The jado system

Glade to hear,
I’m sure your out of USDCHF by now,
i attempted to enter Gu at 3750 but it only hit 3752 :cool:
then i got in at 13802 and got out with 10 pips. so I’m out unless it goes below 13800.

Nope I am still in both trades:
Total is +118.
Remember I am protecting like +30 pips total. I need to see how much the market will give me. No need to be Greedy just patient. I’ve done this several times and the market hands out good rewards (potential up to +700 pips).

In the mean time new trades are welcomed… like the GU one u mentioned.
could of been at +70 pips on that one too :).

Oh well… lets keep looking.

Update , GU long i got out from that trade with 20pips, coz i used trialling stop . It did hit 1.3880!!!
so from I’m going to set my Tp to 50 pips on th 1 hr chart, then trail the 2nd part of it. this trade caused a maximum of 50 pips draw down!!!

Iam going back to 5 min chart , it might provide more trade opportunity with smaller profit. But ill be keeping eye on larger time frames.

Jess , i wouldn’t mine 100’s of pips . how is it done exactly when do yo know you should exit?

You don’t bro. You try to enter early using a lower time frame (that jives with a higher timeframe) and then I protect a small amount of pips. So the only thing you know is that you are guaranteed whatever u protect. That is why I call it NOT GREEDY, BE PATIENT approach. If you are willing to accept say +5 pips from a trade even though it hit +100pip profit then u aren’t greedy. If you are patient and the market does not hit your profit stop then the market may reward you with a big gain. That is why I am still in the trades I placed. As you saw they hit a total of +140 pips (maybe even higher) but I am still in them. I am willing to accept +30 even though I had a chance to grab more. But I am waiting to see if the market will continue. If the market does continue and say I hit +200 pips then I will move up my mental stop to around +90 pips. I will wait…then when it hits my personal favorit +600 (+300 for each pair) I will really start to think of getting out. At that time I will shorten the profit stop to say +530 pips and just wait to see if price continues…

I works dude. This happens a couple of times a month. So that is another reason I don’t mind getting +10 or +30 from a trade cause I already hit a big one last week.

At first it is hard. Cause you SEE that you could of had +100 pips instead you end up with +10 or +20 but u get use to it. Especially when u get +1100 (That is the highest I’ve done, GBPJPY in 70hrs), then u don’t mind LOL


Closed out positions with +30 pips total

No have reversed on EURUSD, LONG at 1.2737 currently at +36 pips

I missed the USDCHF reverse, wasn’t quick enuf. Could get in now but I think its late.

Lets see how far this one takes me.

Hi Jado,

Been playing with ur system. Try using the Shi Channel on 5m. It shows top and bottoms…u would be surprised at where it bounces each time. Try it and let me know. U should be able to google the indicator. Let me know what u think.

Hi Firstaid, thanks for posting , I’m not too familiar with the shi channel can you explain it ?
I’m short on Eu from the 1 hr chart, target 1.26 i hope :wink:

my EU short got closed with 74+ pip profit, it hovering around support at the moment so i might go back in if it breaks it…

Gu setting up for long on 5 m chart

All the Shi Channel is a tunnel where more than likely it shows the price move from top to bottom (vice versa) and every once awhile it breaks through the channel than it may lead to a bigger move. Ill be in chat if u or anyone else has doubts.

Linear regressive model my friend. That is what the shi channel is. It is a way of using numbers to find out the max and min movement of a set of data.

It’s a good tool and I think it would compliment this approach to the “T”.

Good stuff firstaid.

Update. I got stopped out with +20 pips on the GBPUSD. If would of gotten out at +80 but was not around and could not get to a PC, business travel has me at an installation that doesn’t allow cell phones… The reason to get out at +80 would of been more than likely the touch of price on one of the SSL lines. Maybe

Here u can try this:

For those of you that don’t know This is TRO’s thread is at

Yep I started my Naked trading (LOL) from this guys ideas. Good stuff.

Thanks for the indicator…look forward to trying it. Got anymore goodies in your tool bag…lol…By chance do u use LRC’s.

I took Eu short from the 1 hr chart out with 35 pips, and a UY long out with 31pips. the shi channel helped alot thank you so much Firstaid, i actually used it to set my tp and it was accurate to the pip on UY :slight_smile:

It’s all good so keep pippin away…:slight_smile:

It’s all in the thread.
Do this. Go to the listings or where the threads are listed. When u find the NeverLoseAgain thread look to your right and you will see right about the 5 star rating a paperclip. Click on that and you will get a separate window. In that window you will see all the files that have been posted. The file contains many indicators, one being the multicandle one.

Man you are golden!

You have no idea how long I looked for that paperclip link. Thank you thank you thank you!

Happy trading,

Speaking of many indicators…there is WAY TOO MUCH. What do u recommend are his best ones so i can actually see something…lol. Thanks


There are no Best Ones.
Just pick some and learn to use them. Find the ones that suite you the most.
For example I like
That;s my pick

Yeah thanks for the adivce. Im feeling like a kid in a candy store…the only problem being if u take everything in sight cause it looks good…ur only to get sick so I just wanted to ask someone who has already been in candy land before me…LOL…Thanks

OK I have a new trade update, EU short from the 15m chart.
i also added a new indi, thank you xmess7 , its the xm7 gravity.
I also made some rules for my self coz of my lack of disciplint, i will trade Eu only from 5m,15M,1hr, or 4H charts
asi write the position is up by 6 pips only…