Excellent, thanks Tymen.

I’ve got the word doc saved on a different computer, so will be able to post it on Friday for all to use.

I will then add a link from the #811 to your future post.

To [B]Tymen [/B]about the 4 UMs.

Will there be also a raising level for the candlestick pattern recognition or is it “just” going to be something about the star that can be spread/split (in the case of evening star pattern) ?

"Don’t go where there is a path. Open a new one and leave a trail".
If you want to understand what we’re talking about here (UMS) then read this and set your screen and computer that way. Also read the live thread, UML Live and UMS Live

Hi Tymen, Cordite, other members and readers,
It shows the value of tymen’s posting that Cordite took the effort to copy it to 140 pages word document.It is also a generous thought to give a coy to those who need those compiled posting.I am interested in a copy for my leisurely reading and understanding of the post.Request Tymen Permission. Thanks to Tymen and Cordite for their valuable efforts. Muraleedharan.

Thank you, [B]Cordite[/B], for coming on board to assist with the team!! :slight_smile:

Your help is greatly appreciated. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I think you will get quite a few requests for your word document.

Thank you so much for your continuing assistance [B]FXCaribbean[/B]!!

Something about you people in the Caribbean - it must be a great place to live!! :slight_smile:

[B]VulcanClassic [/B]seems also to be living a great life working in aviation and into scuba diving.

First class weather!
And you are all surrounded by those beautiful girls!

Anyway, your question - I do not really understand it. :confused:

The 4 UM’s are 4 levels of trading the candlesticks.

The levels require more skill as you go higher - but you make more pips.
It is just like grades in a classroom.

You will see it when I am finished - which is very soon.

The [B]Scalp [/B]and [B]Basic [/B]levels are worked out.
The [B]Advanced [/B]level is nearly ready.
The [B]Intermediate [/B]level needs just a bit more tweeking to make sure that these levels dovetail into each other nicely.

When ready, I will present it all in an orderly manner.

No need to ask.

Permission cheerfully granted to you, [B]Muraleedharan[/B], and all others who wish a document copy. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Sorry for not being clear.

Let me try again…
For the first time in another post, you were suggesting that the evening star pattern could be 4 candles rather than 3. Does that mean each step of the UMS will also allow more advanced candlestick pattern design ?

"Don’t go where there is a path. Open a new one and leave a trail".
If you want to understand what we’re talking about here (UMS) then read this and set your screen and computer that way. Also read the live thread, UML Live and UMS Live


The recognition of candlestick patterns will remain a separate activity that each trader has to learn in their own time.

I do not envisage complex pattern recognition until next year.
We have not even got past the engulfing pattern yet!!

Hey all,

I have uploaded the word document to rapidshare.

It is a large file, about 13mb I think from memory, but rapidshare should still let free users access it.

If anyone has problems let me know!

RapidShare: Easy Filehosting

(Just left click the link, don’t right click/save as - that won’t work)

cordite, thanks for your trouble, appreciate the layout with the charts, thanks again to tymen for the education



Just in case anyone else is as crazy as me and wants to print it all out, I found that setting the print quality to fast has no noticable detriment on your ability to read the charts. The legends on the side/bottom bcome tricky to read, but to be honest you don’t really need to be ble to read them anyways.

Doing that meant that my ink supply was hardly touched! (but my 500 stack of A4 paper has shrunk alot!!) :p:D

Cheers mate was gonna do the same but u saved me a lot of time.:slight_smile:

I am using Harami candlestick pattern to swing trade.Can you suggest some other patterns to swing trade on daily chart time frame.
Good trading

Thanks for compiling the document. :slight_smile:

You can use any pattern to swing trade - just lengthen the time frame like you have done now.

Also, go to James’ thread on 40-100 pips a day trading the Harami.

Just a quick question tymen.

When you say you should only trade on the Bollinger Bands, does the actual star need to be above the band or just on it. And say for the Dark Cloud or the Engulfing Pattern what would the requirements be for them? Would they need to be above the BB or half on the BB.


(hope it makes sense, if not i will try re word it. Maths is my strong point not english:D)

No problem with your English Damo!! :slight_smile:

Great that maths is your strong point. :slight_smile:

With regard to the BB, we do not need to split hairs here.

[U]Instead, understand the principle :[/U]

The upper, lower BB are extreme price regions.
From here price is more likely to return to the average - the mid BB line.

The idea of spotting patterns on the outer BB is to give our patterns a boost in the right direction.

For example, a dark cloud is traded short, that is, downward into the mid BB line.
Now, if this pattern is also on the upper BB, then price action is at an extreme, adding to the pattern probability of returning to the centre.

So we now have 2 probabilities instead of just 1, working for us.

Knowing this, get a feel for what you think is a pattern properly positioned on the BB.
There are no hard and fast rules.

But I have seen many patterns set in the [U]middle of the BB envelope [/U]that have gone the wrong way.
Hence the Bollinger bands are a powerful tool.

[B]Just a quick word on the latest on Trolls on this forum.[/B]

We have one definite new one - ECN Scalper also known as JohnnyFX.

The other is very close - Pablopluto.

If we are unfortunate enough to have either of these appear here with their [U]very destructive[/U] posts, just ignore them for now.

Babypips has contacted me shortly after I got my highest rating.

Now that Rhodytrader has left us, Dale Paterson and I are the longest serving members on this forum.
I therefore, feel a mandate to help keep this forum clean of troublemakers.

I am accustomed to dealing with such people as a teacher! :smiley: :smiley:

With the support of the Babypips team, I trust we can remove the posts of trolls should they appear on this thread. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I am nearly ready with the 4 levels of candlestick trading.

Just need to get that [B]Intermediate [/B]one in order.

I am trying to edit it in such a way that it will dovetail nicely into [B]Basic [/B]and [B]Advanced [/B]levels.

So I think I will start some introductory posts.

Sweet. I have been looking forward to these new systems