The InnerCircleTrader & Trading Fx Like The Institutions

There seems to be more people that get how ICT this go around.

Last time it felt like it was just me against them.

Insert an “is” up there.

And Babypips, can we edit from the mobile app anytime soon?

Time will tell people, time will tell :)))

The glaring fact is none of you can confidently or consistently apply his tools because there are far too many moving parts.
On his previous threads it was quite common to witness conflicting posts on the same pair flying around the thread at the same time. At times it resembled a car crash.

If he was indeed all that you claim & was able to successfully transfer these so called “skill sets” down to you lot, believe you me you would have made sure everyone knew about it!!

But the silence has been deafening & it continues to be so.

None of you can replicate any of his complex nonsense for long enough to assemble a consistently profitable track record. And that’s the long & short of it.

You ladies can b*tch all you like, but this website is about introducing beginners into entry level forex education, it’s not a platform for some over rated/hyped, lying sock puppet (still) desperate for an audience.

So, once again – can just a few of his long standing mentees (anyone for gods sake!!) please step forward & supply this thread with a consistently profitable broker/fxbook track record to validate his mentoring skills.


“Fool me once
 shame on you. Fool me twice
 shame on me” :wink:

Sorry, they’re busy being market seers.

InnerCircleFailer showed his true colours last time he was here. Many people remember how him and his fanboys (and sock puppets) made this forum such a joke for a while. Did anyone actually eat crow in the end? Not even one of his li’l *****es? Jeez, his tantrum was worthy of a stroppy 13 year old. I have a horrible sense of dĂ©jĂ  vu. All we need now is for the cabbage patch kid to turn up and all hell will break loose.

Piphanger, The Golden Gun, walshman, Kuzia, Sqa perhaps, who am I missing?

Also Hogarste, and I think Saeed, but he can speak for himself.

 it hurts all the more when I see intelligent, logical-thinking individuals like yourself (if I remember correctly) still being lead on by this
 Seriously bro?

I would share some relevant information with you in a more private place that would make you quickly change your mind. But ya, I guess con-artists flourish when it comes to something as subjective and inherently unpredictable as FX.

Thanks for your addition :39:

Before you begin whisking up the eggs, be a good lad & quickly link your live fxbook onto the thread will you?

Once one takes the plunge it usually encourages others to join in :wink:

Why are you doing this?

If you must know, I know ICT himself can profit. His methods are extremely, babypips, simple and they work. But he wants a posse, so he leads people like you to follow him for years while he embraces his pseudo importance.

That’s not the problem. The problem is that you guys don’t see through it, and even when/if you do, you still get lead to emotional turmoil. Hanging onto him like a leader, when in trading there is no better leader than yourself. It’s depressing to watch, and overall very embarrassing to witness.

From 5k to 1mil in 24-30 months :wink:

I do seriously consider to make popcorn tonight, turn of the television and let this thread be the entertainment for the weekend

I don’t think his followers can trade. I think he can.

Could you stop referring to yourself in the third person? It is kinda pathetic once the gimmick is up.

I agree with OutThisLife, I couldn’t give a rat’s ass by what means you increase the balance on the account. The only test of whether everything you teach is worth anything is whether someone else can successfully apply it, because that would mean that they cannot possibly be using any backdoor tricks to artificially inflate their profits or using other, more appropriate techniques, such as quantitative and statistical analysis.

$5k starting equity seems pretty low? I know this is supposed to be a challenge, but is there any specific reason why $5k? Or is this ICT’s entire equity?

Sorry TGG, I hate to do this to you but it’s for your own good.

PanzerCat here blew up an account prior to opening this one because his risk is way too high. Note only 35 trades, as well, thus not really a track record. His long-term track record is extraordinarily bad, as well.

Don’t you see what you’re doing to yourself

Well ain’t that cute. 28 winning trades, yielding a net average of less than 12 pips each
 Sounds very in line with ICT methods as far as I remember them. It is interesting that your first 21 trades yielded just 26 pips? What happened son?