The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

ICT’s last nyt livestream.

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Hope ICT doesn’t mind me sharing this within the family. If he approves, I ll add the other ones from the previous days.

Direct Link for the Price Action Examples & General Knowledge -->> Download Price-Action-Examples—Gen…wledge.flv - - Free File Sharing and Storage

[B]Good Morning Babypipsters[/B]!

The LiveStream last night details today’s price action in the Cable and Fiber pairs. As the video describes, the market participants would have market sentiment extremely bullish short term and the old 16060 high was the upside objective for the Judas to raid… then reject.

Look at the London Open session and you will see the Judas Swing up from the Asian Range as suggested last night… then the rejection once the old high was tested. The 16060 level was your “Key Level” and you will note the OTE converges right on that level for a very very low risk High Reward Short.

I will post a text commentary this evening with a few charts and mark ups. Until then folks…

[B]GLGT [/B]:57:

Hey there, Took the same trade, but i’ve exited at 1.6011…:slight_smile:

I was actually tryin to find out ways to download the livestream videos. But look at here, you really made it lot easier to me. Thnx a lot for sharing…It really helped me a lot…

Too easy… :57:

I’m short 1% from 1.6065 (old high) at LO but gees it made me sweat for it for a couple of hours …lol… easy???
At BE after 30pips off and see what happens from here, I’m still treating it as a countertend tade so I’ll just trail stops I think.


Im sorry ICT, but im not able to locate the London Classic sell template or any videos as such over the thread…

It’s from the old “London open” vid. I think ICT said he was re-vamping it.


Hi Liftoff, I cannot access the links, as the Internet Explorer shows it cannot dislay the webpage. Do I need to do anything to make them accessible?

Cheers, :slight_smile:

Hi Liftoff,
“Price Action Examples & General Knowledge” Link says Bad gateway:(
Can you check it please?

I see none of you mentions trade management. where was your SL and why, what target did u have in mind and why, was it a scalp or a % of position to hold for longer, etc? :slight_smile:

Took 30pips scalp (2%) just now on the cable:

  • Long entry at 1.6032
  • NYO kill zone
  • 1hr OTE
  • 4hr flow bullish

Normally I will only take a trade in the inverse pivot zone (sell zone in this case) when entry within 30pips or less from the CPP. Took the trade and noticed entry was at 44pips from CPP but trigger was already pulled.

My SL is always 30pips. I trade directly off the 1hr chart and basically look for sizeable swings and OTE opportunites based on the following confluences:

  • 4hr flow
  • Pivot zone
  • Kill zone
  • Key S/R level

Based on today’s price action, I decided to scalp instead of aiming for a larger profit target (fib projection … old high … etc)

Download Price-Action-Examples—Gen…wledge.flv - - Free File Sharing and Storage
Download MarketReview18.4.2012.flv - - Free File Sharing and Storage

Please keep the links in the family. GlGT

Ok so i missed the live stream last night… Took advantage of short on GU and EU today after the Judas at LO and im up a nice % today… Just wanted to show, if anyone found this as interesting as me lol… I posted last night with some of my possible thoughts as to EU play for today…

The grey area is OTE…

After LO, i presumed i was wrong obviously… I came home from work to have a look at my proper charts and found this…

Looks like would have worked out nicely anyway…

Happy Trading :57:

50 + pips trade running on NYO OTE at key support level.

I took 50 % off and have the remaining 50 % running with a SL at 3120.

Thanks a lot Liftoff, it’s really helpful man, … Livestream? :frowning: sucks!!!

Thanks! I’ll be downloading these tonight for some on the road learning tomorrow!

Still cannot get it. Message: “IE cannot display the webpage” (XP); or “IE could not connect to” (Vista) :26:

Have u tried another web browser apart from IE? I used google chrome and downloaded fine…