The InnerCircleTrader & Trading Fx Like The Institutions

:35: Good stuff. For the record, the myfxbook link is here: ICT_MHuddleston’s Profile | Myfxbook

Hi Woolo,

It’s been a while, how are things going for you.

Be honest with yourself, after looking at a chart can’t you see the things ICT has been teaching us? Yes it’s in hindsight but can’t you see each week, each month, each year where the big moves have taken place? It starts with hindsight and then once we see these things over and over again only then can we profit. As hard as it’s been for me it takes time, more time then most can stomach.

Answer this simple question…If ICT was a fake, and teaching us bulls&%t, then why does his tools line up perfectly in the following trade example???

***Let’s bring back the basic’s and look for Yearly and Monthly Highs & Lows***

GBPUSD - Weekly Chart - Price moving down into 2013 Yearly Low, Possible Stop Run

GBPUSD - Daily Chart - Price moving down into Previous Months Low, Possible Stop Run

GBPUSD - H1 Chart - Stops Run & Market Structure Shift to Up Side, Wait for pull back into OTE during Time of Day (London Open) and Price (1.4600 which is H1 Order Block)

GBPUSD - H4 Chart - Set Take Profit Levels using Fib Extensions

Anyone notice what ICT teaches would of got you in at the perfect price and got you out at the perfect price? So you tell me, is ICT’s teachings bulls&%t or is it the next best thing to the Holy Grail if not the Holy Grail?

I know in the past I have had my fair share of words with ICT, but the charts don’t lie and you can see his workings within them. It isn’t his fault I or you can’t profit from his teachings, it requires hard work and patience. The only reason I lashed out at him because I was jealous I couldn’t do it or profit from it even though I want this so bad so I could ditch my JOB. I assume 99% of the trolls are in the same boat.

One Trade could have made yearly pip haul within 5 weeks, talk about One Shot One Kill!

Since I’m bored lets do another Trade Example, this one is 2014 One Shot One Kill…

GBPUSD - Weekly Chart - Yearly High, Possible Stop Run

GBPUSD - Daily Chart - Monthly High, Possible Stop Run

GBPUSD - H1 Chart - Turtle Soup during NYO on Tuesday for anyone with the Balls to take the trade, OTE during LO on Wednesday for anyone waiting for Market Structure Shift.

It’s starting to look like ICT’s Teachings are all BULL!!! I can’t believe he has been tricking us this whole time…

so you must of made your yearly pips then?
How many of these wonderful hindsight trades did u profit from?

So if this were a thread on Harmonic Patterns or Supply and Demand or Value, etc, would you feel that no one should voice an opinion regarding the strength of these unless they specifically traded them. How about you voice some ideas about trading and show some charts. Enlighten us.

If you read my posts a couple times and really let it sink in you will see that I did not profit from either, they are hindsight, but you can’t get to profits without first studying hindsight. The point of those trade examples was to outline that his tools do work. All of his teachings are real and not bulls&%t.

Just because I or anyone else didn’t profit from those trades, still doesn’t mean the tools didn’t work. It was my fault I didn’t profit not the tools.

Hopefully you get the point, but if not I wont waste anymore of your time. The ones which are trying to benefit from ICT’s teaching will get the point I am trying to bring acrossed.

Good Night and Best of Luck!

gee it took me 10 mins to make up.
get my drift on hindsight now

First Let’s put lipstick on your poor example of a trade example…

EURJPY - Weekly Chart - Yearly High, Possible Stops

EURJPY - H4 Chart - Monthly High, Stops Run…Market Structure Shift, wait for pull back into OTE then mark out your Take Profit levels.

You starting to see the routine yet? If not keep practicing, it doesn’t come over night…

Response to your question about what do you do now? Well it is NFP tomorrow so sit on your hands…

I will give you a level to keep an eye on though…145.50

Let me know once it reaches this level and then let me know what it does when it hits this level…Keep a notepad handy…

Piphanger idk what to make of you, haven’t you had so many mood swings over the past years that ICT made a specific video towards you telling you to stop following him, or at least stop trying to get in contact with him?

Now here you are again saying how good all his stuff his, man your crazy in the head… A couple months from now I bet we’ll see a whole 'nother side of you again ranting and raving about how BS the stuff is… And before you even say “oh no this time is different blah blah” just save it, enough of us have seen you go through your hissy fits to know it won’t be the last time…

Well, if you do your homework like what ICT said, you might just realise that these setups happen almost every week and if you are really smart to master it, you might just able to see it happen almost daily.

Look what happen to one of his student who did his homework in the below video. I had similar trade in my live account using his concept. Trust me, it’s more fun watching you own account grow than to see how others doing.

Man, it’s almost painful to watch this.

I can come up with a COMPLETELY arbitrary concept, literally a completely random trading concept, and you know what is funny? I will still be able to find examples of it having worked at some stage in the past, sometimes to outrageous effect. For every one example that you can post of “ICT’s” methods working, there are a good 10-20 examples of it having failed. And please, I beg you, DO NOT take my word for it. Go back in your charts and see it for yourself.

As I said previously, if you cannot backtest something, how, pray tell, do you confirm that it is statistically going to make you money? The concepts may work so perfectly in one example that you could’ve almost planned every pip’s movement in advance. Does that mean you can make money on it over the longer term? No one knows, but mathematics generally doesn’t lie.

PIPHanger, you say that people shouldn’t blame ICT if they aren’t making money with the concepts… The thing is, over all these years, as far as I know, there literally isn’t even one person who has “made it” as a result of these teachings. Not even a single one, most likely including ICT himself. To me, that is the absolute most damning evidence. Again, mathematics doesn’t lie.

You guys really need to come to terms with the fact that there are other ways of trading FX, and believe me when I say, the grass is significantly greener (and less hazy) on the other side. I learnt some stuff that really changed my mind on the things ICT claims about institutional trading, and I have never looked back since.

The odious & immature behavior of akeakamai & individuals like him are the very reason the majority of folks find Huddlestone distasteful & repugnant. This obnoxious attitude, of which instead of distancing himself from, he actually encourages amongst his fanboys, has no place on a public platform such as Babypips & history has already shown this immaturity & naivety breeds nothing but chaos, conflict & disruption.

It’s why Pipstradamus was wrong to allow this repugnant individual & his equally nauseous fanboys another shot at gaining a foothold on here.

Its obvious why he/they decided to, but that method of attracting increased click thru remuneration is short sighted & carries a heavy price, which the forum has previous experience of concerning this character & his like.

He/you have already stated there is an alternative website in operation, so why the need to re-assemble back on here?
He & you have a sounding board to chatter amongst yourselves & presumably he’s allowed to advertise his many other social outlets on there in which to sate his constant desire for attention?

The forum doesn’t want or need him. Neither does it need all the chaos he drags behind him like a bad smell. If you wish to preach his sermons & spread the work of god then please do so via his own website.

Agree with you on many points.

I do however believe he is a good trader. I have seen him call the market ahead of time too many times to doubt that.

Is he a good teacher though? No I don’t think so.

While I learned a lot of high-level concepts about the market form him and use what I learned every day I was, like many others, not able to become profitable using his concepts alone.

The person I ascribe that too is Chris Lori.

That being said I still download his videos and continue to learn from him. His concepts have value but wont make you into a profitable trader by itself. As Lori puts so well you have to find your own niche in the market not copy someone else.

Would I recommend him to others?

Absolute newbies, no. Go learn the basics 1st. But if you want to understand more about how the market actually functions and can put up with his rants and arrogance then sure. Just make sure he is not your only source on this matter. Having one perspective is deadly in this business.

Anyway just my 2 pips.

U completely missed my point or it went over your head. I was showing how anyone can pull up a chart from the past and show where to buy and sell and look like a genius.
this tread is useless your leader not even posting.
have a good weekend Ill be enjoying mine. let us all know when something useful posted until then enjoy thread lol

Thant’s exactly the point I am trying to make. If 99% of his students are losing or barely break even, where is the value of the ICT mentor? This is the same success rate you find in people without mentor’s crap. Guys save your time for the markets, these people only feed their egos and make loads of money out of your page refresh.


I think a case can easily be made here that the problem is not ICT himself, but members such as yourself and those on the opposite side who like to fan the fire. Before the ICT thread, your last post was in 2012. The fact that you’re claiming to know anything about how we operate doesn’t have much merit. If we had a pageview agenda, it would be in our interest to let this discussion, and the so many others that were removed, go unmonitored.

As for the forum not wanting him, yes, you can speak for yourself. But you can’t speak for everybody else. There’s a collection of users that have learned something and want to learn more, or at least see if there’s anything else to learn. We stated in the past I’ll state it again, if you’re not a fan or don’t want to add [B]VALUE [/B]to the thread, you have the opportunity to go elsewhere. This is a single thread. A thread about ICT is not what our Forum is only about.

If you continue in the same manner, it makes the most sense for you to go somewhere else.


Hermes, good post, nice to see a little wisdom on this thread.

Have a little look into the fundamentals threads some time, your input is most welcome :slight_smile:

Out, not sure whether you deleted your own previous post or the mods, but I really wish you would come clean as to why you post here, specifically on the Island, where many learner traders come to.

Most of your posts are on this thread of late, I’d say in fairness they are generally negative the OP.

I’m trying hard to understand your motivation, I mentioned earlier that I have seen you on gears, there, back only 4 months ago you are listing six different ICT taught skills that you “have had great results with”. Then you list a further three that you have had “lesser extent” results with.

I just have great difficulty reconciling that market outlook with the apparent current outlook - maybe the two Out’s are not the same or maybe I’ve just missed something glaringly obvious.

PH - good to see the learner’s hat still on, I remember that hand coming up from the grave - great inspiration for me - many thanks.