The problem is GOD yes or no?

@peterma Jump off a tall building, fall off a cliff… The force of Gravity will prove itself with devastating consequences, over and over and over again.

Unlike the unproven, invisible and non existent force of God…

Hey @Dennis3450 Not at all, it’s an open discussion… It’s most unfortunate that you and @peterma don’t have the courage to debate or discuss the core of my posts…

Especially Evolution, Biblical Chronology etc… You both are fully aware that many of the Bibles scriptures will not fly in this day and age…

I respect @SmallPaul for coming out of his corner and debating his faith… While you and Pete attempt to Sucker Punch some of my peripheral content…

Now… With the Boxing analogies over… Lets get on with the show…

Here you display the Not with us, then against us ideology experienced by many believers across all religions.

America’s slide into the abyss has nothing to do with Atheism and you know it…

Most of these clowns on Capital Hill are true believers… Only two people in the current Congress don’t openly identify with any mainstream religion… So those that are destroying your Nation from within are all devote believers in A Good Book.

Thou shall not covet… Thou shalt not steal… Thou shall not bear false witness… comes to mind… When I think of many US Politician’s… On both sides of the aisle…

Why should the Ten Commandments be posted on Government Buildings? Christianity is not the only religion playing in town… Most of Western society would be able to recite at least 8 out of 10 of these off the top of their heads

Modern day society is Governed loosely by those ancient tablets… They are just a commonsense guide to living harmoniously… The problems and issues that afflicted ancient civilizations are the same ones that afflict many of us today… Climate, Food, Shelter and Governance…

I am aware of much of Molyneux’s content… It’s not Nazi’s running YouTube, Meta etc. etc… I’m sure Social Media Platforms started out in good faith as a way of connecting groups and friends… They became so pervasive in recent years, so pervasive in fact that their creators embraced illusions of grandeur…

Social Media unfortunately has morphed into a sinister way to steer debate, information, group think and has been pounced on by Global Governments as a means to control narratives and populations… ala FBI…

And on to this final Hail Mary You’re not an Atheist… So, how do you know…??

FWIW… We don’t!! Because if there is really a God… We hope he really does Bless the USA…

“God, Corps, Country” The US Marine Core’s motto… And here we have another contradiction in God and his 10 Commandments… Thou shalt not Kill… It’s a US Soldier’s, any Soldier’s basic decree to Kill at all costs in the name of God… To protect His Corps and His Country…

How does this work?


Francis Collins, a scientist who is currently the director of the National Institutes of Health, wrote:

“God’s domain is in the spiritual world, a realm not possible to explore with the tools and language of science. It must be examined with the heart, the mind, and the soul.


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Trendswithbenefits my friend, your above statement is a form of Strawman argument, where you fling personal attacks, I have never accused you of anything, and I don’t think peterma has either, peterma and myself have very different views of the world and it is rather amusing you would link us together. I am not here to put you or anyone else down, I am just here to share my personal opinion on the subject and you are free to agree or disagree

The Commandments is not a Christian document, but a Jewish document from the old Testament

And with that said, why would you ban the original text of what governs our modern-day society?

and how is this different from what the nazis did or any other form of authoritarian government

Lets get back to my main man God

And here i thought the Holy Spirit was best compared to the Force from Star Wars,

I guess I learned something

Aye, an old timer once told me that the most stupid thing I could ever do is attempt to argue on the behalf of God.

I was puzzled since I knew this to be a man of God.

Why must I not?

“Because God is well capable of arguing for Himself”


Valid point but nothing to do with courage - just sometimes hard to differentiate debate and argument.

Example I saw mention of Islam on the rise in Europe - not exactly sure who posted - to argue against that is silly, Islam has been in Europe since it’s early days.

The debate part is the question whether islam is on the rise in the EU or if I remember the post is it ‘taking over’ so to speak.

Reality is that the numbers are on the rise according to Pew - up from 3.8% in 2010 to 4.9% in 2016 - seems too that a large slice of these are ‘secular’ - i.e identify as muslim but not practising.

For me personally it feels silly to debate the existence of God - I’ve encountered that existence so many times in my life, impossible to count, from the tiniest of situations to the most serious.

“What you consider bound on Earth is considered bound in Heaven” - God saying if it is important to you then it’s important to Me".


What is that percentage for London, as you have a Muslim mayor?

I have you three, insisting that God most definitely exists… Yet you have no way of proving his existence…A presence which only exists in ancient literature…

And yet I’m the one here presenting the Strawman side of the discussion…???

I’ve been attempting to discuss Religion in a clear and calm manner… There is obviously just too many inconsistences’, to many unknown’s for those those to debate the origin, the chronology of their faith in the reality of the world we now live in…

It wasn’t a personal attack… My assessment of you both is correct… Three posts in response and once again you have both danced around the edge… Of the all important core of the discussion…

The Bible actually contains two complete sets of the Ten Commandments* (Exodus 20:2-17 and Deut. 5:6-21). In addition, Leviticus 19 contains a partial set of the Ten Commandments…*

And I’ll ask again… Why should the Ten Commandments be posted on Government Buildings? Christianity is not the only religion playing in town…

I see you have posted in another thread how another US Politian has been caught lying to Congress… A disturbing fact about many on Capital Hill I pointed out in my last post you chose to ignore…

I didn’t bring Nazi’s into this discussion… You did… And I concur… Lets stay on the OC’s topic…

As for Pete’s posts… Well… He just goes off on his own nonsensical tangents…

I think a few lines out of one of @SmallPaul recent posts is a good bookend to this discussion…

For me Anyway…

“God’s domain is in the spiritual world, a realm not possible to explore with the tools and language of science. It must be examined with the heart, the mind, and the soul…"

I’m going to leave it there… For Now.

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Over a quarter (25.3%, 2.2 million) of London’s population identified with a religion other than “Christian”, up from 22.6%, 1.8 million, in 2011. The next most common religious groups in London were “Muslim” (15.0% , up from 12.6% in 2011) and “Hindu” (5.1%, up from 5.0% in 2011)…

According to the 2021 United Kingdom census, Muslims in England and Wales enumerated 3,868,133 , or 6.5% of the population. According to recent projections the Muslim population in the UK in the year 2050 is likely to number around 13 million…

The Muslim faithful have doubled in just 13 years and are expected to triple in the next 25 years…

The most common Male name in the United Kingdom is now * * Muhammad…*


I would consider this a problem, as the muslim religion in most of the world has held back advancements and kept these countries mostly in poverty and third-world status.

How many Nobel prize winners have been muslim? hint, it is a very small number


Yes, I saw the same discussion…


Since the government sees the same statistics as you do, I would place the blame on them

God is my faith, meaning I do not require proof

Just as you probably have faith in the Big Bang, but cannot prove it either

There is your error, the title of the thread is “The problem is God” not "The problem is Religion, had the latter been the case we would be in agreement on many failings of religion

That is rather conceded of you, sounds like you are judging, something those of us on God’s side try to avoid

I answered this question, go re-read my post

I am glad you appoved of that post, I am not ignoring anything, but when your rant is north of 500 words I can’t respond to every word,

Oh my, this is tying, going to make dinner, let’s take this up later

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This is an interesting read

Early history[edit]

Main articles: List of Arabic loanwords in English and Islam in England

Although Islam is generally thought of as a recent arrival in the UK, Muslims have been trading and exchanging ideas with the British for centuries.

A mancus/gold dinar of king Offa, copied from the dinars of the Abbasid Caliphate (774); it includes the Arabic text “Muhammad is the Apostle of Allah”, a line from the Shahada.

The earliest evidence of Islamic influence in England dates to the 8th century, when Offa, the Anglo-Saxon king of Mercia, minted a coin with an Arabic inscription, largely a copy of coins issued by a contemporary Abbasid ruler, Caliph Al-Mansur.[14] In the 16th century, Muslims from North Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia were present in London, working in a range of roles, from diplomats and translators to merchants and musicians.[15]

In South Asia, specifically, the British ruled over one of the largest Muslim populations in the world.[citation needed] Upon coming into contact with such a population, the British authorities forged a uniquely Muslim identity for the local believers.

It appears that England and Muslims have had a long-term relationship that hasn’t ended

@Dennis3450 Enjoy your Dinner, The following will make good bedtime reading…

It’s not that I believe in the Big Bang, I subscribe to the concept… Far cleverer men than me have come up with this theory

And it is just a Theory… I cannot prove it… No one really knows if it happened… This is the issue with the gaining of wisdom… We never stop learning… In 200 years time that theory will possibly have changed…

Which is exactly my issue with the Biblical Scriptures… It’s only a snapshot of the thinking, the understanding, the beliefs, the science across 1000 years BC.

Conceited… Maybe… Judgmental.… Possibly… Still doesn’t take away from the fact you both are keeping your distance from the very valid points I have presented about timelines and evolution.

You have still dodged the question… Why should it be plastered on the Town Hall…? The fact it is a Jewish Myth is here nor there… It is written into the Bible…

Many scriptures in the New Testament show that Jesus and the apostles upheld the 10 Commandments, not as “ceremonial legalism” or as a way to “earn” salvation, but as essential as to govern a Christian’s life. Many scriptures show that every one of the 10 Commandments is reinforced in the New Testament…

No one, including me is asking to Ban it…!

Why should the Ten Commandments be posted on Government Buildings? Same reason that the ten most important road rules aren’t plastered onto the dash of your car… You should know them…

Many don’t know either sets of rules…

You refer to my questioning of Religion as a rant… My rant as you say is nothing more than comprehensive and in depth coverage of this discussion… More than you are prepared to reply to…

I have read the Bible… I have worked with ex-Missionaries who did extensive chronologies of the events in the Bible… Positions of stars, geography, archeology etc. etc. And now refute the Scriptures as nothing more than Folklore…

Hence my questioning the basis of ALL Religions…

The process of learning is ongoing, I have to agree

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It is evident today that the relationship is very different from what it was back in those days.

Science is a basis for debate when it comes to GOD’s existence, just as it is a basis for debate when it comes to climate change. Is the problem Science yes or no?

A person either believes in science 100% or they don’t.

Science has become a big problem and its own religion, The Science Channel used to have the tag line " question everything" , now days if you question unproven scientific theory you are labeled a “science denier”

When science becomes a religion then it stops being science

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