The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

Michael, do not waste any more of your time on this loser. All that time he has put into that post looking for a non -existent scam; if he had spent half the time actually studying the videos and trying to learn something, he might have had a few winning trades. The more I think about it, his post is outrageous given the time you have spent on this project, and asked only for feedback in return.

I blog on Babypips, host on Youtube, Tweet on Twitterā€¦ I presently do not have a room or skype. If you are asking do I intend to in the futureā€¦ I am working on putting together something. It needs to be framed in Demo Format for my protection and those attending. If would set it up to permit a large room capacityā€¦ Iā€™d prefer it be local and not as an outside medium.

This is a 2013 project obviously as my plate is clearly full at the moment. Like this post in support and let Babypips know you like the ideaā€¦ perhaps your voice will be heard and they will support a Chat Server permitting a large room base. We have locked theirs down on multiple occasions and hence, I no longer try to host via chat. What say ye?


Itā€™s been a while since I have posted here, although I do spend quite some time browsing to gauge other peoples thoughts and ideas from time to time.
Coming on here today and finding a post such as jacks was somewhat refreshing. Seeing someone stand up against ICT and his tyrannical trading methods made my day. Iā€™m hoping he comes back and posts a link to a real market guru as apparently ICT is a hoax and no-one has made any money using his trading approach (please find the sarcasm in what I have just said).

As far as having patience goes, I cannot understand how any of us (by us I refer to those who use any of the ICT material) can ask any more of ICT. The material he has already posted is invaluable. If all you are doing is sitting around waiting for the next video to come out then you probably wont ever become an overly successful trader anyway. Have a look outside the box. ICT has recommended Larry Williams and Chris Lori. There are numerous books and videos on trading psychology. Mark Douglas is great. Read a book, step outside and go for a walk, do your own chart analysis and have a think for yourself.
As of today ICT has 75 videos posted on you tube. I edited a 5 minute clip for a friend of mine the other day (not trading related), it took me an hour. Imagine the countless hours that are put in to post 75.
ICT is a guide, not a trading religion to be followed word for word. His very teaching method is based around being able to trade for yourself with a deeper understanding of the worlds largest markets. Thereā€™s no magic. Go back and revise the material he has already made available. I bet you will find something new.
You can be taught the best trading system in the world, with all the right signals and all the right tools and still lose money. If you are psychologically inept when it comes to applying your trading plan donā€™t point the finger at someone else, especially if that someone else never forced you to learn here.

Cheers ICT, you da man:59:

Hold up Mr. Photoshop Expert.

Show me your heatmap display in fact show me your Adobe Cert.

If you believe this image to be altered show me the heat map. Show me to the pixel on the sections you believe were edited.

Oh really your gonna tell me to look @ the image it speaks for itself? Iā€™m sorry I thought you were trying to convince us so you do the foot work.

Letā€™s back this up even more

Hold up Mr. Mathematician show your work. Show us that the prices donā€™t line up with the lot sizes. Even if he did Scale out the math should still hold in the sizes + profit made + chart history / Price history.

Show me.


Lemme ask you something are you even successful at your job Mr.Wannabee Graphics designer? Or you still some drop out? Where is your personal accreditation? You should show your accreditation before you try to discredit someone else.

P.S whereā€™d you grab someoneā€™s MT4 results from?

I take a weekend hiatus and I miss this?!?!

I also have a couple of suggestions to add to the reading list. Check out Market Wizards and New Market Wizards. I always like to be inspired by others who are successful and these books are full of stories of traders who started right where we all did at the bottom. Some of you have probably read these already, but if you havenā€™t I think you will really enjoy them.

Speaking of book lists, Iā€™m having trouble accessing the traders book list that Michael placed on another thread. Has the link been updated? If so could someone please provide the update. Thanks.

Personally I would like trolls be be banned. Trolls clutter a forum with unfounded nonsense by irritating our emotions. Thats not what Iā€™m here for. And since Trolls donā€™t like it here they should go. If they donā€™t go, I would like to see them banned. They donā€™t help us in what we are after and thatā€™s learning to be profitable traders on our own. I chose to be here, I like it here. I like respect and honesty. I help people, were ever I can, over and over again. But I can also drop them,those who stand in my way, no emotions, no questions asked. Being critical is something else then being a Troll.
Troll go away :58:


From the general forum rules:

  1. Flaming and trolling will not be tolerated. If we deem a user is posting with the sole intent of stirring up trouble or inciting disruption, without the intent of providing constructive suggestions or comments, our moderators will issue an infraction and/or ban.

  2. Personal attacks and aggressive behavior against members will not be tolerated and will lead to a ban. Debates and disagreements are fine. Agree to disagree, shake hands, and leave it at that.

ict plse dont waste your valuable time explaining yourself with people that dont appreciate your work,you are of great help,did you know for a cell battery to work there has to be a -ve and +ve?we need those -ve people to get the energy to move on.thanks

Niceā€¦ Looks like there was quite a ruckus here :wink:

Guys can we maybe move past it now though? Everyone is entitled to their own opinion at the end of the day, and I donā€™t think every single ICT supporter needs to slate the poor guy - I think he gets the point. If he doesnā€™t think ICT is genuine, that is his loss, and certainly not ours :slight_smile:

Remember, itā€™s an internet forumā€¦

I also believe itā€™s time to move on. Enough precious time was wasted on reading all those replies. That guy did not deserve so much of our attention! The reason we are here is because of ICT!
In the future, lets just try to ignore people like jack or what ever the name was.

GLGT :57:

Looking forward to part 2of TPDS.Lets mv on guys

Weā€™ll seeā€¦

Ndazbeā€¦How did you get MT4 working on MACā€¦ is that using Parallels or VM Ware ??

Wineskin. Been working well for me.
MT4 Mac Wrapper

unfortunately he did tell me this and its ok ICT I only hold grudges forever (not like its a long time or anything) :stuck_out_tongue:


[B]GLGT [/B]:57:

Seems like I got home just in time

You sound a bit low. :slight_smile: ā€¦ My sound settings are at maxā€¦but still u sound low ( and low volume) ā€¦ Chin Up Michael


He sounds alright but perhaps he has a dry throat after haggling quite a bit for that new laptop of his from that Best Buy placeā€¦ :wink:

This video sounds very much like a trading manual for Cable.