The jado system

nice job,
racking more pips than me lol , why dont you post ur trades here when you take them, ill do the same too

Jado I am planning to write an alert for this approach.
Just to understand, the method u explain at the beginning of the thread is still the same, right? You use a xm7 signal to provide further confirmation when a setup happens, correct? 4H, 1D are the ideal TF’s correct?

Let me know.

same approach,
4hr charts, xm7 gives me heads up trade is coming up(major signal), macd divergance, MA’s cross after it clear the macd histogram, ssl channel cross.
BTWY ssl have an alert allready
and here is a chart to show what i mean by ma moving higher than macd ( or it lower if you are going long)

i have an idea for an EA
ssl chanel and regular macd
if sslchannel crosses down and macd value is above a certin level lets say on this chart .6 + then go short exit at macd =0
if ssl crosses up and macd is smaller than -.6 go long exit at macd=0
the variable that we can control shoud be the macd value and the bars beteen the cross of ssl and macd’s value.

Good I can integrated into the alert. In this case the alert will exclusive select those moments when an xm7 major signal appears, MACD histogram is clear, MA’s cross and then an SSL cross. IT will be as if u were there all day/nite looking for those conditions and when they happen BAM send an alert. No need for us to wait… let the machines do the work.

Gu short wok up just in time to go short :slight_smile:

EURCAD long position,
I did jump on before ssl channel cross up on the 4 HR chrt :confused: i have a small Sl for but if any gona take it take it after ssl cross up.

and Jess if you read this what is the latest day in the week that you take a trade, I dont want to keep it open till next week!!!

Latest day? I do take trades on Friday. How late during Friday? If it’s like 2 ours before close I try not to make new tradres unless I see something I think is a good chance. Otherwise I take them early Friday and try to get them closed soon.

EURCAD LONG looks like a good entry on my chart.

hello jado and xmess7 =)

I have been foloin the system and trying it out. I’ve had some ups and downs with fully understanding how to place my enteries but hopefully this will clear things up.

-SS channel crosses
-MA’s cross above macd for a short position and below for long position
-MA’s must be significantly distanced from macd
-MACD changes from positive to negative for short and vise versa for long position
-Xm7 confirms with a strong signal (no grey sigs =)

( i added this one)

  • both sto os (100,3,3) and (5,3,3) must be either oversold or overbaught to prevent false signals and poor movement

This is the current setup i am using.

id like to hear your input.

pip out~

perfect :slight_smile:
you know that you will never be able to enter at ssl cross!!!
now try to figuere out when to exit :smiley:

Jado what did u mean by:

hope that answers your Q. :slight_smile:

Hi All,

Got into two trades today, see the attached.

Although dont like to carry trades over weekends, but thought to catch any early swing so entered it anyways.

Trade 1. CADJPY short
Trade 2. AUDCAD long

My way trading is once they reach 100pips in profit, then exit. I could wait to milk all the way long, but am happy with 100 pips per trade. Normally I dont set SL’s ( well thats my style), any drawdowns will retace back and have always ended up with green pips.

Let me know your views

nice tnm,
im long usdcad +33
short Gu 102+ and 63+
got stopped out eurcad and aud usd -150
EURCAD I jumpped on it before ssl cross

ya i kept jumping that ssl cross XDD

I’d like to place a trailing stop at about 30 pips. I did a manual back test and most of the time when all indication are a go it usually goes for 60-200 pips. so most of the time ill get between 30-170 pips. sounds good enough to me =)

btw i made 35 pips last night from the UJ using this setup.

pip out~

yah it allways getme, im acctually down this week :frowning:
but oh well next week is 2 days away :smiley:
did you keep the other trades open or did youclose them.?

I hate having trades open for the weekend so i usually close them sometime during Friday. so for this week i did pretty well up to +80 pips for the week.

I made a few stupid mistakes cough ssl channel cough and lost about 60 pips x_x no worries though :slight_smile:

lookin forward to see what Monday brings us =)

pip out~

Hi Jado Congratulations, it looks like you have a great system (I haven�t tested yet, I will monday).

I have one question, I read you use “xm7_gravity_v0_1” indicator just to be alerted of good trades and use your system (as you posted in the beginning of this thread) to enter the trades. But I also saw in some of your screenshot that you are using an indicator used in an Automatic Forex Robot made by Martin Alexander… my question is: What does that have to do with your system??. Are you using this as a filter of your trades??.

Thanks in advance and happy trading!!

Hi Jado, this system looks like a winner.

just wanted to know what other indicators do i need other than the xm7 for the complete setup of this system?

Hi rlubcke,
Which screen shot?
Thy way I came up with this system was by accident while I was messing around and trying new indicator es. I cant remember where got them from though.
wish you luck :slight_smile:

macd complete ssl channel and xm7 thats all