The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

Another great market review ICT and more reason on why one should focus on the Indices and wider markets more regularly. My brain is still a bit crumpled with all the information you have provided but your regular reviews are ‘panel beating’ and ironing out those creases quite nicely :slight_smile:

Did you focus on the Aus and NZ yields due to their close ties with commodity prices as I assume another good tool would be the CRB to Bond Ratio.

One way to look at those bond yield comparisons is to go to…

US Generic Govt 10 Year Yield Chart - USGG10YR - Bloomberg
(as pointed out by another member)

and then type in the Aus and NZ yield codes in the comparison box…


It seems that forexltd’s feed shows the divergence. A few other feeds i had did not show any kind of divergence for that period and thats just weird!

Anyway, just google forexltd and download their demo. Hope that’ll get you sorted :slight_smile:

My homework.

AU and NU

Not sure if it matches ICT but there is divergence all over the chart.

Hope that comes out well enough to see

Cool - well done. Glad to see your doing well whilst still learning. At least you can see your mistakes too so good luck rectifying them and increasing your gains.

Guys, Correct me if I’m wrong, but there seems to be a SMT Divergence between Cable and Fiber. Fiber made a lower low, while Cable was unable to do that. Should be a bullish indication right? 1H Charts!

Also Turtle Soup in the fiber

Will try. Thanks.

Hi Michael,

The yields have changed today . There seems to be a OTE on the australian 10y yield. Bearish. So unless the USD yield falls ( so far it has’nt ) at a greater rate … the aussie is headed lower…

Would this be a reasonable conclusion.


May I ask where I can get live data for these yields? Thanks

You can thank Trint for this he posted this about 10 posts back please thank him!

Homework… :slight_smile:

Arrows indicate (by direction) higher low or lower low. It seems on a regular basis, the pair diverges. But where to go from there.

A sample trade which im still in,long @ 22497, its basically from 1min timeframe, but man, this sweetspot lots of times works like a charm,still cant believe it, of course you must take broader picture but anyway, thank you Michael, i ve been trading for like 4 years now, been doing well for some time now, but man,has this improved my trading,still cant believe my eyes,some of your tools are just exceptional, i dont suggest anyone to trade it like that, im just doing my thing at which im good at…Anyway Stop @ BE, and the rest is up to market… Thank you again for your contribution! :slight_smile: Happy pips all

edit…hmmm,cant get images to show in original size…

Just got back from vacation, got a lot to read and watch now. I see even the Holy Grail was introduced. :stuck_out_tongue:

Happy trading everyone

Thought you’d been quiet, good to see you back, hope you had a good break.

Thanx for the renegade at the end also Michael. I feel like that was a shout out to me lol

This is a side note:

For those who loved before it went down and gave us this crappy blob I emailed the site owner which I was hoping was also the webmaster he had this to say

(Yes, the COT charts will be back soon. We are working on that now. Maybe just a few more days and you will see the COT data.

Name Snip

From: Tansen Sjöström
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 1:16 AM
To: Edited out
Subject: Timing Charts The Way It Used To

Sorry your site seemed broken to me for a long time, then it came back but it doesn’t have the neat and tidy COT charts I liked about it and frequented mostly because of it. I was wondering is the site going to stay as is now or are you going to restore it to the way it was before?)

So yay!


Have you been following this conversation — 301 Moved Permanently

The powers-that-be on this Forum are messing around with the editing feature in a way that is going to make life difficult for many, including you.

Hi guys,

This is my first post and want to know if im on the right track… been following ICT now for 2 months now and I think I am really starting to grasp his concepts. Below is what i think is a type 2 divergence on the hourly chart with what could be an ote forming at a known resistance level 1.5720. I have also have included a daily chart which has formed a fractal which may indicate to look for selling opprtunities.

I hope i have uploaded the charts properly.

Its asian session now as i an Aussie but am thinking of waiting until london open to see what happens before getting in.

Feel free to criticise what what you like guys as i do want feed back… but be nice haha
Only constructive criticism please.


I can’t enlarge I think BP limits your resolution upload it to imgur or something

Also I think the divergence has to be the most recent high not previous highs and price has to be showing something different from the indicator. Even if its a really small intermediate high which is tucked inside two others