The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

I think 24% so far this year is awesome kubio, don’t think it isn’t. True these tools have the ability to generate huge gains, but slow and steady, especially early on, is the way to go. Concentrating on consistency is what I am aiming for personally… even if that amounts to 10% for the whole year, I’d be happy if I can maintain discipline and consistency!

These videos will be youtube or livestream?


Thanks man, that was really helpful!!!

YouTube is where I intend to upload.

Hi ICT, is this series a standalone reference. What I mean is:

Alot of people, including myself, have discovered your amazing work towards the latter part of the previous thread. Although there is a comprehensive listing of the core material on the first page of the previous thread, I sense that the ‘new comers’ feel a that they have ’ missed out '. Can you please address these issues to allay our worry.

Taking the worst case scenario of someone discovering just this new series, would it encapsulate a solid starting point?

many thanks

I think we’re getting close there being an MT4 application that creates an ICT clone that appears in front of our computers, does top down analysis and then enters the trades for us. We’ll be typing in questions like “ICT, is there a version of your clone available with Dealbook 360 or Think or Swim.”

I have read recently “The Richest Man in Babylon” by George S. Clason and “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. I consider them the two best books I have read so far in their category. Although they were written many years ago and are not related to trading in financial markets, I found them way more helpful than any of the many trading-related books I read, including “Trading in the Zone”.

They offer many concepts for the reader to consider for his path to success. I agree with Napoleon Hill that an idea can be very powerful when it is backed with a person’s desire & faith that he will succeed.

From “Think and Grow Rich”:

“[I]There is a difference between wishing for a thing and being ready to receive it. No one is ready for a thing, until he believes he can acquire it. The state of mind must be belief, not mere hope or wish. Open-mindedness is essential for belief. Closed minds do not inspire faith, courage and belief[/I].”

The various concepts presented in the book can work for anyone who see’s trading as a serious business from which he seek an income in the future. That’s why a book like “Babylon” can also be helpful, it teaches that once you have a capital you can start with, you have to preserve it and ultimately make the money work for you, producing returns.

Positive thinking. :smiley:

Hi Everyone,

I am looking for some advice!

In ICT’s videos it is said that certain patterns give certain results a percentage of the time. Now ICT posts this on a forum so I am not expecting many references to where those percentage values are coming from. However I have read through the books recommended in the videos and am coming across the same “bad stats” that appear in so many technical analysis books! The language being used is: “A head and shoulders pattern results in a probable move downwards” Also on occasion percentages are used all without the studies used to make these conclusions referenced.

I could go through the last ten years of charts and try to workout the statistical probability behind those claims but I think someone must have already posted a research paper on the subject.

A lot of trading literature comes off a pseudo science to put it bluntly, not presenting relevant evidence to back up claims or asking people to have faith without any reasoning behind it.

If anyone knows of some literature I could use that would provide me with referenced studies that support or discredit the claims made in books like “The Visual Investor” it would give me so much more confidence in what I am doing. I feel a lack of confidence in my trading if I am making decisions based on the word of various authors without having seen the evidence they used to make their claims.

This is defiantly not an attack at ICT or how he has presented the information but just a question about the basic principles of all technical analysis. This evidence would let me sleep so much better at night knowing that my success so far is not dumb blind luck!

ICT said in one of the first videos it is vital to start thinking in terms of probability. I need to see the stats or my mind will never be able to take that step!

I think the reason probabilities are low for some of those patterns is because the author is considering just the pattern by itself.

ICT uses a lot of different things to determine his bias long before he ever looks for an ote or head and shoulders or any of that.

So if you were to take the head and shoulders pattern for example than filter out the ones that go against the bias of his overall analysis, I think the end result would be a much higher success rate.

I know I sound confusing, what I’m trying to say is if you start with market drivers like interest rate and bonds and risk on/risk off and all that stuff and form an idea about the strength or weakness of the dollar

Than take a top down approach and analyze the direction of the pair you are trading, than a pattern were to form for example a head and shoulders, than I think that the h&s would have a much higher success rate at forcasting a reversal.

I know I have seen in his video’s where he has a short bias and looking at leg up you could interpret a bull flag however he negated the bull flag simply on the fact that he is bearish and then spends his focus and attention on confirming his analysis as well as looking for any good reasons not to be short.

I would advice you not to bother reading countless books and stats, dont fill your head with all that rubbish… in fact the emptier your head is, the better. forget everything you think you know about trading and then dip into the material generously presented by ICT (all of it!). there is everything you would ever need to know, everything… from trade entries and taking profit, to risk management and acquiring a proper millionaire mind-set. you’ll also gather the statistics you’re after along the way in the form of trade reviews, etc. pretty much everything presented here is tested for years, working and makes lots of money…

from your example with H&S pattern, it will work perfectly if there is reasoning behind it, otherwise it wont work simply because is there… same with every indicator.

ICT uses the technical analysis not in the ‘‘ordinary way’’, so dont bother with side material. either grab what is given to you here with both hands or leave it alone, it wont work in combination with anything else…


Don’t worry I am not trading head and shoulders patterns on their own and am doing everything put out there in the videos.

All I am saying is I am naturally distrusting of big claims without clear evidence to support them.
I am following everything in this thread because honestly it is the first thing in 2 years of research and trading that sounds legitimate.
The books I have read all seem to just say the same things over and over that books before them have said. These threads and the videos have actually come across as being based on sound logic not just the regurgitation of other peoples claims.

I mean take a look through the forex factory forums and read the top threads for systems and you will see what i mean about blind hope, lucky streaks and down right liars (1000-30000 in 3 weeks using nothing but an EA for example). ICT does not give me the liar vibe at all! However after having gone through so many on these forums over the years I guess I just have my sceptical hat on all the time.

I will use my trade journals as my own statistical judgment of the success of my application of what is being taught here. It would just be such a nice confidence boost to see ICT’s journal or trade record just so I know it is all worth the effort, so far I have never seen evidence of a consistently profitable trader of foreign currency using technical analysis ever! Just proof beyond word of mouth or claims that there is someone in existence that has made a living (Not even wealth just a wage) trading forex with any form of technical analysis would make my year!

That fact alone is one of the reasons im in this business…

I have some members of my family that are relatively wealthy - they dont have to worry about the small money aspects in life which most do. But (in my family anyway), their wealth was acquired through the banking industry. And yeah, while they are on good money, do they really have the time to enjoy it like they could? No…

I believe putting in the work in this, will not only set me financially free, but it will give me the one thing which is impossible to get back in life…


books are there to keep you on the hook my friend, nothing more, nothing less… things you’ll learn here (if you stay) are not found in any book :wink:

I mean take a look through the forex factory forums and read the top threads for systems and you will see what i mean about blind hope, lucky streaks and down right liars (1000-30000 in 3 weeks using nothing but an EA for example). ICT does not give me the liar vibe at all! However after having gone through so many on these forums over the years I guess I just have my sceptical hat on all the time.

then you’re running out of options, huh?.. in the end of the day, it cost you nothing (the man does not need your money, he has plenty!), except your spare time of course.

I will use my trade journals as my own statistical judgment of the success of my application of what is being taught here. It would just be such a nice confidence boost to see ICT’s journal or trade record just so I know it is all worth the effort, so far I have never seen evidence of a consistently profitable trader of foreign currency using technical analysis ever! Just proof beyond word of mouth or claims that there is someone in existence that has made a living (Not even wealth just a wage) trading forex with any form of technical analysis would make my year!

why do you feel Michael needs to prove something to you or any one else landing after you?.. you’re not expecting him to show you his trading account and bank account, do you?

but anyway, as I said you’ll find your proves along the way, reading through the first thread: 301 Moved Permanently where your journey should start, here is the bit more advanced class

and last, here in this forum you have the very unique and rare chance to actually talk to Real Forex Millionaire, better dont waste it :wink:

Learn From the Best, Forget the Rest!


Guys !! Is this the new official thread for ICT ??
“What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader… Still Wants To Know” got scrapped or what ??

I feel we share the same dream. I just have never seen one person that has achieved it (With evidence), seeing that would be fantastic!

It’s the proof or it didn’t happen mentality I have and will always have. Akeakamai I will hunt through these threads again and look for the videos you speak of.

I REALLY hope that this can work for a long period of time (I have made 100% in the last 6 months (not ICT method but oddly similar), my heart wants it to be real and achievable however my brain keeps asking “Yeah thats a nice dream and all but has anyone else ever actually achieved it?” Currently my only answer is no, not that I know of. I have never found a single person online that has been able to post proof of an account that has been profitable for any time over a year. Everyone says how they have traded for 25+ Years stocks then they moved into forex etc. They make millions they say! However there is never any proof it is always done on the basis of trust.

I am commited to follow this thread and try my best to apply what is here however I am doing so on faith and faith alone which does make me a little uncomfortable.

Tbh, i understand what your saying… But who cares if there are people out there who are or arent making millions from this business… I think the reason ICT is accepted at face value when he says he makes a very good living from this is because people can apply his tools themselves and seen them work…

100% in 6 months is phenomenal! You dont need to see proof to know this will work. What you need to do is:

  1. Keep doing what your doing
  2. Open excel, calculate how long it will take you to make your millions by repeating your 100% every 6 months
  3. Execute


If you can’t be part of the greatest, be the greatest yourself!

It cracks me up when people complain, or want proof of things, when they are privy to free information/instruction)))))
Now if your PAYING a fund manager or investment group. You have the right. There is no room here for negativity or sniveling. Keep your doubt, insecurities and fear to yourself. No one here is forced to be here. But i see, this is a place where there is hope and faith. Keep it at that. As a side note. I feel the teachings here are highly valuable, i use them, but i do not trade with them. Keep the faith, keep it to yourself, don’t influence the others with emotion. This is just business)))):64: PS: in fx trading, you will not find a plug and play trading system, there is as much art as there is mechanical function. PSS this is my opinion only, “flame suit on”)))


GLGT :57:

Thanks for the market review. Hope to see the other videos soon so it will give me something to do as I await tropical storm Beryl to come ashore. Going to be a long end to the weekend being stuck in the house with nothing to do. At least I got some ICT videos to watch as long as my power stays on

I beg to differ,
In my opinion this isn’t really sound logic

The info is free, true but our [B]time & capital[/B] invested in learning isn’t.

I spent the first year following teachings from someone who just enjoyed attention & teaching, his system was fantasy, but me been a newb I wans’t able to tell. Every time someone asked for evidence ($$ made etc) he would have a rant & give lame excuses like “Terrorists will get me if I declare my earnings here” :31:
So that was a year of my time wasted, imagine if I had spent that time here on Michael’s thread…

This isn’t negativity, insecurity or sniveling, it’s called been prudent / due diligence.

Cults like their followers to; “Keep your doubt, insecurities and fear to yourself” That’s how they succeed, suppression & no freedom of expression.

Yup that’s the truth I don’t have to be here, but thus far ICT has made the most sense off all in all the forums & threads I’ve wandered through & I really appreciate his effort & motivation, dunno how he does it to tell the truth, thanks Michael. :5:

Hope & Faith? To have real hope & real faith you have to know beyond [B]all[/B] reasonable doubt that something is true otherwise “your hope is in vain” & this been the internet with all it’s scams & wannabes I don’t think it’s asking too much if you’re going to be a mentor.