The MACD Contrarian. A medium term position trading system for the EURUSD

Profit continues to rise

Great system Tony! Just wondering how you handle the crosses like the 3/1-3/2 cross during a low volitility market time. Hate to jump in as soon as the weekend is over just to have the low volume whip me out early.

its a risk certainly but the system does not distinguish between times to enter and not. After all there are only about 2 signals a month. Currently a trade is open and just hanging in there. I would say that if your platform produces a sunday night candle it should be ignored

I understand that platforms and price quotes may vary but just to clarify: Are you in a buy around 1.2611. Stop being 1.2551 and Profit Target at 1.2811?

Thanks again

yes the buy was 2604 plus spread, now stopped out

Looks like in a long now at 1.2560, brought stop to Breakeven. Then in a second long at or around 1.2590. Need a rally!

Market did slight rally so moved second position to BE. Then got stopped at BE, then got in a buy AGAIN around 1.2590. All Stopped out now. Two at BE and one at -60. Very active day for this system.

There has only been one trade according to the system rules

Really?!? Guess I don’t fully understand the system. My MACD OSC switched to positive while I was in a long so I ignored the short signal, then OSC crossed back below the zero line signaling an additional long at the break of a candle high. Can you help me with where I went wrong?

One cross of the MACD for a long trade

Ok. I see what I was doing wrong. Oops. Thanks for the correction and posting a screenshot.

thank you for your constant updates, tonymand.

as you might recognize i am your new fan :wink:

i would be glad to follow your thread and system.

btw i wonder why the thread is so small… any ideas? is the frequency of signals to long for most people? i like it though - thanks!

best regards

I think it doesnt suit most people as they want to be zillionairs by next week. Its there to demonstrate (like Cowabunga) that a consistent plan can be profitable and I put it up originally in response to those who were working and asking for a longer term approach. Last 2 trades have been losses but as you can see its a respectable return for virtually no work

Updated details

Got in a long around 1.3200 on 3/30 at 17:00 ish Eastern time.

Long 1.3200
Stop 1.3140
PT 1.3450

Market Rallied to 1.3260 just before Midnight (Eastern) on 3/30
Moved stop to BE (1.3200)

Waiting now.

Sound right??? :D:D

Correct, as you say the trade is now at be

Just a couple of weeks to go until the end of what will be another successful year for this system. Todays winning trade has us at 32% return this year

Since the MACDH cross down came while we were in a short and then our PT was hit after the cross, are we still set up for a buy now? Or do we wait for the next cross to set-up?

Good point. I have always waited for the next cross and the results are based on this

Hsve you tested this system on any other pairs? Is it correct in assuming that to get it to work for other pairs you would have to modify the MACDH settings to what works best with each pair?