The Lucre Producer v3.0

So your shooting for 6 positions to add on Sunday night no matter what (aside from obvious detriments)? Kind of diversifying your wins/losses right from the get go?

So you match trends on 3 TF’s. Which TF do you use to monitor things. You mention that you check your trades infrequently, but I’m wondering without a stop loss, how are you playing it safe? I’m thinking of going with ibfx myself, but I am unable to use their platform at work, so I’m looking at 10 hours a day that I cannot access my positions even in an emergency. Maybe strict MM gives you more then plenty of room for draw downs? I can see that your system identifies good trends. I’m on the fence about stop losses for my situation, since I get burned on them all the time.

"read the g**damn thread

please don’t use the Lords name in vain. Im personally offended

dont bring your religion talks in here keep that to yourself.

i didnt im responding to someone else who did. Im not advocating anything only good manners. Besides why dont you mind your business I wasnt talking to you anyway.

As you can see backtesting is also important for a strategy…
From your blog, I read:
[I]Week 4 Results�August 10, 2008 � 2 Comments
-$1552.24 (-28.9%)
Epic fail.[/I]

I think you should backtest your strategy before give [I]“predictions”[/I]. :wink:

I don’t need to hear about backtesting from a d****ebag with 3 posts… I’ve been using this system in realtime since February, as you just quoted. You seem to have ignored the SEVERAL weeks that I was up 1,000, or even 2,000+ pips. This -500 pip week is no big deal, and it’s also the first major loss I’ve had in half a year of trading.

For this reason, I’m removing my system from this thread, and all of my posts. I would delete the entire thing if I had the ability…

I really wouldn’t care if I was receiving constructive criticism or input (I would actually appreciate it), but I’m not receiving anything constructive… I’m just getting responses from a bunch of newbies who probably haven’t been trading their demo account for more than a week or two. “Durrr shoulda used stop losses :rolleyes::cool:;)” “How do you (thing that I’ve already explained several times)”, etc.

From those of you that followed my system when it was available and learned something, great, I’m glad I could contribute. For everyone from this point on… tough. Anybody that has half a brain and wants to continue to follow my system knows where my blog is.

I’m interested to see how your first week back goes after a disaster like this. I assume you won’t be making any changes to your system, which is a disciplined choice. But if you post another losing week, or another big drawdown in the future, would you consider implementing some stricter risk control, or does that still go against your trading beliefs?

Why are you getting worked up just tell him kick rocks. I seen your log of the system. It works so tell them to speed on before they get peed on.

How can you call me “noob”, just because i have 3 posts?
I could be a new user of the forum, but not a noob about forex.:wink:
I never wrote something bad on you, I just said that I backtested your system, and even if in the present was good, in the past was bad… as you can see from your results.
Just a question: did you backtest your system?


If all you want is a simple yes or no answer: [B]No.[/B]

I feel justified that I have “tested” my system enough without “backtesting”. Backtesting is not some magic thing that will provide guaranteed success, nor is it manditory. If I hadn’t already tested my system in real-time in a demo account for over 4 months, trading at least 6 pairs per week (as many as 19 per week), then I agree backtesting would be a more efficient and quick way to test it. I have a clear enough picture of how well my system works and why, I don’t really need to look at another two year’s worth of data.