The InnerCircleTrader & Trading Fx Like The Institutions

[QUOTE=“OutThisLife;703361”] The market’s are simple. There’s no need to overcomplicate them nor search for “deeper” information.[/QUOTE]

You gents win and I see the pointlessness of this conversation. Best of luck in your trading.

Welcome Back ICT

It’s been a week…

Well I never here we go again am in ;]

If only!!!

It’s now over 1 week. I wonder what happened?

Just big waste of TIME.

Ann the hits just keep on coming…

Sadly, I think Michael has bailed on us, once again.

May 31 — on Babypips

May 31 — on Twitter

May 31 — on Twitter

June 2 — on Twitter

He’s not coming see his twitter post May 31st. Big loss! (and that is not sarcasm) Can’t blame him. Funny thing is some of the people bashing him the most, if you go to their profiles and look at their old posts they can’t praise him enough. Now they say they have found their own style of trading and they don’t want or need him. Yeah they are right they found their own way to trade. (with the tools he freely gave them) That is what he says all the time, “don’t trade like me, take the tools and make them your own” and that’s what they did. And they give him no credit. By the way while you look at their old posts also check out the threads they started, I could count the replies on one hand, I guess nobody cares about their opinion. If you are new or struggling go to the old ICT threads and study the tools “make them your own” , you will be glad you did. Just don’t forget to thank him when you do.

Michael is kind of like the market itself. Can’t stay quiet forever…

Time to earn your own millions :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you for that Clint

I unfortunately happened upon that twitter account, and safe to say, the level of self-praise from this guy is startling. Look, I am 100% for people who are confident in what they do, but when they go on and on about how their ability to read the market is bordering on prophetic, then yeah, I immediately lose all respect for them. The markets are inherently unpredictable, and to be quite frank, for someone who isn’t actually and never has been an “institutional trader”, it is almost funny to see the unrivalled certainty with which the trading views are made.

The best part about this whole thing is how people well and truly believe that ICT has these “never seen before” insights on the market. If anyone on this forum (or in the world for that matter) can mechanically backtrade “his” techniques and show a consistent return above 0%, I would gladly print this message out and eat it. Heck I’d even eat the computer screen itself.

ICT, if you do happen to read this (Yeah, I know you do, given how important your “PPV” status is), why does it seem as if your life’s purpose is to prove yourself to a bunch of randoms on an internet forum? Why do you find it so utterly critical that you go on and on about the “trolls” and how you are showing them and silencing them etc. I really just can’t understand it. If you’re a money manager as you say (and clearly a millionaire many times over based on previous claims) why is your life so focused on demeaning people who are clearly nowhere close to your elevated status? I think it’s pretty sad.

As a trader, you could be the greatest on earth for all I care, but seriously dude, chill out on the superiority complex.

PS: Hogarste, sir - I owe you an email bro. Haven’t forgotten, just been too busy.

Well guys, rules are rules, break them and you get an infraction, park your wheelbarrow illegally and you’ll a ticket.

Interesting comment. Do you understand that the market isn’t controlled by one human being? Are you going to tell me that mechanically backtesting a strategy that verifies it’s probabilistic “edge” is not the correct way of validating a trading method’s efficacy? Is there some other way?
Come, let’s not be kids about this now. Subjective analysis cannot be backtested and that is the precise reason why its persuasive “beauty” continues unopposed.

I don’t understand your point here. He comes into a neutral venue and throws out this claims about making millions and “showing us trolls” etc. It is intrusive and to be quite frank, I don’t even understand why the mods left this thread in the Newbie Island section. I decided to check out BP after probably 3 years of not logging in, and lo and behold, THE FIRST POST I see is from ICT. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t stunned, especially after what happened the last time.

Anyway, you have your way of making money subjectively, I have my way of making money objectively. The point of my post was more around strange it is how someone can be so ridiculously bent on making everyone else bow to their superiority.

I will heed your advice and ignore threads like this from now on. My apologies.

So ICT walked away from making $1m because he couldn’t post his Twitter link? Is that all? That’s kinda weird behaviour. :frowning:

ICT soap opera still going on? This is ridiculous!

I don’t even understand where the drama’s coming from. What’s so important on Twitter that can’t be posted on Babypips? It’s bizarre.

He hasn’t posted an account yet I see.

I was here those three years ago when he started his video series. They were interesting and I was hooked. I was new and keen so I listened. The videos explained some price action theory but also made promises of trading success. Everything a newbie needs.

Long story short though everything he posted was hindsight. Then when he tried to live trade he blew up the account. After that he said he did it on purpose to troll the trolls. Then he got banned for using a sock puppet account on his threads.

Basically he was very good with sucking in newbies with his presentation style but he couldn’t trade. This will go the same way again. He either will back out or blow the account. That is not a maybe that is a certainty.

It’s like I’ve gone back in time 2 years being in here!

Thats the problem teaching in hindsight. Anyone can pull up a chart and say u buy here and sell here and most traders would have gotten out here but I knew to stay in. Trading live is another animal thats why I think there should be some sort of proof.