The Rabbit Hole

Probably more conspiracy theories on the Kennedy assassination than any other in history. I have watched many over the years. I still couldn’t tell you what the reason was. It could be as simple as one crazie with a rifle.

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Twitter denies shadow banning.

Liberal excuse chain.
We did not cheat.
You are a bad person for thinking we would cheat.
Ok we cheated but it was not wrong because we changed the definition of cheating.
Besides “everybody does it”, everybody cheats.
We need to change the rules about cheating because the republicans are bad people and we need to keep them from cheating.

I predict Anonymous hackers are on this and will soon come forward with irrefutable digital proof that Twitter is, in fact, actively engaging in shadowbanning conservative accounts.

This is NOT going to end well for Twitter, which indulges itself with a hubris equal to Obama’s.

I think it was a combination of both. (Vietnam and the Fed) Kennedy wanted to back the dollar with Silver. Hence the "silver certificate that was issued when he was president, It was in circulation for an entire year up until his death, then was cancelled shortly after.


Why I’ve never been a member of any social media. It was revealed while back it was one way govt spying on citizens. I also agree with your take on central banks. Our founders warned us about them. IMO president Wilson and the creation of the fed what started the US on the road to socialization. Was working so well with the culmination of the bammer being elected. Then damn. Along came Trump!! :scream::laughing:

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Agree! Twitter is just a platform to make more noise with, however Trump has used it brilliantly to his advantage! I wonder why jack$$ hasn’t tried to shadow ban VSGPDJT? Hmm?

Did you you know the FED is part of the Rothchilds? Might explain a few things as to why we gone the way we have over the course of almost 100 year period, and Jackson, having been the only president in US HISTORY to pay off the national debt knew exactly what would happen if the banks were allowed to set up shop in the US! He did after all kicked them out!


In your opinion, you think the banking system the starting point for globalism and responsible for creation of the deep state??


Only (edit) 3 countries left in the world that don’t have a Rothschild Reserve Bank…

Russia, N Korea & Iran…

“Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!”

Mayer Amschel Rothschild


[quote=“Xodus, post:220, topic:158816”]People like Tony Blair …should be strung up by their testicles.

Don’t you talk about our “Middle East Peace Envoy” - like that ! :wink:

The most disgraceful “appointment” ever made !


Means “you’re an idiot.” Thank you.

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I saw a President Dump keyring that when you squeezed it, some brown stuff came out of its rear. It was among all the London souvenirs.

That sounds a little more kind than if the brown stuff came out of his mouth which some would say was more in keeping :slight_smile:

Feel the revs and torque as you move through the gears? Shame electric cars only have one gear.

Yeah… Ludicrous Mode… :-))

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I was speaking to a “Head of IT” at a major Company today about “Tesslas” and he said it was a shame that they exhibited few faults except a propensity to burst into flames - and that “Fire Departments” were having to introduce special training for their personnel to combat “Tessla Fires” specifically because they are powered by Lithium-ion batteries which burn “Extremely hot” (Think “Arc-welder”) when they fault ! :slight_smile:

[Edit - I’m sure we’ve all seen vids of “Mobile phones” and “vapes” “exploding in flames” due to those tiny little Lihtium Ion batteries faulting or being shorted due to a fault in the equipment.

It can only be imagined what a set of batteries big enough to push a fully laden car up to 60 mph in 3 seconds - or to push 2 tonnes of steel along for a couple of hundred miles, would look like, sound like and feel like to the passengers in such a vehicle, should they decide to “not co-operate” in a similar way !

“Fire and Theft” insurabnce anyone ? :wink:

My old diesel on the other hand ---------- ! :relaxed:

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You also have to include Russia on that list.


Oh well, it doesn’t matter because I won’t be buying one. But more to the point of having sound to alert pedestrians is a good idea.

What? No! Please try not to presume that!

Dr Manhatten

is that a PhD - or a Medical Doctor ?