The problem is GOD yes or no?

Here is Neil deGrasse Tyson giving more details about why he is not an atheist

Maybe a better title to the thread would be "The problem is atheist, yes or no?

That’s a very interesting question, you would have to attack that question in many different ways

people who don’t believe in GOD and bring evil into the world

people who believe in GOD but bring evil into the world because they don’t follow GOD teachings

people who use GOD name to bring evil into the world in GOD name

people who believe in GOD and follow GOD teachings to bring good into the world

In light of this, some would argue that the question still stand- The problem is GOD yes or No?


The problem is atheist, yes or no?

There is no problem with Atheism… Atheism, in the broadest sense, is an absence of belief in the existence of deities…

Neil deGrasse Tyson twisting, turning and deflecting…Playing Politician… Millions of his potential audience held firmly in the US’s Bible Belt… You cannot retain your celebrity status in the US if you are an Atheist…

Agnostic noun 1. a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God.

And as shown in the referred headline comment in this post… Religion’s either you’re with us or against us philosophy has Atheists in predominantly God fearing Cultures pretending to be Agnostic or refusing to discuss religion at all… It’s been like this for 1000’s of years…

The Holy Spirit can be compared to Gravity… We cannot see it, touch it or smell it… But we all feel the effects of it’s existence everyday… And it’s confirmed and explained by Science…

To end this irrational discussion… Just prove God exists… Nothing more nothing less…

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I agree, but the question goes both ways. Some people can say there is no proof of God, but there is also no proof GOD doesn’t exist.

As a result, we are back to square one - our personal beliefs

Science is not in a position to prove or invalidate the existence of God

This doesn’t prove or invalidate the existence of God.


Fish → Monkey → Human

Jesus, God… The Holy Trinity, even the Bible and the Koran…Didn’t even exist when these cave paintings were made by an evolution of man over 30,000 years ago…

Fossils, paintings and prehistoric bone records go along way to prove evolution… Which is more evidence than ancient beliefs and pre enlightenment scripture’s will ever prove…

Homo Sapiens have only been around for a few hundred thousand years… Current religious teachings have been around for just the blink of an eye when compared with fossils, paintings and bone records…

I have no problem with what you posted.

People who believe and do not believe should understand evolution science, so they can make an informed decision

Berkeley University of California does a great job of explaining

Misconceptions about evolution

Unfortunately, many people have persistent misconceptions about evolution. Some are simple misunderstandings — ideas that develop in the course of learning about evolution, possibly from school experiences and/or the media. Other misconceptions may stem from purposeful attempts to misrepresent evolution and undermine the public’s understanding of this topic.

Browse the lists below to learn about common misconceptions regarding evolution, as well as clarifications of these misconceptions.

Misconceptions about evolutionary theory and processes

Evolution simply helps us understand how life has changed and continues to change over time.

Regardless of belief systems, this is the best information I’ve ever read on evolution.

Berkeley University of California does a great job of explaining evolution

The age of the earth is one of the most contentious issues in the creation/evolution debate. In today’s culture, the thought of creation occurring about 6,000 years ago is frequently mocked by non-Christians — and also by many Christians.

Yet… Berkeley’s explanation of evolution is the best information you’ve ever read… (See Below)

Around 66 million years ago, a massive meteorite struck Earth, triggering a series of ecological disasters that wiped out T. rex along with all the other non-bird dinosaurs. For most of us, that’s old news…

According to Biblical chronology… The timeline from Adam & Eve and the Garden of Eden to Moses and the great two by two Flood was ~4246 – 2590 BC.

On the second, He created the sky. Dry land and plants were created on the third day. On the fourth day, God created the sun, the moon and the stars. Water and sky animals were made on the fifth day, and on the sixth day, land animals and people were created…

Starting to see how it just doesn’t work…?? No matter how you try to spin it…

The Biblical chronology just doesn’t add up… Proving that most religious books are nothing but ancient scriptures from primitive civilization’s… All trying to make sense of the physical world…

It’s akin to the once held belief that the world was flat… Once man had sailed to the supposed edge and came back again… It opened up exploration of far distant lands…

Strangely…Insight of all the proof, the science and space aged technology… Some still live in the belief that the World is indeed Flat!!!

You can see things as you see fit, as I stated, leaving god out of the debate that is some good information on evolution

Misconceptions about evolution and religion

  • MISCONCEPTION: Evolution and religion are incompatible.
    CORRECTION: Because of some individuals and groups stridently declaring their beliefs, it’s easy to get the impression that science (which includes evolution) and religion are at war; however, the idea that one always has to choose between science and religion is incorrect. People of many different faiths and levels of scientific expertise see no contradiction at all between science and religion. For many of these people, science and religion simply deal with different realms. Science deals with natural causes for natural phenomena, while religion deals with beliefs that are beyond the natural world. Of course, some religious beliefs explicitly contradict science (e.g., the belief that the world and all life on it was created in six literal days does conflict with evolutionary theory); however, most religious groups have no conflict with the theory of evolution or other scientific findings. In fact, many religious people, including theologians, feel that a deeper understanding of nature actually enriches their faith. Moreover, in the scientific community there are thousands of scientists who are devoutly religious and also accept evolution. For concise statements from many religious organizations regarding evolution, see Voices for Evolution on the NCSE website. To learn more about the relationship between science and religion, visit the Understanding Science website.

Reading between the lines here… So, give me a little bit of rope…

If parts of the Bible defies enlightened logic or scientific reasoning… Then we can leave those chapters out of our teachings because they just won’t fly in this modern age or with the audience we are preaching to…

As I said in a previous post… The Bible can be compared with Nostradamus’s style of quatrain creation… It can be interpreted by the reader in anyway they wish…

Horoscopic intent…

Which is what gives way to the destructive and dangerous radical interpretations that exist today and no doubt since the inception of Christianity and Islam…

I don’t doubt this at all… It just must be hard to have any credibility if you are sitting on the fence of ideology… It’s a long way down which ever side you fall…

I think we all can learn from evolution, one of GOD greatest creation was the brain

The science of evolution does not make claims about God’s existence or non-existence, any more than do other scientific theories such as gravitation, atomic structure, or plate tectonics.

OMG… Round and round and round and round and round in circles we go…

Wishful thinking is just no match for stone cold facts and logic… Even commonsense…

Now you’re off with fairies once again… It’s no longer amusing me… Till next time… Adios!

As much as I respect your opinion on this matter, I do realize that you are the one who is upset over this.

It is not the claim of science that their findings prove that there is no God.

Evolutionary biology deals with how life changed after its origin. Regardless of how life started

Understanding evolution is the most important thing a human can do. It’s worth taking the time to understand what evolution is all about.

Regardless of belief systems.

I know you and paul have your thing going here but I must address this statement.

Atheism is absolutely a problem, here in the US atheism has become its own religion, There are actually atheist conventions where I guess they talk about nothing. Atheism is at the core of the moral decline of my country, Because of atheist we cannot have the Ten Commandments posted in government buildings.

Stefan Molyneux has addressed the problems atheism is causing when it removes God based morels from society , I would post that video but the nazi’s running YouTube have banned his content

Atheist is not about not believing in something, in my country it is an activist movement with deep pocket backers

God Bless the USA ( atheist hate this )

In more ways than one -Gravity is:

And some scientists think that it is made up of particles called gravitons which travel at the speed of light. However, if we are to be honest, we do not know what gravity “is” in any fundamental way - we only know how it behaves.


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