The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild Inner Circle Trader - live streaming video powered by Livestream - ICT on now Inner Circle Trader - live streaming video powered by Livestream

Thanks longechoes! I’m in now…

It is not quite so black and white, sx. Hopefully I will get a chance to explain more at some point during the week, but for now let’s get in on the webinar!

Cant seem to find the webinar recording anywhere… does someone no where i may find it?

Hi Michael sorry to de a pest… but i cant find the live recording anywhere on the livestream account.I woke up early this morning at 4am Australian time and checked my twitter account and there was a message saying that you were recording it on livestream so instead of staying awake like i intended i thought what the hell im going back to sleep he is recording it anyway. Then i wake up this morning and its not there. Please please help me have been waiting for that live webinar for so long now hope i have not missed it.

Hmm he said it was going to be recorded but its not there, glad I saved it,

BTW whoever uses timingcharts the site owner finally sent out a mail to everyone on their mailing list, which I think he kindly added me to.

Commodity Futures & FOREX Charts | COT Database Its somewhat fixed!.

Looks like the man is watching because he delivered Inside The Range Webinar-20120819.mp4 - - online file sharing and storage - download

Do any of you see divergence forming on the usd/x with the fiber and cable on the daily? Potential move UP early this week for the two pair?


You are comparing tops/highs with bottoms/lows. You need to compare like with like

I see the stochs heading down while USDX is rising.

(On the 4hr and 1hr)

Thank you Tansen and thank you Michael for putting up the recording!

Hopefully the BP forum will allow me to write at length because every time I have done so of late, everything has been rejected. I will lay down my thoughts on the action as I see it, and the conclusions I have drawn, and hopefully we can open up a discussion with feedback from ICT, and move this topic along.

2010 was a great year for the ICT concepts of ‘yield divergence’ and ‘COT extremes’. At the start of the second quarter, yields put in a bearish divergence and were closely accompanied by a bullish extreme reading in the Cable COT report in May. This triggered a sell off in the USDX around June, as anticipated, and the start of a bullish trend for risk currencies. In November of 2010 the Treasuries put in a bullish divergence, as shown in the initial teaching module, and risk currencies slid nicely down into the start of 2011. Are these pure Treasury plays, or are yields advantages widening/contracting here?

It seems that the market environment changed in the first quarter of 2011, and the risk currencies of Cable and Fiber have bucked this trend for the time being. Although not completely inversely correlated at all times, it does seem that the sentiment of the market has changed and Treasuries are following a ‘risk-on/risk-off’ model, as opposed to the ICT 2010 model. With the yields on the Treasuries, Bunds and Gilts so close together, is it such that investors are valuing safety over yields? Risk-off sentiment will therefore see lower treasury yields and lower risk currencies, as opposed to lower yields and lower USDX (and vice versa).

That is not to say that this is how things fly from now on - the yield advantage will always be the basis for currency flows as it is basic economics. We can see evidence of this in the USD/JPY pair of late as yields started to widen in favor of the dollar due to strengthening US data and the weakening picture in Japan. The ICT technicals were clean on this pair, but even cleaner on its sympathy sister GBP/JPY.

Trading is never black and white, and you can see that from reading Murphy’s book. He lays out what should happen in a perfect world, and says that it is essential to know this stuff so that you can identify times when the picture doesn’t adhere to the norm. If you think you will have it all figured out by reading the book, you will be sorely disappointed. It will however give you a better idea of how to think about the markets, and how to arrive at a bias. You could just look at the charts and assess the price action as you see it, but having a dialogue of what should/could/did happen makes you decision making a lot more informed.


Nuts absolutely nuts, stark raving bonkers, nuts!

I don’t normally trade on Monday’s, but I put the charts up, and The holy Grail was beckoning and was just too irresistible, 30 PIPS to the good, leave the rest on 'till later.

Is this all i have do do??? It’s like taking candy from baby.


I’ve been studying ICT concepts for 2 months now and demo-ing for the last month whilst I have been doin good in my demo account I still have not written down a detailed plan. Today i set myself a goal to try and write one but have found it tougher than i thought.

  1. How does your trading plan differentiate from your trading system.
  2. Should I have many different systems with in my trading plan for every situation
  3. What should be clearly out lined in my trading plan

While I now know many of the concepts Michael has taught quite well these days, i feel there are so many that if i were to detail them
in a trading plan I reckon I could fill 20 pages worth. How do i break it down into something that is simple that i can go through and not feel like i’ve written an essay.

Some input would be much appreciated and although I think michael would frown upon anybody putting up there own trading plan some bullet points in order from start to finish would be a big help and any other thoughts anybody wishes to share would greatly appreciated.

Thanks guys.

I’m going to take the the above points as a whole, as I see it, ICT doesn’t have a system, this is what I like about it so much, I’ve never likes the word system it just doesn’t sit right with me, I prefer the words approach and strategy, it may be pedantic semantics, but I see it as a key difference.

What you have here is a set of tools, and this is the way I have found that projects work best, be it writing software, running a project or building a wall, just like any other workman, you’ve got to go to work and look at what’s in front of you and choose the right tools for the time and the right job.

So the first thing you need to do is decide when you will trade, I expect you’ll know this, for example, trading the London close tools is no good if you’re not trading the London close.

So before you can go any further, we need to know what you’re trading times are I think.

Did anyone notice the OTE sell in EU H1 today ?

So the first thing you need to do is decide when you will trade, I expect you’ll know this, for example, trading the London close tools is no good if you’re not trading the London close.

So before you can go any further, we need to know what you’re trading times are I think.[/QUOTE]


The most likely times i will be trading is The LO an NYO.

Absolutely, fitted in perfectly with the holy Grail, like I mentioned above!

There was also an OTE within the OTE on the 15min :slight_smile: