The Most Profitable Trading Pattern You Will Ever Encounter

[QUOTE=“dubadat;692873”] If You mean CAD/JPY I am looking for candle close to confirm :)[/QUOTE] yes CAD/JPY! Spellcheck got me there.

Its not taking trades for some reason. I have all the settings right.

Hello PhilipPirrip,

This is a great strategy. I have been following it for a couple of weeks or so. Thank you for a great strategy.

But of late I notice all the posts are about EA and not many people are posting any trades or potential trades.

Which is a pity. We can only learn fro Live trades

Just my 1 cents

Keep up the good work


OK boys, here’s my revised simulation, with the Fib levels fixed. Again, I’m using Engine’s provided 4-hour data over 11 years for the major 7 CCY pairs. To reiterate, my version of WealthLab doesn’t natively support FX, so all trades are denominated in $'s (and are traded like shares) based on 10% portfolio allocation per trade, with a starting account of $ 250,000. Hence, very rudimentary money management. Monthly RSI(14) threshold values are 66.67/33.33 respectively. Of note, Wealthlab treats all BE trades as losses, so this has a pretty significant impact on Winning %, but helps accurately depict Avg Winning Trade $ vs. Avg Losing Trade $. JW1981 requested that I run the Simulation w/o Monthly RSI filtering, and I did, and those results were less good than these (I’m not posting these results to avoid forum clutter, but can on request). Additionally, in the Trade Logs below, I have automated and created an “Exit Trade Column” that precisely describes in text, how a trade exited (e.g., 3-pront exit approach, BE, Fib Level 1.272, etc.).

I reviewed logic, and did some spot checking on charts for select trades. If you guys can grab a CCY pair for a particular data range (a couple of years), and compare your findings against the attached Trade Log below, that would be appreciated!

[B]Performance Results[/B]:

[B]Performance Graph[/B]:

[B]Trade Logs[/B]: [B](Revised Trade Log on 4/2/2015 at 10:15 AM EDT)[/B]
Copy this Trades13c-2.TXT file to your computer, rename it to Trades13c-2.CSV, and then load it into Excel (make sure to open it as a .CSV file explicitly, if you have an older version of Excel.

That might be true and I don’t want to offend someone here, but what he said in post #14 doesn’t match with his screenshots.

Look at the image in post #4 - that’s USD/JPY 4H, date is around 8th of january. With this screenshot, you can compare the settings.

In this post he said:

It is the regular stochastic settings applied to the close. On MT4 you just set the D to 3 and K to 1

I don’t know, how your Metatrader or whatsoever is configured, but for me, the default settings are:

5,3,3 --> %K = 5, %D = 3, Slowing = 3

Now, when you set %K to 1, you won’t get 14,3,1 but 1,3,1

And then just compare - setup your stochastic an scroll to the point in the chart mentioned above (USD/JPY, january 8th, 4H-chart).

Then compare your stochastic at this point with the image of post #4. When you use “High / Low” as Price field, the stochastics looks exactly the same. When you choose “close”, they don’t:

Example from Philip:

Price field “High / Low”:

Price field “close”:

So - which one is right? Maybe I’m missing something?

K period: 14

D period: 3

Slowing 1.

Hopefully this settles it.

Yeah I prefer to count BE’s as losers as well so no problem there. What I will do is try to open that text file and convert the dollar value to pips so we can understand the performance in forex term. Then I’ll probably be away for a few days to work on the money management material and use the backtest as my example. Then this system will be truly complete.

The one thing I noticed with the results is that as volatility increased, profits increased. Its not that results magnified, there were actually no losing year in the higher volatility areas of 07-08-09.

Then as volaitility decreased the performance was affected. I will get a better picture of that when I review the trades.

If this assumption holds true, we could be ahead of a real opportunity as central bank across the globe begin to diverge (at different rates) from the fed.

For those shorting AUD. The decline is mainly because people are fearful the Central bank will lower rates in Australia. If that doesn’t happen AUD will rally back up. If they do lower it then we could see AUD fall some more.

Best is to stick to the pattern in my opinion.

Doug just to clarify

You used a fib stop 100.618. What we discussed is 161.8.
Are those the same or is there a problem here.

Because to me it would seem 100.618= 100+0.618.

But what we need is 100+61.8

EURCAD 4HR. Looks ready for a Drop. Am I correct mates ?

Could you please remove all other indicators and post with only the EMA’s and stochs along with the 80/20 levels? Its easy to view the chart and comment that way.


No offence to dough but this post cracked me up!!!


No because the stochastic wasn’t in the overbought area.

Please don’t drop further. I’m losing 1K plus pips on aud pairs. Crying.

Philip, yes I used the right Fibs in the sim. In my trade logs Exit Field that I just added, I forgot to multiply the Fib Level by 100, to represent it right in the text (BUT THIS DIDN"T EFFECT THE SIM). So, if you see 100.618, I really meant to display 161.8; if you see 102, I really meant 200.00. Sorry for that confusion, and I fixed the code and I’m gonna re-run the sim, and re-attach the revised Trade Log to my original post, when it’s done. Sorry for the confusion - just a presentation error.

I will get this EA updated with the settings there supposed to have as default. I have to change a few things. I’ll update with a new EA when I can within few days.

Thanks. Right now it’s set to high /low. I’ll fix the EA now.

I still think that “price field = close” is wrong. Either this or the stochastics in the image in post #4 are having the wrong settings.

See this post.

I revised Post # 824 with the correct “Exit Trade Fib Text”, and posted a revised Trade Logs file…this didn’t effect the Sim at all.

Stochs works on high/low. the ‘Close’ options is a creation of MT4 folks… Most charting platforms don’t actually have the option to choose the price field.

Some might debate on this. So why not have in this in the EA too, so from the drop down, High/Low or Close can be selected. That will silence everyone who are on either side of the fence.

[I]And while on this debate, wonder how come no one broached the topic of whether it should be Exponential or simple??[/I]

Feels like the devil right now :smiley: