The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

This is all very very very frustrating!!! And i always wonder why does everythig good needs to come to an end??? I really hope that Mechael is ok. But more than that i do really believe he will be blessed by God for everything he has done by helping others!!!
And guys i also would like to join to any group if such will be created. Please let us all know. I also read Krishen’s post that he has almost all videos and maybe others who have …please please please share those with us!

Good Luck to everyone of you!

Hey guys, I just started following ICT’s methods. It’s a shame to see all his video’s pulled. I did download about 30 videos of his teaching a few weeks back and would like to share.

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Hi Krishen. Could you please share with us the materials you have? Torrent, anything…PLEEEEAAAAASSSSSSSS!!

Just found out - I am speechless.

Michael, if you read this - whatever caused this, I hope you’re ok. Thanks for all your ideas, they are superior to everything I’ve learned before. Thanks very much for helping me on my way.

I will contact those who have said that they have “things”. The material is “there”. This thing is not dead. Stay tuned.

If people are down with this, I have setup a IRC room on the us quakenet server (/connect /j #MillionareTraders

EDIT: nevermind this. Room is shut down. Sorry for the static.

i woke up to this very sad morning and am shocked.
absolutely remarkable and outstanding person u r who helped us tons, generously out of heart
bless u, hope u r ok

btw: gut feeling i had, i couldn’t picture for some reason to c this work for very long time,rats,cfts, whoever- whatever the cause,but this soon? i am shocked

This is the worst day! Michael I hope you and yr family is well, I have followed you since you started yr mission
to share yr knowledge in depth. I will be missing you and pray for yr return.
Thanks for everything. God Bless

I have all Videos but dont know how to share it, will ask my son if he can.


Hello again, Everyone.

Not that I want to distract anyone from what has happend, and there are important things to do right now apart from trading. But Michael says “Keep Focused”, and so we should, to prove we are worth the knowledge. At least, that’s what i think.

Just pulled out a slow Stoch. on USDX Weekly chart, and what I saw looked much like a bullish divergence with stoch. surging down to oversold. Do You guys think it’s valid, or we have to wait for a fractal low to form on this chart to be sure?

First and foremost, I want to thank the legend himself. Michael, I sincerely appreciate the time and effort you have put into sharing your knowledge with us all. Individuals like yourself are few and far between. Thank You.

Secondly, a first post for a silent follower. I’m gutted that my first post is under the current circumstances, but I have been following the threads just over half a year now and I have watched all the videos. I think there’s some great people in here and I would love to be a part of any new chat groups or threads that continue on with ICT’s teachings.


PS. I guess I should start posting a bit more

“I don’t know what’s going to happen next, but if it goes against me, it’s ok, because I won’t let it hurt me”
Contending with Trade Psychology[/I][/B]


Thank you and good luck!

We’ve walked in your footsteps and if we look at what you’ve GIVEN and SHOWN we can all succeed and jump on the coattails of the “SMART MONEY”!

You’ve shown us all an"EDGE" and thats all we need!

S/R,time of day,judas,SMT and above all belief and inspiration!

I promise to practice and pass it on to family and friends!

I salute you!


What did he say?

He said “CFTC” followed by “:(” and that was it. A few minutes later he sent out the ‘Goodbye’ tweet:

“CFTC asked if the last person to leave the room would kindly turn off the lights, as the govt are keen to maintain their energy efficiency initiative”

To those with the material before you post it publicly think about this:

Michael took it down for a reason, probably to keep from getting in trouble (or limiting issues) for something that may be in there that put him in the cross hairs of the CFTC. Do you want to make that material available again and potentially raise the irk of the CFTC? Sure they won’t come down on you but they may continue to come down on him for it being available again even though he didn’t personally post it.

Just a thought. I don’t want to get into a discussion on what could or could not be there, but Michael took a scorched earth policy to EVERYTHING he ever made, including his personal website and forum, and that is enough to give pause in at least publicly posting.

Well spoken Hordane,

I fully agree but … and the videos that were shared on youtube??

Sure that many people have uploaded and will continue to share …

“we are moving ahead despite your speedbump last night. Lick the wound, stand up for the next round…” - ICT

God bless Mike.

GLGT :41:

Hello Everyone!

I do have most of the videos, but unedited and hidden ones. I’m uploading them to Lumpybd as he got means to share it with you. Just be patient folks!

I will also send him hard copy of all vids I have, this afternoon.

PS. I hope Micheal is ok as wel as his family. There is not many people like him in today world. Good bless him!!


Does that mean he’ll be back?? :51:

Hordane I agree completely. Just in the interest of transparency, I’m currently in the process of gathering all of the videos together with a view to finding a safe and discreet approach to distributing them to people on this forum who have followed ICT up to this point, while hopefully not making them publicly available.

So my plan at the moment is to make them available using a private torrent. If I host the initial download of the torrent file and only provide the address on this forum (perhaps along with a password), that should ensure that only BabyPips forum members who have been following this topic closely would be aware of the availability. The one concern is that this approach still relies on the BabyPips forum members to be discrete once they have the videos.

The advantage of using a torrent folder is that people can then choose to only download the videos they are missing if they dont want the whole collection (although taking the full collection and seeding would make distribution a lot quicker).

Any alternative suggestions would be welcome too.

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