The Pet Thread!

The guy with the pet fox never quite addressed the peeing situation (that I remember, at least), but his house was full of toys and gadgets to keep the animal occupied. They have a lot of excess energy that makes them destructive in a domestic situation.

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I believe animals are quite innocent and very beautiful creature. They are just like your family member if you develop a good interaction with them. I have a cat as a pet named as ā€œLisoā€. I really love her a lot. I always miss her whenever I go out and she misses me too.

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We really get attached to the little critters. My cat passed away from old age a little less than two months ago, the grief was and still is very real.

So sorry to hear about your cat. My sisterā€™s dog of 11 years just died 2 weeks ago also. Sheā€™s still grieving. I donā€™t know if theyā€™ll get another one.

Thatā€™s a cute name.

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Perhaps in time they may. We canā€™t imagine getting another cat at the moment either.

beautiful when you can be with animals in their natural habitat this way

respect to the bears though

Hi @aceofspace Sorry for late reply, just called in to collect a few things :slight_smile:

Yes, you are right, These small animals and birds have a real character when you get to watch them long enough and how they interact with each other.

There are many bears in the forests around here but I have yet to see one (and hopefully it will stay that way!) - although their footprints are occasionally to be foundā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦

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Apart from the cat that passed away I also have a dog. Heā€™s very old for a dog now, heā€™s over 15 years old. Heā€™s half blind and his hind legs donā€™t work as well as they should, but heā€™s still the best boy in the world. Losing the kitty hurt so much and I keep thinking that sooner or later Iā€™ll lose him too.

Hello there! I temporarily live on a farm, so I have a lot of different pets there: 2 cats, a biting dog and a horse who also bites. Maybe got it from the dog. The issue is that now all visitors who are trying to pet my horse are getting bitten and I have to listen to their complaints. I have absolutely no idea if it is possible that a horse can learn something from a dog. Iā€™ve read online about horses and the reason the bite, but there is nothing that would explain my horseā€™s behaviour. Any suggestions? Maybe somebody had a similar experience?

Lolā€¦Iā€™m starting to see a pattern here.

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My doggie passed away since my last post here, RIP.
We have a cat now, sheā€™s a total beastie but I love her anyway.

You may think Iā€™m weird, but my pet is a raccoon

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How did you end up with a raccoon as a pet?

To be honest, it happened by accident. My friends and I gathered on Friday at a local pub, but when I woke up on Saturday night, I found a raccoon wandering around my house. He created a big mess, but since I was not able to clean it, I had to order a cleaning service. He didnā€™t want to leave me, so I left him for me (and I donā€™t regret it). I had to read a huge amount of new information on how to properly care for a raccoon, but Iā€™m happy that I have such a friend!

Thatā€™s amazing! For how long have you had him?

Okay, so how far can you domesticate these creatures? Are they loyal to the owner or canā€™t go beyond considering the house/owner as food provider? Also, how friendly are they to strangers?

I have 2 kitties. One is super small and the other one is chonk!

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I refer to my cat as a crazy gremlin baby, she climbs up the curtains! :joy:

I have a dog and he makes me a better human being. I am happy to find a true companion in him.

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Dogs are such pure creatures. I have had one and I confess I found it a bit too much work for me, but I cherished the time I spent with him.

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