The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

Warner Music Group copyrights limit the access… I tried to syndicate it last night… but it responded as it was not able to make viewable on Mobile Devices. Sorry folks.

PC Access should be no problem :57:

Nice trade SanJ ! I took the same trade but on the cable, for the same reasons, I entered at 16290, took off half at 20pips and took the other half off at 35pips. I feel I rushed to get out of this trade, partly because i felt we were hitting a resistance level and because I was trading against the trend, but also because I felt nervous and didn’t follow my rules to hold till 3-4pm gmt. I recognise this and I will hold my trades till LC.

Nice trade!

I actually saw the cable setup unfolding too but decided to go with the fiber - it looked the better one to break 4H market flow to change it to bearish, which it has done not breaking the previous high but breaking the lower fractal… Although it was clear now the cable was the better trade to take in terms of pip range anyway, but im up 1.6% so no complaints from me! Im hoping to see this buy rally come to a stop now in both cable and fiber this week. I still have my 25% open with everything locked break even… I don’t normally hold overnight but i may not get to trade much this week due to other priorities, plus my trade was in the direction of my bias, im hoping ill catch the sell off early and let this remaining portion ride the rest of the week if i can… But not going to be too optimistic, will just play it by the day!

Good Hunting :57:

Yes, that’s correct.

The LO, NYO, and LC KIll Zones bracket the London Open (3am EDT), the New York Open (8am EDT), and the London Close (12pm EDT). The minimum bracket is 1 hour before, and 1 hour after, each Open or Close. But, you may, at your discretion, expand these brackets by adding half an hour (or more) to either side of one (or more) of these brackets.

The Asian Session is different. See the following videos:

Exploring The Asian Range - Inner Circle Trader - YouTube

Trading The Asian Session - Inner Circle Trader - YouTube

Also, see this discussion of the Asian Session:

And here is a table of ICT Kill Zones for several different time zones:

In your time zone (EDT), which includes all of the eastern U.S. and Canada (except Nova Scotia and Newfoundland),
this is the expanded list of session times:

Asian Session — 7pm-5am EDT (this is Michael’s “extended” Asian Session, 8am Tokyo time to 5pm Singapore time)

Asian Kill Zone — 7pm-11pm EDT

Asian Range — 8pm-1am EDT (do not confuse the Asian Range with the Asian Kill Zone)

London Open — 3am EDT

London Open Kill Zone — 2am-4am EDT

New York Open — 8am EDT

New York Open Kill Zone — 7am-9am EDT

London Close — 12pm EDT

London Close Kill Zone — 11am-1pm EDT


When will EST LO Session be back to 2am-4am, right now it seems like it’s 3am-5am?


Took a 2% loss this morning going long on the cable during NYO. Month now ended at 1.8%. This loss a actually made me see
Holes in my methodology and approach. Lets see how well i can adjust for next month.

Hey Clint I just wanna make sure i have this right because i don’t think what i posted was incorrect based on what ict said in a recent video. He doesn’t adjust his killzones during daylight savings and uses gmt killzones year round.

1 hour into this video he says he’s using 7-9gmt 12-14gmt and 15-17gmt.

Inner Circle Trader’s Weekly Price Action Review - YouTube

Wouldn’t that make it 3-5 EDT LO, 8-10 EDT NYO, 11-13 EDT LC?

Clints post is accurate… however, should there be any confusion… I have built a powerpoint today and will be developing a video for this topic. I will illustrate how to setup up your Kill Zones and trade the Key Swing Points every Trading day.

Look for it Thursday night 9pm my time.


Ok thanks ICT i look forward to it. I’ll edit my posts once the video is released just in case someone stumbles upon them in the future.

Thank you Clint, i am sure you have gone thru this a million times.
Thanks for the respone.!

Thanks Clint for the info, i am sure you have been asked a million times

Thanks again!


In the video ‘How the Pros use Indicators’, Mike uses a stochastic indicator to measure the overbought and oversold situations. In the video I could not understand the parameters to be set for the stochastic indicator. Can someone please give me the parameters for this indicator? I use MT4.

Thank you so much for all your help.


Hello, PIPhanger

Maybe this will help to clear up some of your confusion:

[B]1.[/B] EST does not exist during the summer months in North America. EST designates the eastern U.S. and Canada on Standard Time (roughly between November and March each year).

Likewise, EDT does not exist during the winter months in North America. EDT designates the eastern U.S. and Canada on Daylight Saving Time (roughly between March and November each year).

Regarding your question, I’m sure you meant to ask when the [B]LO Kill Zone[/B] (not the LO Session) will be back to 2am-4am EST. The answer is: The LO Kill Zone is currently [B]2am-4am EDT,[/B] and next November (when the U.S. returns to Standard Time, and the New York time zone is once again EST), then the LO Kill Zone will be [B]2am-4am EST.[/B]

[B]2.[/B] Michael refers to New York time as EST, regardless of time of year. During the summer months, when the U.S. is on Daylight Saving Time, the time zone in the eastern U.S. (including New York) changes from EST (GMT-5) to [B]EDT (GMT-4).[/B] However, during the summer months, Michael continues to refer to New York time as EST.

Michael refers to London time as GMT, regardless of time of year. During the summer months, when the U.K. is on Daylight Saving Time, the time zone in all of the U.K. changes from GMT to [B]BST (GMT+1).[/B] However, during the summer months, Michael continues to refer to London time as GMT.

[B]3.[/B] During the [B]winter,[/B] when the New York time zone is EST and the London time zone is GMT, the time difference between New York and London is 5 hours. So, the London Open at 8am London time is 3am New York time.

In the [B]summer,[/B] after the U.S. and the U.K. have both switched to Daylight Saving Time, the New York time zone is EDT and the London time zone is BST. But, the time difference between the two cities is still 5 hours. So, the London Open at 8am London time is still 3am New York time.

Unfortunately, the U.S. and Canada switch back and forth from Standard Time to Daylight Saving Time at slightly different times of year from Europe and the U.K. So, there are short periods (a week or two) each spring and fall when the time difference between London and New York is [B]not[/B] 5 hours.

You can thank the U.S. Congress for this stupidity. The Ruling Class in Washington decided that it would aid energy conservation to start Daylight Saving Time earlier each year, and end it later each year. Canada reluctantly followed suit, but Europe and the U.K. did not. Hence, the current ridiculous situation.

[B]4.[/B] Asian countries do not observe Daylight Saving Time. The time zone in Japan is JST (GMT+9) year-round; the time zone in Singapore is SGT (GMT+8) year-round; etc. As a result, the Asian Session, the Asian Range, and the Asian Kill Zone all shift back and forth [B]on our clocks[/B] every March and November — even though nothing is changing in Asia.

I know that this is all complex, and can be very confusing. But, it’s the world we live in. You don’t need to follow time changes worldwide the way I do, but you definitely need to know what time it is in the markets that are important to you.

It’s hard enough to trade successfully, without being uncertain of what time it is in the market you are trying to trade.

I’m watching a potential target area to enter GU long.

I pulled a fib from Friday’s LOW to Monday’s HIGH on a 1-hour GU chart. Within the upper half of the OTE (that is, from fib .618 down to the OTE sweet-spot), I found 6 levels of confluence (plus the OTE itself). Altogether, there are 8 significant levels within a 10.8-pip range.

Confluence within a 10.8-pip range:

1.62088 — fib .618

1.62083 — swing HIGH from 9/6/11

1.62067 — swing LOW from 8/26/11

1.62059 — swing HIGH from last Thursday (4/26)

1.62046 — weekly PIVOT (last week)

1.62000 — figure

1.61982 — daily S1 (note: my pivots are basis 5pm New York time)

1.61980 — OTE sweet-spot (mid-way between fib .618 and fib .764)

I can’t see the stops that the banks see, but I’m guessing that there is a cluster of sell-stops just below Thursday’s HIGH, and/or just below 1.6200. I think there’s a good chance that London will take the GU down to clean out those stops, before running the price higher.

I have 2 resting orders to go LONG at 1.6200, with stops at 1.6160, and TP’s at 1.6230 and 1.6280.

I haven’t posted anything in awhile although I try to read the forum when I get a chance. I can tell by some of the posts that some guys are struggling, I thought I’d share something that has really helped me.What I do is I save charts to a flash drive and I have a lot of different folders in that flash drive. For example I have a folder that has nothing but Judas swings another folder will have nothing but reflection patterns and I use them as a reference, obviously just because a reflection pattern did this on this day doesn’t mean it will do it again we all know that there are NEVER two days that are same in that market. Another folder I have is “large Asian ranges +30 pips” so on a day where there is a large Asian range I just go to the folder and it give me an idea of what to expect, I NEVER take a trade off of just what I see in these historical charts I just use them as a reference of what might unfold. One of the reasons Michael is such a good trader is because he’s seen so much price action in the 100 years he’s been trading. I think that Michael said when he started trading he had to print charts on stone tablets…;). This is just something that I use as kind of a cheat sheet that has really helped my trading. If you guys are already doing this you can just ignore what I’ve said…

P.S When you save a chart make sure to zoom out so you can see the previous 5 to 10 days…

P.S.S Remember guys and gals if trading were easy EVERYBODY would do it… Good Luck Everbody…:slight_smile:

that’s a great idea

hi Michael and all

can a new and or aspiring trader find more caring and dedicated trader/mentor to be that passionate to share and help others?
with no doubt the answer is no or hardly.

watched yr last vid, those details in making vids always make me smile. u r always adding and improving.
speaking for myself - the live stream quality is just fine.sound is good visual good too, no complains.

just got my monthly statement in my email. quite better then i expected.
around + 10%.

BUT!!! i 've been cheating myself. or maybe with smaller stake and…admitting moving sometimes my SL or scaling in. i havent been completely born - grown in this thread from my fx beginning ,trading smaller stake giving myself a room. but realizing, if i wanna trade those dynamites like u do one day…i better change it. i am profitable, but not in the style i wish.
it was interesting to know Michael that u also pulled a trigger on ‘‘sorta’’ counter trade//give and take//,when u got pips from 6150. i did the same one…good to know those r in yr book too.

hi AKA - was reading yr story. like i was reading about myself in some parts. i am/or was hard working guy //my health is giving up on me, even though too early//…i got nothing to loose and nothing to gain if giving up on forex. i love forex, but often it has hard time to prove the love to me.
lets hang on, all of us.
i hope that our friend pip hanger will make it back. i know myself, i think about forex a lot,and i dont have to necessarily sit in front of screen. pros and cons and trade offs of trading styles and approaches can be thought over in mind in any minute of the day when not preoccupying brain with some other work.

immense thank u Michael
u r a true mentor and a great teacher

//give a slack to my writing, second lang//

eddit; 6150

Hello Clint,

I was always confused about several time zones and it is now more confused :15: after reading your informative post. We are the people from all over the world, living different places need to know the time zones, specially for kill zones. like me I was always sure that London time means GMT, but from now find that it changes 1 hour on DST :slight_smile: . I appreciate for your information and would like to request to post the kill zones with only GMT (only please), as I think it’s a little bit easy to adjust to their local time. Please do not mention any EST, DST or any other time zone.

I think you understand what I mean.

With respect.

Very informative, but at the end of the day is it not simply a case of googling the time in whatever zone you are looking at? (NY, London) I have a clock that automatically adjusts for all these things and shows the time in each city.

Does not it making swing high in cable daily chart to go south?