The mmtt system

I’m new here, but I read all the posts and I’m confused.
in the Holy Grail you adopt a method in another post you adopt another method (mother, CCI divergence) and now back to the first option.
please tell me if I’m right.

I’m new here and still learn

Looks to fit the criteria based on my understanding?

Looks good shandy
75 pips this morning GBP/USD, GBP/JPY, USD/CAD:D:D
I have things to do this morning away from the computer so I closed every thing out. I think those trades would have gone further but I like to watch the trade.

good trading.

ur kickin my butt.
Not sure how you guys hold em’

2nd trade +13 e/u

And will we now get a trade in the other direction on EURUSD…

Also EURJPY looks like a setup, altho a bit choppy so far.

i dont think so…
maybe later…i bet it will rise again (my indicators say so :))

still waiting for someone to explain how this works for you…i read all the posts and i cant figure it out


This looks an interesting system.

Having done a bit of historical analysys, I can see how regularly the PA dips out of the 2sma’s and then back in again. However, this seems consistent in a ranging environment but certainly not reliable in a trending situation. This is akin to the “Bollinger Bounce” method in this regard.

I just can’t see how this works for anyone in a trending situation. Am I right to think this is purely a ranging scalp system?

I’m struggling with some of the finer details. I can see a really effective system/strategy wrapped up in the detail here but it just seems a bit unclear to me. I have a simple mind so need things spelling out in accurate detail before I can make head nor tail of it.

I’d also be interested in some honest feedback re win % and typical R/R ratio. I appreicate that there is no fixed profit target here but at least an average win against an average loss would provide a decent indicator as to R/R.

Also, could R/R be improved by using multiple lots and scaling out and into positions?

he difference between a ranging market and a trending market is the amount of pips per trade. try this and you will see that even trading against a strong trade you will be able to make some pips.

can you please answer to my first post ?
i`m confused


Ok. Well here’s a quick example, if you would be so kind :slight_smile:

AUD/USD is currently way above the 2sma on the daily and has no wick showing on the candle. It is in a strong long trend currently. In this scenario, are you keeping an eye on this pair, looking to counter-trend trade on a retrace?

If so, how many pips are you looking to scalp and what would your typical S/L be for a trade like this that isn’t likely to be a reversal?



hi neil.

this is my aud usd chart a few min ago.

right now i´m looking to a reason to close it. and yes after i close this trade if a nice setup shows a reverse i will go short. i never have a pre established take profit level. i never know how much pips a trade will give me. all i know is how much a trade could take away from me if i lose.

in this aud usd i´m waiting for the 2 ma (yellow and green) cross to close.

and you should looking to that reversal two. it could be a very good trade

Hi, thanks for that response :slight_smile:

What i’m slightly confused about here is why you are in that trade at all. It’s a long trade and trend continuation. This trade doesn’t seem to follow your system as I understand it?

I notice that you’ve marked where the price crossed the lower ma on the 5m chart. This is where i’m getting confused. I thought we were only looking for ma’s being breached on the daily chart and then looking for higher highs or lower lows to signal an entry on the 5m chart?

If so, how many pips are you looking to scalp and what would your typical S/L be for a trade like this that isn’t likely to be a reversal?

I look at the 5min to enter. we are looking for a short with this pair I would wait for a few big bull candles when the short term up move runs out of steam I will jump in with a short. Looking back at the bull move I aim for about 1/2 of the move on an initial retrace. I don’t just close the trade at that point because we are in a serious overbought condition according to the 1 hr chart. I watch what happens if price starts to go back up I close and reenter at the top again. If price keeps going down I start to look at BB on a 15 and 1 hr chart to get an idea of when it will start back up. If you only enter the trades when price is above the 2MA on the 5 min and 1hr (for a short) it seems likely you will make the spread back once I do that I try to keep the trade positive I would rather close at break even and reenter than watch the overall trend resume with my money going along for the ride in the wrong direction;).

I do see where you’re coming from but just wondering if there isn’t enough trading available with this system in a ranging market to not have to worry about trying to judge trend retraces.

You’ve not mentioned waiting for lower lows on the retraces (for a long, as in this scenario). Is that out of the window then, you just looking for some other indication?

I think his entry fits the rules I think our charts are just a little different. His entry [B]last night[/B] is really close to the [B]lower[/B] daily 2 MA on my chart.
I just went short on the pair we are discussing AUD/USD we will see what happens:D

Yes, price didn’t cross the lower daily MA on my chart either, this is where the confusion is coming in I think. May be worth Rumilia clarifying which broker feed he uses?

you´re right. in my charts the price had cross the dailly ma by 5 pips that´s why i open the trade.

i think that this may gives different signals deppending of what time zone your broker uses.

some set ups will be showed to everyone ane some wil only appear in some time zones.

My take on this is it depends on the individual trader! Obvious answer maybe, but I don’t think there is another answer. An aggressive trader may enter on the first Higher Low etc, risking that fact they may be stopped out, but the advantage being they won’t miss trades that suddenly take off. A conservative trader may wait for the second HL etc, thus providing added confirmation, but also rising missing trades that take off.

So far I’m coming to the opinion that there is no need to rush, and waiting for confirmation is the best approach. This would have kept us out of the earlier EURUSD short trade, where price made a LH, but then proceeded to make a HH. And looking at all of todays possible trades (and there have been a few), none of the moves would have been missed through being patient. However I’m not used to trading off the 5min chart so extra time needed for me on this!!

Yep, think you’re onto a winner on this one, not really a properly defined LH as yet I wouldn’t say, but due for a retrace