The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

Jack, lehm asked you a question on aug 21 - ?

Perhaps , like many of us, you lack that one special attribute - essential to a successful trader - absolutely essential if you wish to apply yourself to the markets in the same way as ICT does.
ICT cautioned that he does not even remotely suggest 17 trades per month - your back testing of his teachings thus failed (is it possible to back test an approach, a concept, or is it something you learn going forward)

ICT asked you back 4 months ago to compare entries - ?

Oh - that special attribute - your post in April you say that you are encountering itā€™s opposite .

Patience is a virtue,
possess it if you can,
Itā€™s seldom in a woman,
Itā€™s never in a man.

To the criticsā€¦

What value to those of us who DO want to spend the time do your posts addā€¦ ?

Absolutely none.

Iā€™m trying to learn, unless you have something better to add please move on. All you seem to want to do is spend time trying to undermine ICT.

Damn you Jack Markets. You make me look like a harmless puppy.

For me I leaned a lot more about fx because of ICT. He teaches the simplest techniques like support and resistance. The real gold mine is the mindset he tries to teach in the first few videos. If you donā€™t have emotional control, consistency, and risk management. **** it all. Thatā€™s money maker and it takes time years even.

Same here re the beers - the good thing is we have All Ireland (Gaelic) Football day tomorrow - our biggest sports day of the year - Mayo vs Donegal in Dublin.

lolā€¦ here we goā€¦ let me answer Jackā€™s Rat-Con Caper. This is very funny but I will give it the respect that Jack may feel is warranted. Reply in the worksā€¦

Jimmy in the video is a street seller from Senegal, sells in Lanzarote, knows every town in Ireland, just been on national tv with a video hello, never been here, is a youtube hit here - this is what is good to be Irish.

Jimmys winning matches! - Rory & the island (Donegal GAA 2012) - YouTube

You obviously havnā€™t been studying ICTs videos have you? You have probably watched a few and think you know all about him.

ICT has occassionally shown evidence that he can pull off successful trades and significantly increase a starting capital. For example take his market review on 6th March 2012. See 35mins into this video:

InnerCircleTrader Market Review 03/06/12 - YouTube

This is just one example.

Do us all a favour and donā€™t throw this thread off track. If you donā€™t like his methods, donā€™t post in this thread.

Oh my g_d. If anyone believes this statement this is a joke. I used to believe in ICT but a few things have unsettled me over the past few months such as:

[I]Firstly, I am offended you would spend the time writing this ridiculous post. I do not mind you not believing meā€¦ I do however, mind you never visiting this or any of my other threads for that matter. Before answering your misguided pufferyā€¦ let me remind you of some points as it relates to me:

I do not share my accounts or statements in my videos. I use a DEMO Accountā€¦ the trades are mirrored in live accounts but the videos show trades made in demo accounts. I never use my actual address or personal information. I have been asked by Babypips for my address and I never shared it with them either. I value my privacyā€¦ I do not want folks contacting me via phone, or showing up to my door asking to have a beer with meā€¦ no I do not drink beer [thanks just the same].

The obvious has escaped you Jackā€¦ and if you actually were paying attention as closely as your post implies you doā€¦ you would remember I did state I was going to do a MyFxbook in January 2013. Now, I suppose the nature of generosity escapes you as well, but allow me to shed some light on it for youā€¦ I spend a great deal of time and effort and yes it is MY Money on resources to share these concepts with you. I ask nothing from you but a simple thank youā€¦ and when you canā€™t cut the mustard you attack the hand that feeds you. Yes, I have dealt with your type before and yesā€¦ I wonā€™t lose sleep over it. [/I]

  1. Fact that no-one has made profit consistently using his methods (most important)

I see development towards this in many of the readers hereā€¦ again, you have selective sight on posts?

  1. Fact that he claimed that he could not livestream because CFTC were chasing him (super unlikely)

You want signals spoon fed to youā€¦ that is obvious. Listen here bub, do you feel like spending 500k and or 5 years in jail for being a nice guy? Neither do I. I have a responsibility to me and mine before you and yours. You will see all you need to see in January. I am one person and I canā€™t do it all and all at once.

  1. Claims that he has 90% accuracy of hitting TP1 when his livestreams showed he could not acheive close to that

What Livestreams are you taking about?! I donā€™t have anything supporting this remark. Shareā€¦ please.

  1. Continual evasion of posting up myfxbook for odd reasons

Again, I am one person with a long list of things I am working on sharing and developing. Time is needed to do these and yes I have a life.

  1. That whole gun cabinet thing

I share my passion of firearms and this makes me what? A terrorist? Oooooooh I get itā€¦ you are supposing I claimed it was MY GUNS in that video? Again, your attention is not as trained as you might have everyone believe. I told Bobmaninc a long time ago I would never post my fire arms on the netā€¦ and I admire Fubarprotocol for his channel and his setup. I would have posted his video as a link if I agreed with his political views he shares at the end of his videos. Againā€¦ whatā€™s your point with this one?

  1. Continual after the fact retrospective posting about trades that he makes

WATCH the videosā€¦ I told you where it was going before the fact. Itā€™s not hindsight when I tell you months before it happens. For peteā€™s sake already.

And now this very poorly photoshopped statement (yes, I know he moved the logo on, but the figures themselves are photoshopped). I have posted a zoomed in version - you can save the image on photoviewer and zoom in if you want to see for yourself (the original and the quoted versions are the same). Clearly its an MT4 (which makes you wonder why he didnā€™t myfxbook it in 5 seconds to save the hassle).

[I]This is not Photo Shopā€¦ it is however ā€œdoctoredā€ in Camtasia with zoom on the bold and this offsets like your quoting. Youtube loses a bit or resolution on jpg images and I blur the time and date for one reasonā€¦ the Demo Account I use. I do not want to share what I donā€™t want to share.

The colors are overlayed by Camtasia like I do in my videos to highlight areas with color boxes. Look at the videos and the prices I mentionā€¦ itā€™s all thereā€¦ do a better job researching if you have a Witch Hunt.[/I]

  1. The profit numbers do not line up. Look at your MT4 and see that the tens, hundreds and thousands ALL line up. His ones DO NOT line up. That is the Price column and the Profits column. Check any MT4 from ANY BROKER. They all line up - but his ones donā€™t. So basically these numbers have been cut and pasted in. You might say: oh, but he didnā€™t want to show his other trades - BUT THERE ARE NO OTHER TRADES. The numbers all add up to the profit target so they should all line UP! There is no other conclusion to reach but the profit per trade was CUT and PASTED in.

Againā€¦ nothing is ā€œpastedā€ its zoomed in to feature the equityā€¦ itā€™s nothing but ZOOM!

  1. If you zoom in via picviewer you will see that each of the numbers and headings have pixels around them where ICT cut and pasted them in, so they are all fake, if you wanted any proof that the profits were cut and pasted in. That includes size, symbol, price, S/L, T/P all cut and pasted in.

You are really reaching Jackā€¦ there is no ā€œpastedā€. Zoom in on any of my other videos on imagesā€¦ the same distortion is going to be there. lol

  1. Notice that although the profits all add up to the total, the T/P and S/L and time are all blurred out. Why? Probably because it is difficult to calculate all the numbers, prices and times without making a mistake that someone can easily check - there would be no other reason to blur it as it is not identifying information and you can easily backtrack it using the lot size, the close price and a chart if you wanted to.

Itā€™s called PRIVACY. Did you even keep track of the levels and targets noted on the videos over the last three months? Really? Did you put this much effort into simply applying the concepts to a Demo account as you are putting into this? If you canā€™t do itā€¦ admit it and put it down and walk away. Donā€™t try and fail miserably to make it appear to be a Fairy Tale to ease the pain you feel for not being able to do it. This is not my barrierā€¦ this is yours to overcome.

  1. The final show is that look at the color of the background of T/P. It is RED. Look at any other MT4. T/P is GREEN, and S/L is RED. So basically ICT is pretending that the S/L is actually the T/P (its not a trailing stop hit either - because the S/L would be highlighted red and it is not).

I colored it with Camtasiaā€¦ WATCH THE FREAKING VIDEOSā€¦ I TELL YOU WHERE MY FRIGGIN STOPLOSS WAS BEFORE IT WAS TRIPPED MONDAY!!! Look at it and you will see its there. lol

Here is a real statement (with crap results) on a 4 digit broker that shows what an MT4 should look like (a 5 digit should look the same but I could only find a 4 digit one on quick notice). ALL numbers are aligned. The T/P is in GREEN. NO funny pixels around the digits.

Proves nothing but thanks for sharing.

Iā€™m sorry, but this is the last straw for me. I donā€™t know what ICTs game is, but I have lost all faith in him. If he produces verified myfxbook and proves me wrong, then Iā€™m happy to believe again, but why post up this OBVIOUSLY photoshopped statement if he is true?

Here is what Iā€™d like you to do franklyā€¦ Iā€™d like you to believe on what and whom you will. I have zero interest in regaining anything from you. You Sir, are a piece of workā€¦ and I for one am sorry you couldnā€™t find it in you to apply the tools and concepts to make a forward progress in Trading.

Yes, I know the logo was photoshopped on, but he clearly did not need to photoshop everything else which he has done. Anyone who believes him now is clutching at straws. I did debate to myself whether to post this up because I was curious to discover what his game was, but my conscience (and generally being outraged) got the better of me in case anyone decided to believe this guy.

Letā€™s be real here Jackā€¦ you canā€™t wrap your mind around numbers like these and you canā€™t bring yourself to a state of discipline in your Trading and clearly neither in your character. If it stingsā€¦ thatā€™s unfortunate but it is what it is. Good luck with whatever you find yourself believing inā€¦ as for meā€¦ I never promised you profits spoon fed signal by signal. I did promise you it would be an expensive journey and fellaā€¦ with all due respectā€¦ you simply donā€™t have the copper to cover it.

I donā€™t want an apologyā€¦ just take your rhetoric and conspiracy theory someplace else. I wonā€™t entertain it beyond this post.

GLGT :57:

Now with that all said and doneā€¦

I have some popcornā€¦but no movie to watch it withā€¦

ICT can you help me out and make my Saturday a joyful oneā€¦:stuck_out_tongue:

Looks like my dream of hanging out and having a couple beers with the man himself will never happenā€¦This sucks as it was on the top of my list of things to do before i dieā€¦

you dont drink beer?!?!

Bravo! Again Jack, YOU are the problem. Not ICT. Stop blaming bots, stop raids, blah blah blah, on your losses. Your unrealistic ideas are the problem. That and your obvious lack of accountability.

OMG, you donā€™t drink beer? I mean thatā€™s cool and all, but what are you going to drink when I invite you to my wedding? lol =)

Roll up on ICT and his boys and prepare to get smacked down. :smiley:

Jack, youā€™re one of those guys that only puts in 10 hours a week right?

Whether you believe you can, or you canā€™t, you are rightā€¦

You watch too much TV lol

ICT do you coach or have skype?

Hey Michael,

Why do you even bother to answer this dumb paranoid idiot ! No oneā€™s forced him to be here.

You have got to stop responding to every dog that barks at you when you walk down the path :slight_smile:

id prefer you use your energy productively :slight_smile:

Keep up the great work and waiting for the next edition.


ICT is right to point out the truth - there are many many newbies, most of whom doā€™nt post on the forum but do follow and learn from Michael, these newbies could easliyget side-tracked by insidous posts.