The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

Ok, so the first thing you need to take into consideration is ‘The Power 3’, start there, 2 days on the trot, that’s been primarily my trading plan, The Power 3 + confluence.

Some rules like - Only ever enter using OTE and withing what ranges.

Could you provide some details on your trade. Was it a 30pips short on Cable after the Judas swing?


EURUSD, popped out of Asian range, a lot of price action above the price up to 6GMT, I take that as bearish, as per Power 3, TP at 30 PIPS, and OTE confluence, have a look at the 5m chart, it sticks out like a sore thumb, the other portion of myh trade I will leave on until 17:00 ish BST, unless I see different, doubt it though, when the market does trend on a Monday it tends to carry on steadily.

In there on the same trade. Tons of reasons to enter there…

OTE within OTE, holy grail (as PPFX said), TT and pivot sell zones, 1.2360 was a key level I had on my charts, USDX had dropped into an OTE at previous S/R level, price was at MR1, and my new favorite which helped me choose to short the Fiber over the cable…the Eur/Gbp had moved up into a previous S/R level and was retracing into an OTE which indicates that the Euro was relatively weaker than the pound. Woke up and took 70% off at 50 pips 'cause we’re still bullish over all and gonna hold the rest til 15:00-16:00 GMT.


just keep in mind that 30yr bond is currently @ weekly support which in theory makes usdx to boost up and rest u know … :54:

Made over 3% today :57: Just wanted to brag :smiley: Its a good feeling.

For upcoming days, i have this Cable chart below. Something to think about :wink:

I wasn’t intended to trade on Monday but during my chart review early LO I noted a potential short setup on the EU, so I couldn’t resist given the following confluences:

  • Judas swing up off AR
  • OTE, Prior key S&R level and Mid-fig around 1.2360 near ADR high
  • TT sell zone
  • Pivot sell zone

Entered at 1.2360
Exited at profit target 1.23

Guess I’ve learned somethings from yesterday’s ICT Inside The Range webinar. Thank you ICT!

Hey Donald, Because I was comparing the usdx with eurousd I was looking at usdx lows and eurousd highs. This is because these two pair a inversely related. If I had been looking at eurousd and gbpusd then I would have been comparing highs… or lows but not both.


When i draw a rectangle in MT4 then change time frames it disappears, is there a setting or something to lock it in place ?

Thanks in advance

Ok pipmart, my mistake, sorry. I’m used to cable + fibre divergences. But thank you! Still got a lot to learn. On that note, I just finished watching the latest webinar and all I can say is “beautiful!”. The way ICT brokedown a weeks price action into fibonacci, bank action, s/r…it’s amazing! So now I believe it is possible to successfully trade without getting chewed up. I need to go practice! lol

Hi y’all, back from short honeymoon;)
Missed the lovely short entry during LO BUT I didn’t miss the just as lovely reversal during NYO;)
risked 1% and scalped 30 pips out of it (earning 1%). closed it at 1500gmt converging with a possible Bearish OTE area…

So happy the Webinar was recorded… thanks a lot Michael!

There is something I noticed a few times during your recordings… something that bothers me a little bit! I thought, maybe all of us, as a community, could provide you (Michael) with a small fridge for your trading desk, so you wont have to feel thirsty all the time;) - Maybe we can bring you one during the first traders guild meet up in a few years;)

have a good trading week, my fellow hunters

Could anyone of you please clarify what an ICT Holy Grail is? or point where I can find info on it?

Is it OTE within OTE ??


yes, i did on the level of 1,2348

I’ve been through most, if not all the videos and I noticed ICT refers to the banks “running” price up or down. He identifies this through price action (e.g. Judas swings).

Does the info provided by news services play any role in ICT’s methods for determining what banks/big players are doing/plan to do? For example, ThomsonReuters/IFR markets might state there are large offers of 500M at a certain level on the fiber. And…

Just like to say a big “thank you” to Michael for the webinar :D. What I liked most was how it focused on one tool (fibonacci). Kept it simple, because it can be confusing with all the other tools out there (TT, pivot, Figure, etc. etc.) and knowing [I]when [/I]to use which tool.

Power Of Three - Inner Circle Trader - YouTube

I 'm new here and only have 3 posts so I cannot email you as I need 20 posts to do so. I have a question re: managed funds. Is it possible for you to email me and I can respond with the specific question? Also thank you for the material - just started watching your videos and hope to eventually profit. Appreciate it.

If a grail entry is an OTE with an Oscillator (like Stochastics) making the extreme (higher high or lower low) which is (type 2) divergent from price, which is retracing between 62% - 79%. If it is type 1 divergence where current price is making the more extreme move and the Oscillator is not, this would be a Turtle soup type entry, is that correct? In other words, for Turtle Soup entries, should we be looking for reflection OTE’s, and are Turtle Soup entries more reliable with type 1 Oscillator divergence? Is there a name for these situations if they are better - ‘Holy Turtles’, maybe.

Thanks Michael for the great webinar!

I caught an ascending triangle on the EUR/USD this morning for 40 pips. Still a trading newbie (demo only at this point).

A couple of questions:

I have been doing double tap entry 50%/50% so that I can scale off my trades. My broker FXCM doesn’t allow the closing of a partial position. I am guessing those of you who do a 70%/30% do a double tap entry with 70%/30% of the position or am I missing the boat with my broker?

I believe ICT had a range trading strategy somewhere in the videos that used an oscillator, but I have watched most of them 3 times now and have a hard time remembering where it is. Can anyone help me with that?

Edit: Read back over my notes, and I believe now the range trading was simply using S&R and using OTE entries when the range is wide enough to generate risk/reward.

Nevermind, didn’t read what you posted closely enough :stuck_out_tongue:

