The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

If they are unhappy with the pre-market analysis, then why have they shut down the educational material?

Michael, we don’t know what you are going through, but all the best to you.
Nobody has done more for forex education, on the internet, anywhere.
Thank you.

Sorry, I was basically trying to think from their perspective. They don’t see the year long mentorship ICT has provided us and all the feedback/explanations he’s given us since the last thread started. They see entry, tp and sl.

But your right, I should stop saying that :stuck_out_tongue:

Mayday mayday. Our captain’s jet has been hit and is down. His safety and whereabouts are unknown. But the rest of us are still standing strong. Let’s land this fleet and get into our sniping positions. Whether he’s here or not, we will carry out or mission. To a million, we march…


Everyone when the 1% CFTC was oppressing the 99% us.

We can learn something from those people in the 99.


Hi Krishen, tried to PM but the circle is still spinning hours later, hmm. Wanted to say “Have website, will host”, if interested. Have a few ICT items there now for ftp access. Unlimited storage/bandwidth. Let me know…
Index of /ftp/ict

This is my first time posting on any of ICT’s threads. First off I really want to thank him from the bottom of my heart for his efforts, and kindness to give such valued information freely. I wanted to sit down and write thanking him and sharing what a great experience and learning curve I have acquired thanks to him, but now that he’s gone im not sure if he will ever see this. I have been following his teachings since April of last year, in the back of my mind I had planned to contact him when I reached professional status as a trader, where I would be living off of the profits. Now I feel terrible because it seems like the opportunity to reach him has perished. So I feel that we all need to press on to reach our goals in the market, not only for ourselves now but to honor ICT. Whatever has happened may God truly bless him and take care of his family. Best of luck to ICT, and the community out there.

Anyone want to purchase a FREE ICT t-shirt!!!

Well, after a glass of cognac (I’m using the big glass tonight) I’m still trying to put this in perspective. Feels like getting punched in the gut. But nevermind me, just think how Michael must feel. Ive been following this thing since the original thread before the bike crash and the thing that sticks in my mind is not so much the guy’s depth of knowledge and experience, there’s plenty of that, but it’s his good nature. The point is, there are a whole lot of people I would rather see this happen to instead of Michael. But somehow I think he will be OK. Maybe we will find out soon.

BUMMER!!! Well last night I took my first live trade during London open(this is big for me folks). Like many of you, I got stopped out. But not before I moved my stop to b/e(thanks ICT). Crazy that today ALL of ict’s amazing stuff is gone… I have been following him for a year and a half or so… and of course, like an idiot, I never copied all of his videos. I’m hoping one of you wise guild members can post them up somewhere or something.

Do you guys think that ICT might have planned it this way? I mean, he left enough info to be profitable and a thriving community that supports each other… Is this his way of bowing out gracefully? I know in the other thread he was asking the admins to close it up by today… coincidence???.. NA!!! C U R S E YOU CFTC!!!

Where is ICT!!! twitter account gone & livestream deleted? what is going on???

Hey guys, sorry I haven’t posted in a while. Been followin’ but a bit too much goin on to participate lately…

But wow…just wow. I don’t know exactly what you’re goin’ through right now, but my prayers are with you Michael. I hope this isn’t the last time we hear from you, but if it is, thank you for changing my life. I know that sounds a bit cheesy, but its true. Don’t know if i’ve ever met someone as genuine and generous as you. Stay strong and we all hope to hear from you soon.


do you want to share your thoughts in a private message - would love to help

I knew the banks wouldnt sit still while michael is guiding so many potential millionaires to take their money… either that or someone didnt like what michael was doing for free since they are likely those scammers who charge $$ to teach useless things to newbie traders and michael is eating into their potential profits and customer base…

God bless michael and his family.

Hi Everyone,
It’s really depressing that my first post to this thread has to be on an occasion like this. I bet You all know what I felt when I tried to open ICT twitter page and saw it saying that no such user exists…
Still, I’m sure they can do him no serious harm apart from annoying him for some time. And that this thread he blew life in 's gotta get going, and we’ve gotta use all that patience ICT has teached us to have to keep it going and to wait until he contacts us - i’m sure (or just wanna be sure) he will…

GLGT Everyone!

P.S. Man, I do wish I’d downloaded all the precious knowledge ICT had shared to us…

Another first time poster here, i have been following along watching the videos and reading the thread for about four weeks now. I had really thought i found the holy grail with his thread, just so much detailed and free information it was amazing to see an obvious professional giving up his life time of learnings for free. Its a sad day indeed, but hopefully we can stick together continue to share his teachings and grow as an even stronger community, together. Even if we have to go underground and without our mentor i believe we can do it, and i would love to be apart of it.

Im not a religious man, but god bless you michael.
Lets regroup, move forward and finish what we have started.

What a horrible day!! Best wishes to Michael and thank you for the education.
I agree, let’s keep things going

Okey. If any of rats or even a man from CFTC is reading this. Go **** yourself.

Now for today. I think we should be discussing how to move everything to one chat. Because right now, we have two Skype groups. IRC looks good right now. I just don’t remember how to make them up and running. Lets sort this thing as soon as possible so we can all be in the same group/chat.

Lots of speculation as to what happened, but the truth is that none of us know.

All I hope is that Michael is ok and that we will hear from him again someday. If you are reading these posts, thank you for everything you have given us, it has helped me gradually transform my trading from loser, to breakeven, to finally profitable.

I agree with you PipJoker that we do need to come up with one chat room and ditch the rest. Personally I think Skype sucked, I always had issues getting the room to load. I’m not sure what the best service would be, but once it’s established I’ll be there with you guys.

I am currently putting together all the ICT material I have. I will upload it soon…possibly a torrent file as that can never be taking down