The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

Thanks for the confirmation that you are following bond prices and not yields. Enjoy your weekend with the family!


Did you follow Larry’s trading last month? It seems the poor guy was having a horrid time in the markets.

Hey guys, what number am I suppose to input in the ICT ADR indicator? I’m talking about where it says “TimeZoneOfSession”?

Hate this! Anybody else experience these problems?

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Hey Pippard,

I personally use default settings with time zones “0”. That will keep data according GMT time (if your MT4 has GMT time). And the only thing which matters in this case is ATR period of 5 days.

Shorted the Fiber this morning at LO… Just got moving… Entry was a little off - 1.2580 (but it made it to the 1.26 which i wasnt expecting it’d go that far)…

But took 3/4 off at 60 pips, got final TP just under the 1.25 fig…

Had a pending sell order on the cable at 1.57 and missed my entry by 1/2 pips… Oh well

Decent end to the week :57:

@Ali: hahaha yes it seems to happen every time you take your time to write a huge post… I actually started the habit of command-C (obviously control-C on non macs;)) my whole post before actually posting it;) yesterday I tried to post something here… wouldn’t let me for several hours… then I realized that I still had a life and then I focused on other things hahaha;) but I agree: it is a pain in the ass, if the forum won’t let you post…

actually decided yesterday to take today off and spend some extra time with my family… came back from the park just before NYO and wanted to take a sneak peak at the charts to see what was going on while I was out…
Fiber at bigfig resistance, R1,OTE, close enough to NYO KZ, and in line with htf market structure…

decided to jump in on minimum risk (because I didn’t do a full analysis…)
and I am currently at +87 pips (scaling out along the way with my already tiny lot size of 0.12lots to begin with…nevertheless… a nice catch for an “off day”:wink: - I think I should take more days off, if this is what happens;))

still have 0.02lots in and my SL is at +25… I’ll just keep it in and who knows… maybe this 0.02lots will go on such a nice ride, that I can move to a bigger house next week;) HAHAHAHAHA (not on my account size for sure;))

have a great weekend y’all

Told myself the same thing, but the setup was to sweet to pass up.

Ali where did you get these charts. Glad to be back on this subject as I think it is one key subject I need to pick up in my trading

Hi all - I dont usually post (and sorry if this is off thread) but couldnt resist pointing out that the recent PA in EurUsd has just printed a classic ICT reflection pattern. Draw a fib from the AS low to this mornings 9am (UK time/LO) high and measure to the 127% ext. EU just hit it on the nail and beat a hasty retreat. Marvellous - this is some powerful voodoo.

The rounds on me Michael should we ever get the chance.

Have a great weekend.

Edit - fib is other way round - LO high to AS low (also not sure how far EU is going to maintain an uptick - runs on banks, Spanish regions unable to access funding markets, Greeks bearing no gifts - but hey… it was still impressive).

[B][U]Module 1[/U]: ICT Trading Plan Development Series[/B]

The Need For A Trading Plan
The Majority Of Time Spent In Trading
The Least Important Process In Trading

The General Overview Of Trading Plans

  1.  Risk \ Equity Management
  2.  Fundamental Analysis
  3.  Inter-Market Analysis
  4.  Technical Analysis
  5.  The Top Down Analysis Process

[U][B]Module 2[/U]: Wealth Building Equity Management & Risk Control[/B]

  1.  The Paradigm Shift - It's not what you can make it what you can lose.
  2.  Pack Small Play Big - 2% or less is more than enough
  3.  Keeping The Realistic Goals In Focus - 25 to 75 pips per week.
  4.  Case Study - 25 Pips per week
  5.  Case Study - 50 Pips per week
  6.  Case Study - 75 Pips per week
  7.  Modular Thinking - Steady Progress
  8.  Success Without Home Runs
  9.  Keep Something - Pay Yourself

[B][U]Module 3[/U]: Fundamentally Speaking[/B]

  1.  Interest Rates - The Driving Force
  2.  Interest Rates Spreads & Differentials
  3.  Million Dollar Futures Insights
  4.  COT & Commercial Trends
  5.  Trading The News
  6.  Key Market Moving Indicators

[B][U]Module 4[/U]: Inter-Market Analysis[/B]

  1.  Treasuries & T Notes
  2.  The US Dollar Index
  3.  Major Market Stock Indices
  4.  The CRB Index
  5.  Oil & Gold
  6.  Correlation & Like Assets

[U][B]Module 5[/U]: Technical Analysis[/B]

  1.  Key Support & Resistance
  2.  Market Sentiment
  3.  Market Structure 
  4.  Open Interest & Premiums
  5.  Higher Time Frame Directional Insight

[B][U]Module 6[/U]: Top Down Analysis[/B]

  1.  General Market - Risk On Or Risk Off
  2.  Anticipatory Stage Of Analysis
  3.  Execution Stage Of Analysis
  4.  Management Stage Of Analysis
  5.  Reactionary Stage Of Analysis
  6.  Documentation Stage Of Analysis 

[B][U]Module 7[/U]: ICT Trading The London Open[/B]

  1.  The Top Down ICT Approach
  2.  The Easy Setups
  3.  The Times To Avoid London Open
  4.  The ICT Preflight Checklist - PDF
  5.  Special Message

There is our outline for Monday’s Series. Seven videos in the set.
Talk with you all via Market Review this weekend.

GLGT :57:


Mondaaaaaaaaaaay. :smiley:

Switching to discretionary trading was a difficult task for me as there are many ways to trade the concepts successfully. I had to fight all the doubts and just test the tools until I found the most appropriate for me. I still do it. I think creating a trading plan based on the above mentioned elements will greatly improve my trading, looking forward to it.

Thanks ICT for your effort

wow! that will be simply EPIC!

can not wait for these videos!

Thank You for everything you doing for us Michael.

This is another box set of video goodies I’m definitely looking forward to. Just a shame the weekend and nice weather got in the way :wink:

As has been said a number of times, really appreciate your efforts and generosity with these tutorials and guidance ICT. You have certainly revolutionised my way of looking at the charts/technicals across all asset classes and then some. Elder and Stan Weinstein have provided a lot of decent info but these teachings have had the most profound affect.

Thanks brah… !

took the exact trade as well with a limit order at 1.2590 as I was sleeping and that is where I had the 71% retrace. Looks like a lot of us saw this one! To me this week was easy, short short short… i didn’t even think of looking for longs, although of course you could have made some 30 pip moves and moved to breakeven if you did.

Hey ICT I wish I could like your post twice!!!

Thanks for all you do and all your efforts. I can’t put into words how much you have helped me already and I am only scratching the surface. Since I have been involved in trading, having you as a mentor has been by and far the best thing that has ever happened to me. I just want you to know I really appreciate you and all that you do for us.

I am forever grateful, and when I transition into a full time trader I will know in my heart that I owe you a huge debt of gratitude!!!

Have a great weekend everybody.

SanJ, (if you can) could you clarify your reasons for taking that trade? I see the 79% Fib retracment from the previous day to today’s low, but were there any other indicators that led you to that short?

Also, technically, didn’t the market go up during London Open? -

According to the Kill-Zone time frame, it did…

I was also expecting it to go down citing:
Market Flow = Sell; all down.
Higher Time Frame Trend = Sell.
Monthly Trinity = Sell; price went past the 162 mark and seems to be reaching for the 200 level.
Weekly Trinity = Sell; price is outside the Trinity low, with potential to reach for the 162 extension.
Pivots = No clear directional bias; price is trading 20 pips underneath PP-1.
Williams Percent R = Buy; price is oversold on all three time frames.

Hello everyone,

just want to share some of mine weekly analysis…

What you guys think of that? :24:

Anyone still doubts of ICT´s methods?

And what about this beautiful monthly OTE


Sometimes we make the concepts too complex - there was the obvious ote short on fiber at 10.15 gmt which I missed, but see the lovely long at 13.00 which I did’nt miss - fiber reached down to trip the stops below AS low, but cable refused to go down with it - thus I saw the drop in fiber as engineered (judas). We were at adr low and big fig. Saw tgt as 30 due to candle bodies of early AS and low of NY session 2 days earlier and knew was against trend.