The mmtt system

Hi Rui, I am a forex newbie. Your system sounds amazing but for someone like me it is difficult to piece all the information contained in this forum into an easy to follow form. Would there be any possibility of you or any of your expert followers putting together a PDF such as produced in the newbie forum on the Ultimate Candlestick Method. This would be such a HUGE help. I really need to work hard quickly at finding a method that can build a regular income for us. We unfortunately have been the victims of a franchise fraud and have lost a vast amount of money. I need to save our family’s future. Many thanks Sally

no one post here any more :confused:

everybody went to the chat and forget the treath…

well today was a 200 pips day for me… or around that… all done with witnesses :smiley:

tomorrow there will be 200 more to take out of the market

hi… sorry for your losses.

we use to go to a chat to practice this system during london session… there´s a link a few posts ago… you will be welcome

Hi Rui is that the chat on Trading MMTT set up by Shr1k? I will definitely join you but would there be any possibility of you setting out the workings of your system in a document? I know this would be a lot of work for you but I believe many people would be very grateful. I notice a lot of questions throughout the thread.

I would join the chat but can’t get there from the day job. Firewalls and blocked websites!

Hi Rui,

Is this a vlaid entry for a short on yen?


yes it is a valid set up…

but in my opinion your SL is too big…i prefer use the previous high to place SL

Thnx Rui,

Anything specific worked out for exits as yet?


i´ll try… will ask for merchantprince help… is the pdf pro


Is this a valid short. Price is froming lower highs, but not lower lows.


I put together the PDF for Tymen’s method in the other thread and have mentioned to Rui my desire to do the same for MMTT. I just wanted to trade it a bit more so I could understand all the nuances before putting it all together. I have already compiled notes from posts in this thread by Shr1k and Rui himself. Give me a bit more time and I hope to get the first draft of the PDF done soon.

The workings of this are quite simple it is explained in the first few pages of this thread. Do you have any specific questions? One thing I will add is this works best during London.
Most of the questions I have seen are about higher lows and lower highs. This is a basic concept about ways to draw a trend line. Research trend lines you will find all kinds of examples. I may put together a PDF and try to get Rui to look it over but don’t expect anything that’s not already in this thread.

Not because of that 5 min chart, with MMTT start with the daily chart if price is not outside the MAs its not a valid trade, move on to the next pair.

That looks like consolidation on the way to a break out in either direction to me.

If the conditions on the daily were in line with this strat I would trade that 5 min chart you posted. I would hope that being overbought on the daily chart would drive the breakout down.

Many thanks for the positive replies to the PDF development request. It is not so much that I have specific questions but more that I do not want to make any unnecessary mistakes. To myself and other newbies a PDF which we can study and refer to about the MMTT system would be invaluable. I look forward with much enthusiasm to its creation.

Yes please, I would like to know this system.

Hey guys, I just put together a first edition of the PDF I was working on for MMTT, attached to this post. I expect Rui and Shr1k and the other guys who may have been trading this system the past few weeks to give it the once over and point out any mistakes or omissions on my part.

This is an abbreviated 8-page PDF that I wanted to get out fast to you, so guys could get annotated chart examples in their hands that would hopefully answer their questions about identifying higher lows and lower highs. I’ve also included some of the tips Rui and Shr1k have offered so far to make MMTT work best.

NOTE: Check this space and subsequent posts to see any changes that have been made to the PDF. If Rui thinks anything is seriously wrong with my explanation I will be putting up another edition right away with corrections.

Enjoy! :cool:

MMTT Manual - 1st Edition.pdf (117 KB)

Hi Merchantprince,
great job! Thank you very much for this effort :slight_smile:
I’ll check this out right away and keep you all informed about.

Gosh that was quick work! This is wonderful. Many thanks Merchantprince, this will I’m sure be appreciated by many. Sally

nice pdf merchantprice. i was going to put one together for fun but it would not have compared to yours. good work

I also need to know a bit more about exits and SL amounts? Easiest entry I know of.