The InnerCircleTrader & Trading Fx Like The Institutions

Why is it so important to prove anything to anyone around here? …Sure, I know that there is a lot of people in doubt that there is money to be made in forex at all and they yell for proof all over the forum…and thats well…something I guess I can live with…

But, when on the other hand someones “slams” down the door…walk right in to prove anything that nobody ever asked for? - “Hey, look at me! I’ll prove you I’m a trading God, and these newbies are my disciples” The first thing that runs trough my mind is 'Hey, look at you! A dork!

This thread is like reading Teen Beat Magazine.

I demand everyone’s Myfxbook links before continuing to attack each other.

I dont think panzercat is ICT student. Michael teaches 2-3 trades a week, this noob went for 28. But i can see how much that upset you well i wanna post my weekly trading :smiley:

He’s been around since 2007.

Just because hes here from 2007 doesn’t mean he is Michaels student… He just can’t trade and should move on with his life…

I agree that it was low to post. But look at him. He needs help, and perhaps facing reality will push him in that direction. His fire gets fueled by other peoples acceptance and pity. If we don’t give it, maybe he’ll move on and better himself.

my goodness what an indictment of how messed up some people are this thread is. some of you guys need to forget trading and take your broke arse to the job centre. Let the man prove himself FFS.

Yet others will say my life is being lived simultaneously in an infinity number of parallel universes. So your point is…

No wait, I’m starting to guess independent thought is not necessary in yours

This is all getting very tedious.
Come on OP, start posting while there is still some interest left in this thread.

Why are you here? Is it literally to troll? Are you inciting fire in others to follow ICT so they’ll fail, too? Or are you just enjoying the attention?

I’m mostly here as a result of boredom and slight worry.

Good Afternoon Babypips,

I will be posting a short video on the process and selection of the trades I will be taking next week. It will not be on my original Youtube channel. It will be an exclusive video channel for this project. I do not trade as frequently as most on these forums as you will see. I’m pleased to see the thread capturing the attention of many… both supportive & detracting.

I will let my trades and the MyFxBook speak for itself.

Have a wonderful weekend!


entertaining reading all these posts lol.

Hopefully if the moderators have got any sense they’ll realise you lot are (still) more trouble than you’re worth & delete this pile of junk along with the OP.

Like the sock puppet said in his opening comments; if anyone is remotely foolish enough to get involved in all his nonsense they know where to find you all.

The dwindling audience mustn’t be large enough over at your current bolt-hole to feed & pander to his ego.

Why do you think he’s back here?

I say we who have questions and un answered questions just stay away till he post something useful and just let his minions have the thread, That way it will either go into the pit of threads or something useful might be posted.

The feeding of this thread goin nowhere, someone let me know when he parts the sea and arrives and ill check back.


back in the day, either ICT’s account was banned or his thread was closed //cant remember//…

do you know why? because one of the BP member was praising ICT’s posts and material.

the punch line? same IP as ICT’s. his excuse later on was ‘‘HAVEN’T YOU HEARD OF HACKING SOMEONE ELSE’S IP?’’…

do yourself a favor and ask some IT person how it can be done and asses yourself the probability.

Like we ICT students came here and started bashing this forum, get ur facts straight…

You mean support?

The only distraction playing out here is the one where “you lot” are desperately hoping enough pages (& time) will pass to distance the posts requesting you submit validation of your mentors coaching credentials.

If that’s an example of your usual game play then it’s little wonder you’ve suffered so much pain.
Never mind posting piccies accompanied by comical comments related to stuff you haven’t the first clue about, instead let’s see the established evidence to back up & substantiate all this wonderful hindsight analysis.

Not you of course, because even after 8 years the only record you can produce is a -$25k bank debit, but the other “star students” are surely chomping at the bit to put the doubters in their place?

Isn’t that right lads?

Hey folks,

Pipstradamus, forum administrator, here.

This thread is on it’s way south. SO I ASK FOR CALM. [B]I will ask that unless you’re adding something of quality to this thread, related to the OPs first post, don’t post. [/B]That’s targeted at almost everybody that has posted to this thread. If you’ve post more than 5 times to this thread, that [B]ABSOLUTELY MEANS YOU[/B]. If your posts have already been cleaned up, that means you. Please tread lightly.

Why would we allow ICT to post again? Yes, he did ask. Because a collection of members found some value in what he had to offer in the past. That’s what we’re about here - giving members the opportunity to become better traders, to make their own decisions about what works for them. Making YOU a better trader. If something works for you, wonderful! If it doesn’t, respect another member’s decision to stick around. You can easily move on and keep searching.

While ICT’s departure from the site in past was surrounded in controversy, we’re not against giving second chances to see if there’s something of value to gain by the community. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. We’re well area of ICT’s reputation, well aware of the newbie accounts that pop up when he’s around, well aware of the dislike of ICT from new and old members, well aware of his past claims, and well aware of the followers that want to show their support. However, this energy, from both camps, is getting a negative vibe, and the same sour taste that appeared during ICT’s last visit here is creeping in.

Let’s not let that happen. [B]Let’s give him a chance to share [/B]and we can discuss after. Stop fueling the fire, stop baiting, stop being baited into needless and petty arguments. Stop asking for myfxbook links. If they come, they come. If they don’t come, and that’s something you need to solidify his teachings, you have your answer. There are plenty of other discussion to be had elsewhere in the Forums, on other topics, that you can lend your experience to or gain something from. You now have a chance to put your focus somewhere else. If you’re an ICT fan or you gain some new insight, also wonderful. If ICT’s information makes you a better trader, great! But others have the right to not be interested. No need to force-feed your adulation.

[B]In summary no bashing, flaming, hating, baiting, being rude and petty. That helps no one. If it continues in this fashion, the mods and I will resort to giving infractions and bans. New accounts will be looked at with more scrutiny. We’ve been through this once, we’re not going to be as flexible as previous times.[/B]

This thread is not the place to question our policies. Use our support channels for that. Questions can be sent directly to me or any moderator or to our [email protected] email address. Feel free to also use the [B]Contact Us[/B] link found in the footer of the website.

Thanks and have a wonderful weekend.
