The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

You can use MT4 for this. Check in “Tools --> History Center”.

Back testing the trading method you use is to me the most important thing you can do. I would not even attempt to trade live without having solid consistent data prior.

did anyone else just get gap in the Cable price? Just opened my chart an saw that there was a 20pip drop between from 1 minute to the next.

If I had a stop in there would it have been triggered?

I think the gap your referring to mainly happened due to the news release - UK is officially back in recession… I saw it drop about 40 pips…

I want to trade with all the MT4 indicators, and ninjatrader is another platform which wouldn’t provide all the tools which ICT gave us.
Going to try to play with StephA given information about history centre. We’ll see how that all works :slight_smile:

Please refer to the Market Review on 04/22/12:

The Asian Range Judas Rally into 1.6160 Key Resistance.
“Bad News” to blame… after the fact.
Cor. Pair SMT Divergence in London Open Kill Zone.
Reflection Pattern and easy money.
Key Support 1.6080 hit 70% stop @ BE

Translation = Nestea Baby :57: GLGT

Hey piphanger, sorry it hasn’t worked out for you. two years is a fair chunk of time to put into something to then turn away from. Give it some thought you never know, I’ve almost tossed it in before, glad I came back.
All the best with whatever the future has for you.

Yes I do have the gap. I also had a stop at 1.6120 to go long at 1.6140: it didn’t get triggered and I’m currently 50 pips under. And I had a position from monday, long at 1.6084, stop at breakeven: they triggered me a stop at 1.6120 I never set… It would have been zero profit whereas in this way it makes 36 pips… but I’m still 50 under and, above all, it’s like I’ve been “manipulated”. I knew there was a news, but this seemed something more… I don’t know, I’m a newby. All that with LTD. All the brokers work this way???

Was a pretty obvious entry, wasn’t it?!

had the levels market on the weekend, and was waiting for it to happen ever since, while sitting on my hands…

LO, SR, HTF OTE, R1, stoppes gunned, Divergences… beautiful!

did I enter? …NO! :wink: why, you might ask? please let me know if you have the answer;)
I am getting better and better in determine the Areas/SR where price should react… and I’m very happy with my improvements in that area…but its worthless until I can tame all those demons on my head;) I’m just missing the confidence most of the time…even if price moves into the nice blue box I draw to remind me to ENTER at that area… I tend to hesitate and stay flat…
I’m working on overcoming this heavily…
Another great improvement is: Since I miss out on so many nice moves all the time, I started to care less and less about it… there will always be a tomorrow.

been focusing the past 2 weeks on forcing myself to stick to ONE SHOT ONE KILL… which resulted in several fights with myself, AND in staying flat the whole time;)

still got a ton to learn… I’ll better get back to it.

Nice to see it happen for you and many others on this thread…
ICT said trading is not for everybody, so I wish everyone who is quitting all the best and nothing but happiness!
Still have a few dark hair left, before they turn grey like the rest… still have a pulse… So I will continue to learn and hopefully arrive at my desired level of profitability before I give up. Only time will tell.

good luck everyone and happy hunting!
NY coming up soon… let’s see what they have to say about cable’s dip;)

Well, it seems I was definitely on the wrong side… lesson learned. But those tricks with my stops… I’m a little upset.
Despite this bad day after my first three months ever of trading I’m up 18%: thank you once again Michael and all of you folks for sharing your knowledge… :slight_smile:

Don’t worry Fred you’re not the only one that missed…
I was waiting for the old high in October to be taken out, didn’t see it happen so waited for an ote retracement which never materialized, now revenge trading on the fiber lol!

by the way…quick question:
The past 2-3 days I’ve been playing around with the Indices-Divergences as seen in one of the latest videos…
Dow Jones Industrials, SP500, and NAZ…
could somebody tell me if I am assuming correctly that NAZ is the Nasdaq composite Index? (price seemed to match the “NAZ” chart ICT was using in the video, and I don’t have anything else that looks like “NAZ” on my feed;))
just want to make sure Im stalking the right index;)
would greatly appreciate an answer to that one


I took the same trade shorting the judas at 6160, but I closed my trade at 6090 worrying about a huge retrace since price moved so quick because of news. I guess I need to work on that. :47:

Thanks but no thanks. I’m happy to be learning for myself.

It was a reply to someone spamming all the threads on BP trying to sell something

Not your teachings :smiley:

Gotcha… I was like, huh? Mod’s must have swept before I visited. :57: Thanks for the 411

Same here, short cable at 6153, also short fiber at 3210, expecting strong dollar with FOMC.

Whats your bias this week?
I was waiting for the cable drop since last week and missed it this morning!
But re-evaluated my bias and i went long cable today 1.61 fig and closed out at just over 40 pips just now…

Ill be looking for longs so buying on the dips tomorrow…

Is the daily and 4H not indicating bullish?

Here is what I see is wrong with this…You say one thing and do another thing on the next trading week…

Like in previous videos you tell us to wait sit on our hands don’t do anything, let the daily run up into a key level, next day see if we get a swing point, then we execute the trade the following day…

Well on this trade you just went against everything you are teaching us, in my eyes, but my eyes are glaced over right now.

You pretty much waited for price to run right into the level and entered, with out knowing if we have a swing point or not?

This is why after you do your reviews I’m always like HOT DAMN I got this this is a peice of cake, I can’t believe I got this I’m going to finally make money…Well then I do the same thing the following week, but you will say something like well you need to have the HTF in mind, well what the F I executed the trade just like you did in other videos but now we need to watch this other factor.

Then the next week comes along and I’m like ok, I need to put all this together, then it’s something different that comes along and so on and so on…What gives…?

Do we flip a coin and say ok this week we will trade right into resistance, next week flip a coin and this week we will wait fro a swing point and so on and so on…

If price would of shot higher today I could bet on it that you would of said, well the HTF direction bias was telling you it wanted to go higher…

Then you always say Key Resistance trumps market flow and everything else, well from sunday till now I believe we have ran through some key levels of support and resistance, but what makes the 6160 so important? Yes I know what you said in the market review but if it would of turned at a different level you would of said well we just didn’t have enough steam to get up to the 6160 level and you should of known that because of so and so…

ICT I have really been trying at this and doing everything I can think of to get this down, but man when the analysis and things we need to watch out for change by the minute I don’t see any possible way for myself to every learn how to trade. That is why my tombstone will still stand and I will still be haunted by FOREX the rest of my life.

Another thing is you say today was easy money, well I don’t see to many people posting saying yeah I got that one today…?

Somethings wrong and I just can’t figure it out…

Good Day!!!

Last Post by PIPHanger on 04-25-2012
PIPHanger just signed out

I like your confidence!

I would be with you as I’ve been eyeing a Cable short all week. Unfortunately, last time Bernanke opened his mouth my Limit order and stop loss were both hit within… 5 seconds of one another.

I swore after that I wouldn’t trade on days he was scheduled to speak with regards to Fed Statements.

Piphanger… you didn’t ask permission to quit. Take a break, no charts… no forums for a week or two. Let the frustration wear off. Then come back to the forums and review the Trading Plan Development series that begins in two weeks. I know how you are feeling… but its a temporary feeling… grind through it. Do not accept defeat.
