I believe I’ve answered both of my old questions. If by request, I can provide the indicator I modified to mimic the Extreme Starc band.

Also, I’ve figured out how to recreate the .65 line as well.

Forgive my repetitive posts. I’m enthused about this thread and the more I dabble the more questions I raise.

Such as…

I’ve noticed that hindsight is absolutely solid with the Starc bands. However, on the current candle the price action adjusts the bands. As a result, when the price pushes it down and then retraces up, the band follows. When the candle closes it looks as if the candle had touched the .65 head on before bouncing back up. However, this was not the case.

Is there a certain measure of speculation that is needed for entries and exits as a result of the fluctuating bands?

SLOWLY reading thru the 150+ pages of this thread and trying to understand everything …

Im totally new to the forex market , I figured out how to use the macd and BB , but my trader dosnt have the Starc and keltner tools , i have downloaded them from previous posts , but i cannot open them . Is there a program I can quikly download to open them with ? 

thanks , there is a wealth of knowledge here and im doing my best to make sence of it all !

thanks to all who contributed to this thread so far :slight_smile: great stuff !

Who’s your broker and what charting platform are you using?

Also, as I’ve learned recently, you don’t need to make use of the keltner bands anymore, nor MACD. It’s all Bollinger Bands and Starc Bands now.

I signed up on and I dont know what you mean by “charting platfrom” I just use what they gave me on my desktop , which is called “forextrader”

I know we dont need all of them anymore , but i thought it would bo good to be able to understand how all the tools work .

Quick question for tymen or any of you qualified traders,

If during a retracement, you go long and it tanks short, where’s the stop loss. Currently I’m 29 pips in the hole on a trade and just wondering if I should be closing out of if I should just sit it out and allow the long bias to take my position back into profitable measures.

I’m not familiar with forextrader at all.

Sorry about a the slackness in my replies just now [B]Mastergunner99[/B].

I also help people in difficulty here and I have been without sleep for the last 24 hours so I just got a good sleep and new back on deck.

The Intermediate trade examples will be here preferably this afternoon.

To answer your question…

The PCI stop loss, as a rule, is placed at 3 pips below the lowest candle wick of the pattern if going [U]long[/U], or above the highest candle wick of the pattern if going [U]short[/U].

I think this was clear in the Basic examples I have just posted.

[U]Always stay with your position. [/U]
[U]Do not close them out[/U] - you could make a loss when in the end the trade actually makes a profit.

A trade is not finished until either it hits your PCI stop loss or hits your profit target.

Is there a certain measure of speculation that is needed for entries and exits as a result of the fluctuating bands?

A small amount of speculation is indeed used - the recomendation is to [U]enter [/U]1 amount at a time, then the computer averages your 2 amounts.

Exits are your own choice - make sure you have a profit!! :smiley: :smiley:

[U]My best answer to you is to follow now thro my Intermediate examples I am going to post.[/U]
They are [B]live [/B]trades, screen printed immeditately as I go along.
I cannot fudge these trades and, therefore, they are honest and real typical experiences!!

Welcome to the thread kentsboots :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

You have an enormous amount of material to learn and it will take time.

Do not rush it - the brain absorbs material at its own pace.

The charting platform is the program that the broker gives you to trade with.

I trade the GFT platform which, along with FX Solutions, is, I believe, the best out there for candlestick trading.

You will understand how all the tools work in time.

Firstly, for forex trading, we have the School on this forum…and that should be you first port of call before you go any further.

I recommend a book…“Technical Analysis from A to Z” by Steven B Achelis.

No trader should be without it.

The inventer of the MACD, Gerald Appel, explains the MACD very fully (better than anyone else) in his book “Technical Analysis - Power Tools for Active Investors”

For Bollinger bands, I recommend…“Bollinger on Bollinger Bands” by John Bollinger.

For candlestick trading we have all the famous books by Steve Nison.

[B]There is a slight delay in producing the Intermediate examples.[/B]

To produce these, I have to trade and screen print a main chart and a 5 minute chart all at the same time.

[U]This is very tricky,[/U] especially if I use a staged entry, that is enter the 1st amount, then improve on the entry with the 2nd amount.

Heaps of screen prints are needed to effect this.

So I will take one short cut to simplify the matters of screen printing. That is, I will enter both amounts at the same time.

This may not get me the best prices but you will get the idea.
It is the only way I can really do 8 things all at once.

After all, I am not an octopus. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

In your own trading, you can enter the 2 amounts separately thus getting a better price, because there is no pressure on you to record and file each separate picture.

[B]You will be surprised at how quick one has to think and how and technical the whole matter of trading and screen printing and filing simultanously is.[/B] :eek:

Im goingto try to play along here , i did manage to find the Keltner channel with the help of live chat thru my trader , but they said Starc bands are not an option for it … SO ill do the best i can with what i have .

ok , so i spotted a evening star on top the BB so i went short and made some quick cash .

Question is , is a evening star pattern matter what time frame im loooking at ? I spotted it on the 5 min chart and went short , but after lookin at it in 15 , it wasnt quite an evenring star anymore , but still worked out for me .

Does the time increments make a big difference in the patterns ?EDIT i just found the answer to my question in the past pages !

so i spotted another pattern with the BB and Keltner , exactly like the chart example shown way back in the beginning of this thread … kinda spooky :cool: I wasnt able to get in on the second one , cause i was on the new platform they gave me and i couldnt figure it out in time :frowning:

But point is , your advice is spot on Tymen !
and I only got 133(EDIT) more pages to go to get caught up ! :eek:

Nice work. But I encourage you to read through the entire thread. Tymen wouldn’t have traded this. He looks for patterns on a 20min-60min chart, and then moves into a 5 min chart to get a good entry and exits during the trade. Also, let’s pretend this was on a 30 min chart, the pattern wasn’t forming on the upper or lower BB.

Also, keltners and MACD are out now too. He uses modified starc bands instead.

Ya , i only got about 100 pages more to go , I cant get starc bands on my platform , so im gonna have to make do with what i have .

Thank you for helping me with the reply to [B]Kentsboots[/B], [B]Mastergunner99[/B] :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

To [B]Kentsboots[/B]…

You are running far ahead of yourself and setting yourself up for a major loss!! :eek: :eek:

You should go straight to page 140, post #1393.

Here, the 4 levels of trading are explained in detail.
You can use the Basic level immediately - it does not use the Starc bands and does not use 5 minute charts.

You can go straight to this post by clicking on this hyperlink…

You can then read the rest of the thread later.

EDIT- So i looked at the link provided for kinetic , but i see their standard account requirement is $2500 , i was hoping to start with $1000 , i remember seeing “fxsolutions” somewhere , but when i look at thier site i dont see anyting abuot “dealbook” anywhere , i do see a GFT platform tho , but i dont know if its the same or not …

Can anyone direct me to what im looking for ? I just want to make sure im on the same page as the group , i would also like to demo with the same platform that i would go live with , instead of demo thro one place and go live on another .

I tried reading back , but sifting thru 150+ pages , gets kinda hard to find stuff i think i saw here and there . - EDIT

OK , i will do that , i will also open an account with dealbook cause i dont have the starc bands or multiple entry options thru my current platform . I guess ill even try thier practice account to see how it all works before i fund it .

                                                   thanks for the help


They will give you the genuine Dealbook platform both live and demo.

The demo is indefinite providing you purpose to trade live along the way.

Tell Jay Pace that Tymen sent you…you will receive excellent service.

In summary :

I am concerned for you Kentsboots.

You are rushing in to everything half baked.

Have you done the Babypips school yet?
That should be your starting point.

Take it slowly - the market will be here next week!!.

If you have done the school then go thro page 140 here, then the entire thread, but do not rush it.

Then you can set up Dealbook at leisure.

I feel that you are rushing very important matters and you are simply setting yourself up for a huge loss, which may well put you right off trading.

You still have a great deal to learn before setting out on trading.

I started out with a mini account and quickly doubled it , then quikly lost it , cause i didnt know what i was doing , i do now i was gambling :rolleyes: and being a pig .

So since then i have done the school , and then started searching this thread and have been trying to get thru it all without skipping things i dont understand , taking forever cause i keep going back and re reading it before i move on .

I also didnt take advantage of a demo account before , but i plan to now , thats why i was asking about which to use .

I also see the error of my chart below , i just got excited when i thought i saw the patterns described in the past , but i see your point mastergunnr , and yours tymen1

I dont plan to rush into my new live account when i get it sorted , i plan to use the demo for a while to fully understand the platform and all its functions .

I appreciate the concern , it makes me rethink things and slow down a bit :o

With a $1000 starting capital you really should be starting with a micro account.

I humbly disagree. I think $1000 is the bare minimum to start a mini account.