The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

That should work fine I think you may be missing a codec, in my version the AAC audio is not present so playing it with say VLC will not work. Plus it could be he just muted the thing there for Q&A idk I left mine running and I scanned through mine it was fine.

If it was a codec issue would I not have trouble watching any of the video. The audio is fineā€¦ You can hear all the Q&A, just the video does not change when he is answering the questions. The rest of the video is fineā€¦ it is just the last 30 or so minutes. The video stops but the audio continues. I assume during the presentation he as showing examples on the charts, because you can hear him reference swing point and ranges during the Q & A, the video does not follow the Q & A it remains static during the Q&A. I wish I could have seen it live, but I was unable to enter the room.

I might be wrong but even live I donā€™t think you would have seen anything. Iā€™ve only watched it once so I may be wrong as Iā€™ve said already but I think that this part you are referring to was purely Q&A.

Iā€™ll have another look tomorrow at the recording I have.

Does someone have a link to the download page for the mt4 ICT tools? (asian session, pivots, etc.)
Thanks in advance.

301 Moved Permanently On the first page is the link.


Basicly Cable was at a key level, Fiber was making lower lows while cable didnā€™t, USDX was still having issues with 80.10, U.S equity makets were due for a retrace back into recent range (Thurs reversal profile) (risk ON), 1h Cable market struture (higher highs- higher Lows).
I was also watching the EURGBP come off a daily range high and convinced myself the Pound was going to be the stronger of the two (I got that one wrong -bugga- but the cable had better technicals so what can you do?).

p.s. What does T.S mean??? Are you making stuff up again? lol


Iā€™ll have a guess at turtle soup.

ahhh right thanksā€¦ so a Judas swing thenā€¦ or a J.S. at an OTE with Fib.ext and HTF S&D, see I can play too :stuck_out_tongue:


Ha ha, you are a wally :30:

(pun intended)

Thank you very much Wallly! Good Trading to you:)

I finally got around to listening to Chris Loriā€™s Inside The Banks webinar. Itā€™s a very good supplement to the ICT material.

I donā€™t have the 4shared link immediately on me (Iā€™m at work), but if I can sum it up for those who werenā€™t able to see it.

Interest rates, interest rates, [B]INTEREST RATES[/B].

He also goes over the most useful economic news releases, and I think he explains the ā€œsmart money accumulationā€ price action a little more clearly than ICT (no offense :wink: ).

But he really hammered on interest rates being a prime mover of the markets.

Now, I donā€™t know if anyone here uses Oanda, but Iā€™ve been trying to go through all their Forex Lab tools (which are public as far as I can tell) and they do indeed have a list of the overnight rates for the majors.

Iā€™m also trying to figure out how to use their order book to help with my trade positions.

Does anyone else use these tools? ICT, I know you have an Oanda account. Have you looked into them and do you find them useful?

Hello When Pips Fly,

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us on Chris Loriā€™s Inside the Range Webinar. I have been trying to get my hands on this video for quite sometime now but to no avail. Could you please point me to where i can watch the video or even download it? If you have it available do you mind kindly uploading it if you can.

Thanks for sharing!

Iā€™m reuploading without the passwordā€¦give it an hour or so.

Yes, Kays. Mozdef was the original uploader. Thank him!

Mozdef I salute you! You are the man! Thanks When Pips Fly for bringing this up again.

Yep, watched these inside the banks webinar by Chris Lori, was disappointed when comparing to ICT videos, the ICT vidoes are much more concise, less repitition, more insightful but maybe itā€™s unfair making comparisons, all I can say is that I have learned much more from ICT.
Also thanks to Mozdef for helping us newbies.

Iā€™d rather not post it hereā€¦may get into trouble. Can you activate your pm function?

Where can I find Chris Loriā€™s Inside The Banks webinar?

Thank you.


Dear All,

Can someone please tell me where can I get the similar charts, especially the net traderā€™s position, apart from

Thank you so much for all your help.


you could always purchase it from Chris Lori / Forexmentor

Furthermore it is against BPā€™s terms of use to promote piracy