The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

Don’t be daft, that’s a scene from Star Trek.

I get the Yields, MS and COT can indicate a Bullish situation.
But the decision to buy at that level would be:

  2. EU GU divergence
  3. Pivot zone

Would these 3 be enough to convince you to enter a trade?

lol uncle bob

Did not no which way to go today either but when you look at the weekly candles on Cable they do look bullish.

So I bought the a/u at london close and took 39 pips from it only trade of the week for me GL&GT


I was viewing for YouTube video on “how to capture explosive forex profits” now I’ve been trying to apply the same on my own charts but I can’t seem to get I or figure out how to get in and out out the seeking trades, also I noticed that you mentioned buy and sell signals.

I guess my question is

How to Identify the buy and sell signals when trading the weekly? Like you have shown in the video

Haha bro I laughed so hard at that! :stuck_out_tongue:

Looking at price and fib levels… Working of the theory that price respects the fib levels when pulled from the right area… Here’s an example that would have given an OTE today for the pop during the LO. Taken from the 1.2180 level.
Interesting to see how price reacts around those levels.

The red line is the price level that I pulled the fib from…:36:

was’nt trading today, but interesting how price reacted again at 1.2260, also interesting same divergence on stochs as yesterday when price reached there.
Also often when the euro makes a sudden determined move the eur/gbp can signal it’s a judas move - even if cable is not showing any divergence, this is especially so in gmt morning, see how this cross refused to move below it’s asian until 7.00 gmt, (the earlier risers in mainland Europe (1 hr ahead) had done their work on fibre and cable - not interested in eur/gbp.
Next target 1.2450 ?

Only 30 people are you serious? Inner Circle Trader - live streaming video powered by Livestream

This is a request record the 19th live stream webiner to our forum member.

Best thing about that webinar/review. I knew everything that was coming for the pair I traded. Feels goodto be growing. And I’m not taking 5 trades a week. Proud of myself lol. I guess you werent getting mobile chat. so my questions were. Do you teach all your children to trade or just whoever wants to learn? and referring to your response about linking your system to the internet. how do you place trades? do you do all your analysis on the computer and call in your orders?

I have said it before alot of what ICT says he has said before. But he still blows my mind from time to time. Especially with his Aussie review (thanks ICT that was unexpected). I will say though watch closely as you will see him use tools in different ways from time to time. Unless you are paying attention you will miss it.

On a side note I have started to see bond yealds on mt4 here on this thread. Where are they coming from? I use a demo for mt4 with forex ltd any advise would be great. If it is Oanda I am not above swaping my account over but I like my fixed spreads in news events. I will be honest here though news events really do not effect me much. I had alot more to add but yeah the wife isss uh yeah I gotta go good nite :smiley:

Well in my case the answer would be yes. The number of confluences for yesterday’s trade was substantial.

  1. The yields put the bullish scenario into effect on July 24/25 - Combine this with COT and you know it’s time to start looking for long entries.
  2. The USDX was retracing from a STL back into an OTE on the daily chart - big time support level. Whack a good ol’ stochastic on that chart and you’ll see the divergence between price and the indicator, telling us it’s time to go down…
  3. LO had barely started and already price was down at the S2 pivot zone, and, coincidentally, the ADR low for the day. What were the chances of price going even lower with almost the entire trading day still to come?
  4. Then of course came that nice divergence between EU, GU and USDX during LO.

To me it looked like price was building up for a move higher all week, particularly for the fiber, which was within its higher TF OTE for what seemed like decades! :wink: Anyway, once those confluences lined up, it would be a travesty to leave that trade hanging, don’t you think :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s sad that these things are at like 2AM my time :frowning: I would love to watch!


I’ve been watching for details of the ICT webinar on 19th - does anyone have details? Please don’t say I’ve missed it!


Didnt know about it. However I finally posted my trade on the aussie on my thread. I also for fun since I got my demo working and I am awake for LO. Just went short on the EU judas out of the asian range and hit the 128 fib of the range then rejected. Its a demo trade so figured why not. Looking for the 1.2310 which is the 168 extention of the range and also the 200 sma on the 15 min chart lets see what happen I will close it before work. On a side note my AU trade is well over 100 pips and that was live and demo :smiley:

Like the Price moves yesterday I didn’t see this coming. That said, it was at 3am here.

For the purposes of spotting divergences between related pairs, does anyone know which pair to match USDCAD with?

Try EURCAD, but would it need to be mirrored?

But why not just stick to the EUR and GBP ?

I think the cable is fairly closely correlated to USD/CAD but its an inverse correlation, also seems to work better on the higher TF’s