The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

could you please upload the mp4 file to 4shared or somewhere? i cannot play the flv file smoothly whatsoever.
Thanks in advance!

I found an OTE buy order for AUDUSD at 1.0406

Interesting charts tonight - German cpi tomorrow at 7.00 gmt

Euro Bunds higher highs all day, US bonds same, USDX NOT following up, ( see the push up all bonds at 18.00 gmt)
Fibre quiet (accumulating) - so my brain is telling me that someone knows the numbers.

The learning curve for me is to see if the bonds are right and the euro will fall further tomorrow after a little judas up.

right now I see many thing has changed since the fall of the Eu. E/A has reached it’s turning-back point as I think, correct me if I’m wrong. U/J can go up if he wants, just as U/C. The “problem” is Aud and Cad what is it all about. they are forced to sink, for a good reason. but the two are both stubborn, so I think the play will be with them. and smaller currencies will suck.

What are you reading out from the bonds? I’m stupid to see them. can someone good guy talk it out honestly?

Better that you download and install DVDx 4.0 (freeware) and convert the flv to mp4.

Hi carl89,

I have the same problem as you. In fact I have two accounts from different brokers (one MT4 and one proprietory platform) and both showed the same chart as yours.

Excellent, greatly appreciated guys! :smiley:

Hi ICT and fellow traders,

There is something bugging me. I went over the asian range video again and came up with this question.

If you look at the asian range for a clue of how the day may unfold do you look at the asian range alone like in this preview below and if so am I looking at it the way I should? Or do you look at the trading up to the asian range for example if the entire asian range is above or below the range that led up to the asian session or is it a combination of both?



Is this what you mean? Hmm, it makes you wonder doesn’t it?
left to right;
Forex Ltd, Oanda, FXCM
ICT uses Forex Ltd for charting USDX, so that’s why I got a demo from them!

I wonder if this is the reason the ICT looks on the Futures charts to plan his move, but execute it on the Spot Market?

Hi Michael / fellow traders

Intraday Day Trading Plan Example - View Part 7 Tutorial link doesn’t work. Anyone can help please?

That is not yet uploaded.

I’ve been looking for this! Thanks!

Thank you Carl89

I am confused about the asian range too. The main point i got from the videos was that asian breaks are said to be false breaks the majority of the time. So if it breaks higher that is where you look for higher time frame S&R’s with confluences to look for a sell.

I am actually struggling with S&R levels myself. I see hundreds of them! I look at peoples posted charts and ICT’s videos and I see very clear S&R lines. However I really cannot filter them out reliably! I need help again guys! lol

Ok here is what my chart can look like if i put a S&R line on every level of support and resistance on the 1h and above. I also mark all the daily highs and lows of the past two weeks. This chart also has the key numbers too 00’s and 50’s. I have basically gone and marked everything that can be a possible S&R mentioned in the natural support and resistance section of the video.

I can see after having drawn them all in, just how many tops and bottoms of days overlap. I mean while those pink lines look all over the place there are clear areas with more resistance than others. However most are completely ignored by price.

How do you determine what S&R levels to look out for? How do you filter them out and end up with levels we see in the PTC videos?

Does anyone remember which video originally taught Open Interest. I’m watching the ICT Trading Plan series video number 5, and I realize that my understanding of OI needs to be improved. Thanks in advance for any help.

I was under the understanding that with asian breaks we look at market flow. If market flow is down then we wait for a break to the upside (judas swing) into resistance or pivot. If it breaks to the downside then we wait for a retest of the asian range and possible OTE.

There was one called: COT-Sentiment-OI-Range Cycles-Fibbs Pivots-The Figure

It was part of the folder called “The ATM Method” I downloaded a torrent on here with a lot of the old videos that I missed. However it had no sound! Bad times. But i too would want to see this so far the only video I have access to is the 5th video on the front page.

Ya know folks - I have been through a lot of material in 4 yrs - and there is always a common theme between those whom I think “know” what they are doing - (Or maybe even they don’t know what they’re doing but :: ) here is an example - the guy used a ‘wink’ as terminology -
I am just viewing ICT latest video on fractals - when the fractal is broken - so it changes market structure - - really looks a lot like the wink - don’t you think.

sorry - I do not know where I got the pics -from - so if they are yours and you’d like credit for it - let me know and I will add the appropriate credit.

OOPS doign this backwards - read 1 posts down first

Oh- and lets see another - this one called the piercing - again broke market structure. (this may be from the same source as the ‘wink’ I really don’t remember)