the Trinity indicators but I don’t seem to be getting anything on the relevant charts. I’ve loaded them OK and can see them on the MT4 Indicator and the other ICT Tools seem to work OK. Am I missing something (apart from a brain)?

Thanks for any help.

Sorry if this is not the right place to post this - I’m new to babypips and the forum.