The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

Isn’t this the exact same video as the market profile video that was released a year ago…why did you have to render it again?


PTC In the process… short and sweet. Allergies are wrecking havoc on my voice but I will belt out what I can.

Talk with you shortly via video.

PS: The Market Profiles video was revamped as I didn’t like the graphics I used in the last version and this is essential to understanding the later material. See the Daily Cable this Summer… and yes that was released over 10 months before it unfolded…

That video made me want to go and eat some oysters


It’s Pretty much self-explanitory folks. :cool:

Something to wake up to.

Had my levels a little above yours so missed the move down!

See what tomorrow brings… bed time for now.

Have a good evening.

I have a suggestion for you ICT. The next time you do a video about fractals or fibonacci use the song “Lateralus” by Tool to open and close your video. This song is actually about fibonacci sequences.

"The song is known for its distinct time signatures and corresponding lyrical patterns. The time signatures of the chorus of the song change from 9/8 to 8/8 to 7/8; as drummer Danny Carey says, “It was originally titled 9-8-7. For the time signatures. Then it turned out that 987 was the 17th number of the Fibonacci sequence.” Lateralus (song) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh and not only have you contributed to my knowledge of forex but I now listen to Skrillex when I’m on a long run!

I tried using that for the Fib Concept Video and it blocked me lol. Tool rocks! :wink:

Me too. I got my fill but the second spike up stopped me out after i moved my SL to BE. It won’t next time… well it might lol

Same.tho I trailed a 30 pip stop. Last time I do that. Worst is I did it out of emotion. Still made one percent tho

Jack WHO!
Ass what

OH Jack Ass(market) i think he left the building.


I love Tool and I love that song. Had no idea that’s what the song was about. Thanks for that little tidbit. :slight_smile:

Is it ever ok to re-enter the market after taking 1st profit on a position and setting SL = BE on the remainder? Because technically you’ve taken the risk off the table.

So, say you set a BUY limit order at 79% OTE, it triggers, market moves in your favour and you take a portion of the position off at 30 pips and set the remainder to break-even. But price does not make the ATR yet. Could you then set another BUY limit at 70.5% or 62%, even 79%, in case price retraces once more?

Sorry if this is a stupid question.

I wondering if anyone know what pivots ICT uses in his recent videos? mine seams to be a bit off, anywhere between 4 to 10 pips (from what I can see from the videos), exception is only the Central Pivot, these seams to match perfectly. I use DailyPivotMacro… any ideas at all?

Just out of interest about that good short trade yesterday, there was also a Gartley Butterfly on the fibre as extra confluence. It’s quite a nice pattern to have in the arsenal.

could you share the MT4 Harmonic Indicator?

Unfortunately I don’t have a Harmonic Indicator rod and that chart isn’t MT4… I was just eyeballing the Fibre as it developed to see if it would play out and it did, practically to the pip.

This is a concept of trading (more like guide lines). That means you make your own rules according to you. If you want to scale into a trade I see nothing wrong with that as I have done it many times in the past and it can be profitable. I will suggest to have set rule in doing so in your trading plan.

Another suggestion I will add is how I scale in (not saying its right). Is dont just scale in to scale in. Make sure you have another valid entry and in order to scale in how ever big your stop loss is (for this lets say 20 pips) you must have already taken some profits and be in profit by 20 pips or more. This way if you get stopped out on both (you original and the added position) you still walk away with profit.

Now I will have to also add depending on how you do this (I leave that up to you and your rules to trading) what would be the purpose? See if you collect some profits then scale in did you not just defeat the purpose of collecting profits? Are you not just readding the position you cashed out? If so then why collect the profits and just let the whole position run? You must figure this out for you. I scale in but I treat it as separate trades all together.

Lastly I am not sure where you are in the world but if you are in the USA remember FIFO and make sure you are trading along with that or you will find this very aggravating.

there’s an mt4 free indicator here:
KorHarmonics v 6.7.13

Arrrgh… Guys I’m losing the plot again :frowning: I just don’t know why this happens to me every few weeks. I have such encouraging runs and then all of a sudden it all comes to a head with a couple of losses in a row. It’s like I just can’t handle a string of losses. Almost every single time I watch the trade go in my favour, then reverse 180 degrees and blow through my stop like there’s no tomorrow. It makes me completely lose any confidence in my trade and I end up exiting after 10-20 pips because I’m so worried it’ll happen again. Or, of course, the opposite extreme – I push so hard for a specific trade that I view it with rose-tinted glasses and hang onto it even when I know deep down that it is a poor trade and it isn’t going anywhere except to visit my SL. Anyone got any advice for me before I go and break my arms in the gym? (might solve the problem actually!)