The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

Be careful guys, stick to the kill zones if you are trading, we are in no man’s land for kill zones right now.

fiber has entered into the buy zone for this weeks trinity by the way

The point is that I was thinking that stops raiding would be limited by taking only those under 1.32 level but not that far…
So you were right and as a result I got stopped. Will keep learning then. :slight_smile:

Hmm… Think today will be a no trade day for me… I obviously look back and see i missed some opportunities this morning - cable, but personally nothing screamed at me at the time so im sitting on my hands today i think…

I want to say i think we’ll see some bullish action in both cable and fiber (fiber especially) maybe todays NY session or possibly tomorrow, its pretty much been a bears game last two days, steep drops with no real retracements…

I may even be done for the week as i dont know if i want to trade against my bearish bias, and with NFP on Friday…

Goodluck to everyone else :57:

No trade for me yet. I am definitely feeling more nervous pulling the trigger on a trade now after funding up the account. I knew this would eventually happen. Anyone know a good hypnotist ? :slight_smile:

Battling the same demons but also, no REAL good trade came up yet (in my book) this week.

EDIT: StephA, I noticed we are in the same city. Maybe we can get a lil trader’s club going. haha

Lol, good one

Yes, no trade opportunities appeared yet for me as well that I’m stalking. No surprise here as I usually take maybe 5-8 trades a month.

If the setup is there then take the trade. As long as you are disciplined and following your rules then this is an emotional battle within yourself. You must trust your plan and your risk management plan and KNOW that everything will be ok no matter what. Even if you lose this trade you are following the process and in the long run you will win as long as you continue to stay disciplined.

If you pass up good trade opportunities out of fear then you are setting yourself up to overtrade because you blew an opportunity. Don’t fall into this trap. :slight_smile:

Edit: Another possibility that I thought of is that you may be “overfunded” and you’re afraid to lose your initial investment capital. You might want to lower your capital to an amount you are “very” comfortable losing. This will give you experience working with real money on the line while also putting your mind at ease about the risk.

You’re absolutely right. I definitely do not want to create bad trading habits out of fear or other factors so there is no other choice then to take the trades when they line up.

While im not a qualified psychologist, im a student of psychology and have practiced hypnotherapy - part and parcel with my magic :)…

A large reason of why i was interested i trading was i was eager to see the psychological impact it would have on me any my actions. Right now for the boring stuff…

In psychology, linking an internal feeling, action or response with an external emotion, environment etc (in laymens terms) is something we call anchoring. Its something which all humans respond to naturally and it starts as children. The classic example i read about when learning this, is about the young child, too young too realize a iron is hot, will touch it and get burned… The feeling of being burnt and pain etc is then linked with the action of touching an iron, and thus anchoring the feeling with the action.

This concept can be used and adapted if understood to control our own emotions in given situations. One simple way, i would advise anyway to try and conquer these feelings. Find a rock, or a small stone and keep it with you from now on. Now try this:
Ok, sit quietly in a room, relax, deep breaths… Now imagine a time when you felt yourself confident, it can be anything, giving a speech in front of crowd, taking a test and knowing all the answers, anything! Just any time when you felt yourself radiating with confidence. Now i want you to try and relive this moment of confidence over and over again in your head, remember exactly how you felt in that moment, remember the sounds around you (that can even be the confident tone in your voice).

Once you get those feelings flowing in your head, once you feel them strong, i want you to grab your chosen stone and squeeze it tightly…

Repeat morning and night time for a week or two… The concept is that you will eventually link the feelings of confidence in with the action of squeezing your stone… Now once these feelings are anchored in nicely, before you take a trade, grab that stone and squeeze :wink:

Sorry for the lecture, hope it can help you in some way :57:

Hey guys, I’m still alive…

I have had a LOT going on in the last two months or so. First off, I had a two week stretch where I faltered significantly in my trading. Made some stupid mistakes, got caught up in some revenge trading and end up losing close to 20% of my account in that short amount of time. Made me realize that I’m not disciplined enough to be trading with the amount of capital (yet) that I had started with at the beginning of the year, $10k. Soooooo, I withdrew the bulk of my account and left $1k. Also, I told myself I needed a break to “reset” myself and planned to start up again after a week or two. Well, my wife and I decided we needed to start looking for a new house, my sister in law had a new baby, we got in a head on collision (not my fault), totaled a car, broke my dominant hand, and yeah…thats about it. With all these things happening, I just didn’t have the energy or time to get back into things, so I never did.

But Im back now : )

Things have settled down a bit, I have some time off of work 'cause of the broken hand, and I’m gonna start growing that $1k account and try to catch up on all the babypips that I’ve missed these past two months. AUGH!!!

I think I’m coming back with a better mindset and approach to things. My sole focus will be on consistency (not on making cash) and a 5 yr plan. Before I was having some good success and pulling in on average about 8%/wk, with some negative weeks, and some weeks making ~30%. That was way too much trading, too much draining of my emotions, and its not something I think I could sustain, unless I was to go full time down the road…and even then, i dunno. My new plan is to shoot for 3% gain per week. Only trade LO Tues-Thur. Only trade the highest probability set ups (not LO, NY, and LC every day of the week). And we’ll see how that goes.

For anyone unaware of the powers of compound interest, with a starting balance of $1,000, earning 3% per week, you end up with $2,000,000 in five years, not accounting for taxes…but, If I can develop the consistency to do that AND only spend 1-2 hrs 3 nights per week + Saturday planning session, that’ll be just fine with me.

So anyways, that’s my new plan, I’ll try my best to stick with it, and see how things go. I’m excited to be back, and I’ll try to post updates and other stuff on the thread again, but I’m a slow typer with just my left hand : )


I’m still here, making bank… Just glancing at the forums every now and then. Haha, what’d I miss. :wink:

I think…classic learning curve, good job, ICT :35:

Learning curve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Believe me, I’m still climbing the curve.


Did you still doing 1 million dollar challenge ?
How is the result ?


Welcome back Matty, I’m sure you will be a much better trader after going through the rough patch, not that your trading was less than stellar anyway.

I figured you were just off to the bar counting your pips now that it’s summer break for you. How’s your software coming along?

Trading Accumulation

There was a set up at 9am - 9:15am, but I saw it an hour late, I thought there might be another set up at NYO but the Williams %R was not oversold so I didn’t take it.

just wondered if anyone else is keeping track of Accumulation/distribution or even trading it.

OMG!! how did i miss this one! oh well at least i’m starting to see them :slight_smile:

Fiber Trade
Accumulation on 1hr chart,
Support at 13100
A figure
oversold on williams%R
NYO kill Zone
SMT divergence between cable and Fiber

I have found the Three-Day Pattern also a very reliable tool for determining my daily or short-term bias. I use it only at key Support or Resistance levels.


1.0480 is a key resistance level & institutional price level and also the Monthly High. Price traded up to that level on 04/27 and formed a short-term high with two lower daily candles on each side (04/26 to the left & 04/30 to the right). Based on that I can feel comfortable having a bearish bias on the Aussie. Price Action on 05/01 was already in the Asian session news event driven, so it was not an optimal day to get short. But 05/02 formed a very nice Judas Swing followed by an OTE. The pair traded down est. 70 pips before there was a NYO countermove. The same event happened today.

Chart (I ignore the Sunday daily candles):




Cable posted a short-term high on 04/30 very near 1.63, a key resistance, big-figure and institutional price level. There are two lower daily candles on each side (left - 04/27 and 05/01 - right). We could see a textbook-like Optimal Trade Entry on 05/02 which was followed with a 70 pips slide in the pair. Today the same event happened, but as it’s a very event-driven and volatile day, so profit-taking must have been very quick or even better no trading at all!

Market Flow can be used as an addition to the tool. I use it either as a bias for the next two days after the pattern or anticipate another significant SR level where price may reverse in the other direction.

I didn’t take all the trades of course, I just wanted to show some examples using the technique. Reading the thread here, I saw many are struggling with determing the bias and I am in the same boat! But the 3-Day Pattern is something I feel very confident about. ICT showed us many ways of determining our biases, I think my mistake was to apply too many of the concepts, which in the end led to confusion in my trading.

ICT explained the 3-Day Concept in the “Short-Term Trading” video.

Happy trading

…and while we are at it, here is “3 Bar Fractal” Indi I found:

If wont start right off, you’ll have to compile it in the meta editor first. in the inputs tab you can change the number of candles to the left and to the right, as we want 3 bar swings for this exercise, I did set 1 on each side as default. The size and color of the arrows also can be changed as you like it.

And two lines of warning when using this indicator, so you dont get burned:

  • bear in mind that the script will count the sunday candle as a full separate day, so double check if this candle takes part in the latest swing high/low and ignore it if thats the case (if your broker plots separate candles for Sundays of course)

  • fractal arrow on prev. day will show up even if the current day is not closed yet, so wait until the next day to have a confirmed 3 day swing.


ICT_3 Bar_ (1.01 KB)