The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

Closed 40% @ 1.63050 and have final 10% running with SL @ 1.62580.

2% gain. Closed the majority here as we are already 25% above ADR.

Well played, Tommy, you pretty much nailed it to the pip!!

Nice trade mate. MR1 pivot zone, OTE, Ydays Asian High and Divergence on stochs 15 min. Congrats :slight_smile:

Thanks for pointing out that OTE that trade brought me to break even. Only took 20 pips tho. Couldnā€™t close out half a position on a micro lot lol

Thank you Michael for everything !! Iā€™m 50+ years advanced in my trading career because of your teachings. I can see the market now only because of you [U]and my trading reflects it[/U]!!

smt should be called mmt money money tools
smt should be called mmt money money tools

I know I repeated the same thing twice because ā€œto meā€ its that important. I canā€™t thank you enough Michael, you have broken down the market to us and made it easy to understand and simple to digest.

Thank you Michael

Thank you Thank you Thank you :smiley:

In your tweeter message you said, it took 3 years to emotionless trade. Could you tell us, how to control emotion while trading or do you have any video / article or do you suggest any book, please?

Fellow traders I am struggling trade with emotion, how are you doing in this regards? How do you control emotion? What you did to tame it, what are your experiences? Please share your feelings. I know, in this trade journey, some time every one feels bad about emotionally trade, think our sharing can help each other.


I am currently reading ā€œTRADING IN THE ZONE -MASTER THE MARKET WITH CONFIDENCE, DISCIPLINE AND A WINNING ATTITUDEā€ by Mark Douglas. Itā€™s about the pshychologycal part of trading if you are interested.

Dr.Alexander Elder - ā€œCome Into My Trading Roomā€

I guess as most in here, I am as well still fighting some demons in my trading;)
But what helped me a lot, to improve the emotional part is the following, maybe a bit unorthodox methodā€¦

I made it my goal to achieve the following:
My wive should not be able to tell if I won or lost a trade today. The more I practiced my poker face, the more it also started spreading to my psychologyā€¦
I am still far from emotionless tradingā€¦ but I am heading in the right direction.
Not sure if this makes any sense, but it seemed to help me somehow;)

cheers and a good weekend to all!

(edit - added his original statement in case it is deleted)

Oh my god. If anyone believes this statement this is a joke. I used to believe in ICT but a few things have unsettled me over the past few months such as:

  1. Fact that no-one has made profit consistently using his methods (most important)
  2. Fact that he claimed that he could not livestream because CFTC were chasing him (super unlikely)
  3. Claims that he has 90% accuracy of hitting TP1 when his livestreams showed he could not acheive close to that
  4. Continual evasion of posting up myfxbook for odd reasons
  5. That whole gun cabinet thing
  6. Continual after the fact retrospective posting about trades that he makes

And now this very poorly photoshopped statement (yes, I know he moved the logo on, but the figures themselves are photoshopped). I have posted a zoomed in version - you can save the image on photoviewer and zoom in if you want to see for yourself (the original and the quoted versions are the same). Clearly its an MT4 (which makes you wonder why he didnā€™t myfxbook it in 5 seconds to save the hassle).

  1. The profit numbers do not line up. Look at your MT4 and see that the tens, hundreds and thousands ALL line up. His ones DO NOT line up. That is the Price column and the Profits column. Check any MT4 from ANY BROKER. They all line up - but his ones donā€™t. So basically these numbers have been cut and pasted in. You might say: oh, but he didnā€™t want to show his other trades - BUT THERE ARE NO OTHER TRADES. The numbers all add up to the profit target so they should all line UP! There is no other conclusion to reach but the profit per trade was CUT and PASTED in.

  2. If you zoom in via picviewer you will see that each of the numbers and headings have pixels around them where ICT cut and pasted them in, so they are all fake, if you wanted any proof that the profits were cut and pasted in. That includes size, symbol, price, S/L, T/P all cut and pasted in.

  3. Notice that although the profits all add up to the total, the T/P and S/L and time are all blurred out. Why? Probably because it is difficult to calculate all the numbers, prices and times without making a mistake that someone can easily check - there would be no other reason to blur it as it is not identifying information and you can easily backtrack it using the lot size, the close price and a chart if you wanted to.

  4. The final show is that look at the color of the background of T/P. It is RED. Look at any other MT4. T/P is GREEN, and S/L is RED. So basically ICT is pretending that the S/L is actually the T/P (its not a trailing stop hit either - because the S/L would be highlighted red and it is not).

Here is a real statement (with crap results) on a 4 digit broker that shows what an MT4 should look like (a 5 digit should look the same but I could only find a 4 digit one on quick notice). ALL numbers are aligned. The T/P is in GREEN. NO funny pixels around the digits.

Iā€™m sorry, but this is the last straw for me. I donā€™t know what ICTs game is, but I have lost all faith in him. If he produces verified myfxbook and proves me wrong, then Iā€™m happy to believe again, but why post up this OBVIOUSLY photoshopped statement if he is true?

Yes, I know the logo was photoshopped on, but he clearly did not need to photoshop everything else which he has done. Anyone who believes him now is clutching at straws. I did debate to myself whether to post this up because I was curious to discover what his game was, but my conscience (and generally being outraged) got the better better of me in case anyone decided to believe this guy.

Dude, you have way too much time on your hands. As far as the stops go, when you move your stop to BE or even more, and get taken out at profit, it will appear as a stop loss. I seriously doubt that someone who has been posting here FOR YEARS is remotely interested in maintaining such an elaborate hoax. All those videos, day in day out, for what? A laugh? gimme a break

Haters gonna hate.

To be honest, I donā€™t really care much if the screenshot is photoshopped or not. The methods ICT presents to all of us here are based on a sound principles and some of them are easy to use from the day one. There are both fundamental (long term) and technical stuff and if anyone wants to learn athing or two (actually, way waaay more) about FX markets, following ICT threads is the way to go and thatā€™s all that matters to me.

(ofc I donā€™t think the image is shopped)

If you move the stop to B/E then the SL column should be highlighted and NOT the TP column. Iā€™ll try that and see on Monday when the market is open just so I can confirm. Too much time on my hands? Perhaps but it took me about 10 seconds to see it was photoshopped. How do you explain all the other things then?

Btw, the pixalation around the text is probably just the comprimation used by YouTube or his video rendering softwareā€¦

(Just my 2cents)

I canā€™t and wonā€™t say that I can. However, this guy has his name out there. We think he makes tons of money. For predators, thats easy prey. I can only imagine that the guy is trying to hide his personal info by putting the odds in his favor to do so. If that means photoshopping over statements that could quite possibly reveal that, then so be it. If the CFTC was chasing him for disseminating his own buy and sell trades and people were taking them as signals, then YES, the CFTC would be way up his bottom. I used to work for NYMEX and know that the CFTC doesnā€™t play nice with the average joe when Joey has a band of snipers behind him. Especially when he has an IRC room with a 1000 traders literally moving the S&P futures market when he posted his trades.
Now, if you have ever used any of his concepts at all, (I am a purist and follow his rules religiously) you know that they are effective and that they give you an edge. I trade crude oil futures and use the same exact Top down analysis techniques that ICT uses and can tell you that I am well on my way to being a profitable trader. I admit, I am not a funded trader and am trying to get funded at topsteptrader. But believe me, my winning percentage has gone from less than 25% to 55% by using OTE alone. My own pysch issues have gotten in the way, but everyday, his concepts play out like clockwork.

If YOU have failed to have a successful experience with ICTā€™s concepts, just remember that the market doesnā€™t give a **** about you or your ego/entitlement/self-worth/bias and that your failures are the result of monumentally unrealistic ideas.

Get a Life, dude.

Another idiot for the ignore list. No one is making you read this threadā€¦ if you donā€™t think ICT is all that then keep the negative comments to yourselfā€¦ how do you think it is helping/assisting others who are following all the material he has made available.
Oh and to note you have been a BP member for a couple months and have managed to digest all the material made available over the last couple of yearsā€¦ I dont think soā€¦ I will enjoy taking your money in the markets!

Hmm, well it seems that what I said was not appreciated at all and I wonā€™t post back in this thread. If you are all making money out of it then it doesnā€™t matter anyway. Iā€™ll just leave this quote from Revolver here about the rules of the con, and would urge caution about your future endeavours. Good luck to you all.

ā€œThe bigger the trick and the older the trick, the easier it is to pull, because -They think it canā€™t be that old, they think it canā€™t be that big,ā€¦ for so many people to have fallen for it. Eventually,when the opponent is challenged or questioned, it means the victimā€™s investment and thus his intelligence is questioned, no one can accept that. Not even to themselves.ā€

Thereā€™s always got to be oneā€¦ Jack, you got some serious paranoia issues, dude!!! If anyone is out of pocket, its Michael. As stated by Banker, he really is getting nothing material out of thisā€¦

1,For me at least, it is clearly not an MT4, it is an MT 4, and a bit pasted to the bottom of it, from an other program i guess. I think i remember from waaay back, that ICT said, that he only uses MT4 for charting, and he uses his brokers other surfaces to trade (like jforex, or oanda java and so onā€¦)

2, get a decent ruler, for me it lines up

3, why is it all hindsight, it is called [B]RE[/B]view for a friggin reason, donā€™t you think? You can see in the videos, if you watch them all in a timely order, that most of the larger moves are predicted days ahead, areas and levels noted BEFORE price reached them (also he posted ideas that werenā€™t fulfilled as well)

4, The one who deserves some crap here is you, you are the one, who can not deal with something in a humanly expectable way, you are the one who throw accusitions around, if you are unhappy with someone it is not the first thing to try and set the one on fire in front of a crowd, you might have written him a mail or pm, or tweet, asked, and if you did not get a satisfying answer, went on with your life, no, instead you came here guns blazing, screaming wichhunt. It is truly a shame that you want to be seen bigger than him by screaming cheating, like you are the alpha and omega of FX. To me it feels like plain jealousy, or resentfulness on your side. The best thing you could do, is to go away, make a gazillion dollars, and THEN come back and say that he is fake, and you know better, until thenā€¦ please go play hide andā€¦


P.S: the more time i have after reading your post, the more reasons i have to tell you off, but there is just a few:

He always tells us, not to play w real money, and that it is not his intention to ask for our money (if he ever does, i will be very very disappointed) Maybe his play is to educate many ā€œbotsā€ that work around the same principle as he does, and that way the cummulative force of the botnet will be stronger on the market :slight_smile: orā€¦ hold on, maybe he tells the truth, and he just does it for the fun of it? Maybe not everything on this planet is fully rotten?

An other reason for your regrets might be that everyone needs his OWN gameplan, he just tells us about his, so MAYBE a FEW of us will find something useful in it. I know a few brokers/traders who use totally different ways and those methods work as well FOR THEM, so donā€™t try to shout itā€™s not working, instead try to learn from it, and try to figure out, if there is anything in what he teaches that can be used by you for your system, if you decide there is none, go with peace, you didnā€™t pay a penny for all this, and nobody is forcing you to stay in any manner